• Chris High
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  • Alere

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I found some posts regarding adding a year to a date, and even calculating the FIRST day of a following month. But my effort to reverse engineer these was fruitless. For our contracts, whatever a rep enters as the START date, we want the END date to auto-populate (upon saving) for one year later, but the LAST DAY of whatever that month happens to be.

So I need it to calulate DATE of Start_date__c + 1 year, + 1 month, minus 1 day

That's do-able right? Thanks in advance!!

I have a custom object called "Field Support Request" that has a link to the Account record. In that custom object's layout, I have a one-click Email button that fills in the primary contact's name & selects a template. HOWEVER what it's not doing is, when I click on Additional To: or CC:, it doesn't locate all the other Contacts in the account. Only my coworkers.


What would I tweak so this RELATES itself to the custom object, but LOOKS for contacts n the parent account? Possible? Thanks!


location.replace('/email/author/emailauthor.jsp?retURL=/{! Field_Support_Request__c.Id }&p3_lkid={!Field_Support_Request__c.Id}&rtype=003&p2_lkid={! Field_Support_Request__c.Primary_Account_ContactId__c }&template_id=00X70000001by0h');

I found some posts regarding adding a year to a date, and even calculating the FIRST day of a following month. But my effort to reverse engineer these was fruitless. For our contracts, whatever a rep enters as the START date, we want the END date to auto-populate (upon saving) for one year later, but the LAST DAY of whatever that month happens to be.

So I need it to calulate DATE of Start_date__c + 1 year, + 1 month, minus 1 day

That's do-able right? Thanks in advance!!
One of our sales guys is getting the following error when he opens Word documents:
   "Compile error in hidden module: OTWrap"
Win XP SP2
Office 2003

Any ideas? He only has Offline and Outlook Edition installed.