• anu2011
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hi i have address custom object ,i am creating a vf page for address-->custom object address have record type billing,shipping,company in different sections separately in a custon vf page,on click a save button only first section i.e billing address is saving shipping and company address not saving can any one help me in conditiions to use.


my condition:

   public PageReference save() {




address record type will save;





address record type will save;





address record type will save;




only address with billing is saving.

i want the three address to save in a button click.



Account-->standard object

Contact -->Standard Object

Address-->Custom object


i have a vf page that displays account ,contact informations and a custom object "address".this custom object has 2 record type with separate page layout for  billing and shipping address.(both billing addrress and shipping address have separate section in vf page)


i have a command button "COPY"  and a picklist with option BILLING ,SHIPPING  if i select "BILLING"on click of the "cOPY" button in vf page,

standard object ACCOUNT billing Address should copy to visual force page billing address section and save to billing record type after copy it in a vf page.


kindly reply me soon .


Hi everyone,


I am new to salesforce i need help with the requirement mentioned Below.


My Requirement:

I have  a custom Onject lets say Object1__c,this object have relationship with both Account and Lead Lookup.

i have an excel sheet data for Object1__c in .csv format field names are as listed below:





Lead (Lookup)


for account and Lead Lookup client cant match id each time,so on input of the Account or Lead Name Lookup value should fetch accordingly on Bulk Insert.If the Account or Lead which is not created earlier should cretae on its own while bulk Upload of Data Performs.


Kindly reply me .

Thanks in Advance

hi i have address custom object ,i am creating a vf page for address-->custom object address have record type billing,shipping,company in different sections separately in a custon vf page,on click a save button only first section i.e billing address is saving shipping and company address not saving can any one help me in conditiions to use.


my condition:

   public PageReference save() {




address record type will save;





address record type will save;





address record type will save;




only address with billing is saving.

i want the three address to save in a button click.



Account-->standard object

Contact -->Standard Object

Address-->Custom object


i have a vf page that displays account ,contact informations and a custom object "address".this custom object has 2 record type with separate page layout for  billing and shipping address.(both billing addrress and shipping address have separate section in vf page)


i have a command button "COPY"  and a picklist with option BILLING ,SHIPPING  if i select "BILLING"on click of the "cOPY" button in vf page,

standard object ACCOUNT billing Address should copy to visual force page billing address section and save to billing record type after copy it in a vf page.


kindly reply me soon .