• Subham
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Hi All,


I am trying to add a product to opportunity through trigger whenever opportunity is created/updated.

Addition of Product is determined by A pickilst field on Opportunity. Which Means if the picklist field on opportunity has the value as ABC then it will search a Dummy product from a dummy Pricebook and add that.

But I m getting the error mentioned in Subject Line.


Below is the method used in trigger to add opportunity line item.


public static void insertProducttoOpp(Opportunity[] Opp) {

List<id> productList=new List<id>();
Map<string,ID> prodNamewithID = new Map<String, ID>();
Id priceBookId=[select id from Pricebook2 where Name='Sales Pricebook' limit 1].Id;

List<PricebookEntry> productIdList=[Select p.Product2Id From PricebookEntry p where p.Pricebook2Id=:priceBookId];

for(PricebookEntry P:productIdList){

// Name of the product is ABC Family. I am spliting string to get ABC.
for(Product2 p:[select Id,Name from Product2 where id IN: productList]){
List<String> productName=p.Name.split(' ');

List<ID> oppProdId =prodNamewithID.values();
List<Opportunity> oppList = new List<Opportunity>();//List to Update opportunity without product
List<OpportunityLineItem> oliList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>(); //to create Product
Map<ID, ID> pbeMap = new Map<ID, ID>();// Pricebook entry with product ID
for (Opportunity o :Opp){
// Build the map to use to match Products to PriceBookEntries
for(PriceBookEntry pbe : [select Id, Product2Id from PriceBookEntry where PriceBook2Id =: priceBookId and Product2Id in :oppProdId]) {
pbeMap.put(pbe.Product2Id, pbe.id);
//Build the OpportunityLineItems for each Opportunity
for(Opportunity op : oppList) {
OpportunityLineItem oli = new OpportunityLineItem(OpportunityId = op.id, PriceBookEntryId = pbeMap.get( prodNamewithID.get(op.Product_Family__c)), Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = op.Total_amount__c);

if(!oliList.isEmpty()) {
//Create the OpportunityLineItems
insert oliList;



  • February 14, 2013
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Requirement is to get Tweets of my contact/Person account and store it in to salesforce.

Can this be achieved by authentication Twitter API using oauth 1.0
 and How.


It's Urgent and i would like the input from you people.Step to step guide if possible



  • August 05, 2012
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Requirement is to get Tweets of my contact/Person account and store it in to salesforce.

Can this be achieved by authentication Twitter API using oauth 1.0
 and How.


It's Urgent and i would like the input from you people.Step to step guide if possible





  • August 05, 2012
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I want to get data from some other API(TripIt). and store it in to salesforce custom object.



I have seen the tripit(Which stores travel plan of it's customer) api and Customer will be account in salesforce.


Tell me how to start. Can this be done using Oauth


If somebody has worked on getting data from some other API in to salesforce .Please share the code snippet or mail me at subham16@gmail.com along with the basic steps .

I know m asking too much but believe me it is very important.



Has any one worked on getting data from TripIT in to salesforce using restAPI


I am very new to Oauth. And My task is only to get trip details for a user.No create/delete/replace anything of that sort.


I created a application after signing in http://www.tripit.com/developer.
Instantly i got key and Secret which i stored in
oauth_consumer_key and consumerKey_Secret
I also stored Signature method and version and dynamically generating noonce value and timestamp.
All good till here.

Now Please check and let me know if Endpoint is correct and I need to know which method or how can i generate Oauth_token_secret and Oauth_token

Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('https://api.tripit.com/oauth/request_token'); // Is this correct endpoint //1st issue???????

req.setHeader('Authorization','OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\",oauth_consumer_key=\"'+oauth_consumer_key+'\",oauth_token=\"'+oauth_token+'\",oauth_nonce=\"'+nonceValue+'\",oauth_signature_method=\"'+oauth_signature_method+'\",oauth_timestamp=\"'+timeStamp+'\",oauth_version=\"'+oauth_version+'\",oauth_signature=\"'+signature+'\"');
// 2nd Issue Is this correct =OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\"
//3rd and most critical from wher to get the value of oauth_token and secret?? which method or how will i get this




I want to create a VF page which will have the same feature and look as standard calendar shown in Home page where a user's event for the days is shown just like the standard one .I don't need the new event and new meeting request button.

how can this be done?Any suggestion






Hi All,


I have two field on account.

One is look up to the user and other is a custom field.


Requirement is something like this:

When i select user A then immediately Custom field should be populated with His manager name.

This requirement is same as below.

Custom field on account can be picklist also and value withing this can come from say a custom field from user





Hi All,


I have two field on account.

One is look up to the user and other is a custom field.


Requirement is something like this:

When i select user A then immediately Custom field should be populated with His manager name.

This requirement is same as below.

Custom field on account can be picklist also and value withing this can come from say a custom field from user





Hi All,


I have a custom object where there is a field called lastname which stores name of customer.
Some customer name have apostrophe(') which throws exception while querying
In my controller i am querying to get the value from this field as :
CustomObject__c C = [SELECT lastname__c FROM CustomObject__c ];
and storing it in my controller varible as
string myVariable  = C.lastname;

I get query exceptionas such


An Exception has occuredSystem.QueryException: line 1:207 mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '''Select  LastName , from CustomObject__c Where LastName='O'Testuser' )

This happens when i try to do some operation on customer having apostrophe.

same query works fine for other customer

Please tell me how can i escape unsafe character from a generic query like the above
It's urgent



  • March 28, 2012
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Hi Guys,


I have to demo an example of webservice to clients.

Can you guys provide me with an working example(End-to- end)


even the simplest example will do

like a method which calculates sum of two number or whatever.

It' Urgent





  • March 06, 2012
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I want to open a Image when a link is clicked


<li>Some text.......... Display Image<li>


 I am not sure how to use target attribute in anchor tag.

Display Image should be a link onclick of which i want to display a image.


Can you guys provide some input






  • March 05, 2012
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Hi all,


The scenario is i want a default value say 'HELLO' to be present For <apex:inputText>

After that user can enter it's own value . so my onclick will clearthe last value 

But I  am not able to set a default value.


Here is the code snippet:


<apex:inputText  value="{!SomeValue}" onclick="clearinputtext(this);" />








  • February 20, 2012
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HI All,


I have to create my own custom style for a TAB. i did that successfully and it is working fine.

Issue is: It is ORG specific. Means if i want the same for other org i have to do the same method everywhere

I am going to create a Managed package in near future which will be used in other Enterprise edition org.

socan i get my custom Style there also.

if some how i can store the image in static resource for the tab it would have been easier.

but image for custom style is stored in Document object. which is an issue.


So guys is there a way of putting across same custom style across various org.





  • February 14, 2012
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HI All,


I have to create my own custom style for a TAB. i did that successfully and it is working fine.

Issue is: It is ORG specific. Means if i want the same for other org i have to do the same method everywhere

I am going to create a Managed package in near future which will be used in other Enterprise edition org.

socan i get my custom Style there also.

if some how i can store the image in static resource for the tab it would have been easier.

but image for custom style is stored in Document object. which is an issue.


So guys is there a way of putting across same custom style across various org.





  • February 14, 2012
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In  a VF Component , i am having 10 row of record and corresponding to each row i have a checkbox

 so to get the value of no of checkbox checked

i m calling a Java Script function




in which a variable

length = $j("input:checked").length // $j is defined on top as var $j = jquery.noConflict();


this JS function is called when

<apex:inputCheckbox rendered="Something" id="SOmething" onclick="CHECKBOX()" />


this works fine and gives me correct length

but recently one more checkbox outside PageBlocktable is added on which no function is called.


but when i check that new checkbox it added to the value of Length variable which is not the desired scenario.

i have a feeling that it might be because of  both checkbox being <apex:inputCheckbox type...

but i am not sure.


Please Help







  • January 30, 2012
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I have a variable which stores value of account number in Incremental form


now another varible which is used for displaying data on UI used this varible but account number displayed on UI

should not be in Incremental format


say there are  account in custom object having account number as


Account - 1

Account - 2


so on....


but on UI it has to be displayed as


is there any way of removing characters appearing after Account






  • January 23, 2012
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Hey guys,


There is a scenario where there is a Input text file where i put any string for search


<td id="inputFilterBox" ><apex:inputText value="{!HIII}" id="inputtext" onclick="clearinputtext(this);"/></td>

   And then i click on Search button and it returns me the result. but the requirement is that if user presses enter , Search  button should be clicked or importantly Result should be displayed.


<input type="button" id="searchButton"  value="Search" onClick="search(); return false;"  />
  • December 07, 2011
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Hey Guys,


i have a requirement  in which


when i select two record and click on myButton. it opens an overlay(Div type) which shows me two records.

there is an cancle button which close the overlay.

now when i select another two record and click on another link it shows me last two records and after 2 seconds it refreshes and shows me the latest record.


i am passing the value using JavaScript to controller and using pageblock table to display data on DIV.


Code for Onclick of Button:


<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!someThing}">
                                <input type="button" id="XYZ" disabled="disabled" styleClass="outputPanelButtons" value="myButton" onclick="displayDiv();"/>


Code for displayDiv();


function displayDiv(){

                doMerge(accountSAC,accountSPT );


Code for displayMyDiv


 <div id="displayMyDiv"
        <apex:outputpanel >
            <apex:pageBlock mode="edit">      
                <apex:repeat value="{!HiHiHI}" var="var1" id="selectedRows"><br/>
                    <apex:outputText Style="font-weight:bold" value=""></apex:outputText>
                        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!value="{!HiHiHI}"}" var="Var2" id="selectedAc" rendered="true">                               
                            <apex:column style="width:120px">
                            <apex:facet name="header"> DOB </apex:facet>
                                <apex:outputtext value="{!dateOfBirth}" />


Big Question  is:

Is there any attribute to clear the value in Repeat , pageBlockTable , or Since i m using javascript function .so any way i can clear value in overlay






  • November 17, 2011
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Hey Guys,


Here is the scenario.:


I have a record created in Custom Object with four fields say T1 ,T2,T3 & T4

now there is another record which gets created(Automatically) on some operation in same Custom Object.


What i want is that IF say second record has same value for Field T1 and T2 ,



In first Record T3 (Boolean Field) should be Checked and

In Second Record T4(Boolean Field) should be Checked


Can it be done Using validation Rule or Using Trigger.


Help Me with code





  • November 17, 2011
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Hey Guys,


There are two requirement corresponding to this.


1> Lets Say  there is a country column. displaying values from a custom object. now if the value is US.then in that case  us should be a link but other value in that column should be output text .

here is my code snippet


<apex:column rendered="{!somecondition}" >

                        <apex:facet name="header"><apex:outputText style="font-weight:bold; font-weight:900; font-size:120%"       value="Country"></apex:outputText></apex:facet>
                        <apex:outputLink style="color:blue;" >


in this case all the values become a command link ,  but i want it to be done only when country = US


2> Now another requirement is to open a overlay (Pop-up) on click of it without getting the page refresh. and pass the value of country name . in my case its US.





  • November 10, 2011
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How can I enable Person Accounts on my Salesforce Developer Edition? According to some research I found out that It can be enable by creating a case but unfortunately I am unable to create case from my developer account.

I tried contacting the Salesforce support but they were saying they can't do any help on this and I only need to post a question here and their developers can enable Person Accounts on my Org.

​Please help me on this. Thanks
public class ProjectScenario {
    // To display the list of AQ_LineItem__cS
    public list<AQ_LineItem__c>AQ_lineItemList {set;get;}
    //To get the current opportunityId.
    public Id AQId {set;get;}
    // To get the record Id which is editing in visualforcePage.
    public String rId{get;set;}
    public AQ_LineItem__c  Obj_AQLineItem = new AQ_LineItem__c();
    public AQ_LineItem__c  Obj_AQLineItem1 = new AQ_LineItem__c();
    public ProjectScenario(apexpages.StandardController controller){
        AQId = controller.getId();
        AQ_lineItemList =[select id,PictureUrl__c,Name,AQ_Quantity__c,AQ_NetPrice__c,AQ_SellPrice__c,
                          (select id,Name,AQ_Quantity__c,AQ_NetPrice__c,AQ_SellPrice__c from AQ_SubLineItems__r)
                          from AQ_LineItem__c where Project__c=:AQId];
        system.debug('AQ_lineItemList project'+AQ_lineItemList);
    public void CalculateTotal(){
        Obj_AQLineItem = [select id,AQ_Quantity__c,AQ_NetPrice__c,AQ_SellPrice__c from AQ_LineItem__c  where id =:rId];
        Obj_AQLineItem1=[select id,AQ_Quantity__c,AQ_NetPrice__c,AQ_SellPrice__c from AQ_LineItem__c where id=:Obj_AQLineItem.Id];

<apex:page standardController="opportunity" extensions="ProjectScenario" id="page" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" setup="false">
        #customers {
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        width: 100%;
        #customers td, #customers th {
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        padding: 8px;
        #customers tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #customers tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}
        #customers th {
        padding-top: 12px;
        padding-bottom: 12px;
        text-align: left;
        background-color: #4CAF50;
        color: white;
        #customers1 {
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        width: 100%;
        #customers1 td, #customers th {
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        padding: 8px;
        #customers1 tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #customers1 tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}
        #customers1 th {
        padding-top: 12px;
        padding-bottom: 12px;
        text-align: left;
    <apex:form id="fm">
        <apex:pageBlock id="pb">
            <table id="customers1">
                    <th style="background-color: #4CAF50;">Name</th>
                    <th style="background-color: #4CAF50;">Amount</th>
                    <th style="background-color: #4CAF50;">CloseDate</th>
            <table id="customers">
                <apex:repeat value="{!AQ_lineItemList}" var="r" id="pbt">
                        <td><apex:image id="theImage" value="{!r.PictureUrl__c}" width="55" height="55" alt="Description of image here"/></td>
                        <td><apex:outputField value="{!r.Name}"/></td>
                        <td><apex:inputtext value="{!r.AQ_Quantity__c}">
                            <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!CalculateTotal}" reRender="pbt">
                                <apex:param name="rId" value="{!r.Id}" assignTo="{!rId}"/>
                        <td><apex:outputField value="{!r.AQ_NetPrice__c}"/></td>
                        <td><apex:outputfield value="{!r.AQ_SellPrice__c}"/></td>
                    <apex:repeat value="{!r.AQ_SubLineItems__r}"  var="T" id="pbt1">
                            <td><apex:outputField value="{!T.Name}"/></td>
                            <td><apex:inputtext value="{!T.AQ_Quantity__c}"/></td>
                            <td><apex:outputField value="{!T.AQ_NetPrice__c}"/></td>
                            <td><apex:outputField value="{!T.AQ_SellPrice__c}"/></td>

I am not able getting onchange value in the quantity field..I am getting the value which is already in the database..but now i want to get value onchange event..


I have created a apex controller in that I calculated



 List<PManagement__c PM=[select Rep__c,Revenue___c,Quantity___c,Month_Starting__c,Month_Ending__c from PManagement__c where id=:scon.getId()];
public pageReference UpdatePerformance(){
      PManagement__c PMD= PM[0];
      list<sales__c> BS=[select SRep__c,Total_Products__c,Total_Sale_Val__c from SMB_Sales__c   where sale_date__c >=:PMD.Month_Starting__c and sale_date__c <=:PMD.Month_Ending__c AND SRep__c=:PMD.Rep__c ];
for(Sales__c BS1:BS){ TotalRev += BS1.Total_sale_Val__c; // I think problem is here TotalRev is incremented with null value.. TotalTar += BS1.Total_Products__c; } PMD.Revenue__c=TotalRev; PMD.Quantity__c=TotalTar; Update PMD; return null; }

 Now I am writing test case for above controller

ApexPages.StandardController stdcon=new ApexPages.StandardController(PM); 
     RevTarCon Con= new RevTarCon(stdcon);
       Con.UpdatePerformance(); // This generates error 

 I Got System.NullPointerException: Argument 1 cannot be null , error in test class

How I can I solve this problem.. please help me ?


for(Sales__c BS1:BS){          
TotalRev += BS1.Total_sale_Val__c;
// I think problem is here TotalRev is incremented with null value.. TotalTar += BS1.Total_Products__c;



Requirement is to get Tweets of my contact/Person account and store it in to salesforce.

Can this be achieved by authentication Twitter API using oauth 1.0
 and How.


It's Urgent and i would like the input from you people.Step to step guide if possible



  • August 05, 2012
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Requirement is to get Tweets of my contact/Person account and store it in to salesforce.

Can this be achieved by authentication Twitter API using oauth 1.0
 and How.


It's Urgent and i would like the input from you people.Step to step guide if possible





  • August 05, 2012
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I want to get data from some other API(TripIt). and store it in to salesforce custom object.



I have seen the tripit(Which stores travel plan of it's customer) api and Customer will be account in salesforce.


Tell me how to start. Can this be done using Oauth


If somebody has worked on getting data from some other API in to salesforce .Please share the code snippet or mail me at subham16@gmail.com along with the basic steps .

I know m asking too much but believe me it is very important.



Has any one worked on getting data from TripIT in to salesforce using restAPI


I am very new to Oauth. And My task is only to get trip details for a user.No create/delete/replace anything of that sort.


I created a application after signing in http://www.tripit.com/developer.
Instantly i got key and Secret which i stored in
oauth_consumer_key and consumerKey_Secret
I also stored Signature method and version and dynamically generating noonce value and timestamp.
All good till here.

Now Please check and let me know if Endpoint is correct and I need to know which method or how can i generate Oauth_token_secret and Oauth_token

Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('https://api.tripit.com/oauth/request_token'); // Is this correct endpoint //1st issue???????

req.setHeader('Authorization','OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\",oauth_consumer_key=\"'+oauth_consumer_key+'\",oauth_token=\"'+oauth_token+'\",oauth_nonce=\"'+nonceValue+'\",oauth_signature_method=\"'+oauth_signature_method+'\",oauth_timestamp=\"'+timeStamp+'\",oauth_version=\"'+oauth_version+'\",oauth_signature=\"'+signature+'\"');
// 2nd Issue Is this correct =OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\"
//3rd and most critical from wher to get the value of oauth_token and secret?? which method or how will i get this


Hi All,


I have two field on account.

One is look up to the user and other is a custom field.


Requirement is something like this:

When i select user A then immediately Custom field should be populated with His manager name.

This requirement is same as below.

Custom field on account can be picklist also and value withing this can come from say a custom field from user





Hi All,


I have a custom object where there is a field called lastname which stores name of customer.
Some customer name have apostrophe(') which throws exception while querying
In my controller i am querying to get the value from this field as :
CustomObject__c C = [SELECT lastname__c FROM CustomObject__c ];
and storing it in my controller varible as
string myVariable  = C.lastname;

I get query exceptionas such


An Exception has occuredSystem.QueryException: line 1:207 mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '''Select  LastName , from CustomObject__c Where LastName='O'Testuser' )

This happens when i try to do some operation on customer having apostrophe.

same query works fine for other customer

Please tell me how can i escape unsafe character from a generic query like the above
It's urgent



  • March 28, 2012
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Hi all,


The scenario is i want a default value say 'HELLO' to be present For <apex:inputText>

After that user can enter it's own value . so my onclick will clearthe last value 

But I  am not able to set a default value.


Here is the code snippet:


<apex:inputText  value="{!SomeValue}" onclick="clearinputtext(this);" />








  • February 20, 2012
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Hi ,


I want to integrate Facbook and Twitter application with my salesforce application. Can Any1 help me how to post and update status on Facbook wall and Twitter Using HTTP Request(OAuth). Is there any sample code available then please share.





I need to integrate twitter with salesforce. As a inintial step I have authorized the twitter login credentials using OAuth . But  i'm clueless of how to proceed furthur. Any suggestions?


Has anyone used Eloqua API to send emails to Contacts through code?

If yes ,  then please share the WSDL with me. I am not able to get the

"EloquaService Clietn" method from the WSDL.




  • December 28, 2011
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I'm a seasoned developer in SFDC but know very little about Eloqua.  I need to do an integration where an action in SFDC makes a call to Eloqua.  I've heard something about an SFDC / Eloqua interface but don't know if there is anything specific like that.  I know Eloqua has a Web Service API.  Found this on the web -- http://eloqua.blogspot.com/2009/08/getting-started-with-eloqua-web.html


Is the best pracitce for SFDC / Eloqua communiciation to import Eloquas WSDL to SFDC and write Apex code to call the Eloqua Web Services?


Any other ways to do it?



I need examples for the foll:

1) How to create Sample HelloWorld WebService using Apex?.

2) How to generate WSDL for this Sample HelloWorld WebService ?. 

3) How to consume that Sample HelloWorldWebService in VisualForce page?..


Any Help would be appreciated.