• Kevin Hawkins
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Hi guys,

We are trying to build iOS apps that support 64 bits using the SDK, but it looks like the SDK and its dependencies haven't been updated for 64 bits yet.

Do you have a timeframe on when the SDK will support 64 bits? Our internal apps depend on this, and we want to take full advantage of the iPhone 5s and the iPad Air / iPad mini with Retina.

I looked at the 3rd party libraries, and it seems like those haven't been updated in months. Would you consider moving away from those 3rd party libraries, if they aren't updated?

  • March 18, 2014
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  • 1
Hi All,

I am currently implementing iOS Chatter integration into iPad app. When Salesforce Mobile SDK was added (inlcuding MKNetworkKit-iOS) I got duplicate error on Reachability.o. I understand that we have Reachability added into MKNewtorkKit-iOS, but I also have to have access to it from insdie my project.

Currently I am accessing reachability by adding 
#import "Reachability.h"

If I get read of Reachibility class from my project, I need to gain access to MKNetworkKit-iOS copy of reachability class, but I can't import anything like "MKNetworkKit-iOS/Reachabilty.h" - tried quite a few combination hoping that Xcode autocomplete did not work properly for this library, but no luck.

Currently using Xcode 5.1 with iOS SDK 7.1 and latest Salesfroce Mobile SDK 2.1.1 (all changes pulled today).

Error I am seeing:

duplicate symbol _kReachabilityChangedNotification in:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_Reachability in:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_Reachability in:
ld: 3 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Thanks a lot of your time looking into this,

I can run AccountEditor app and other sample apps in the SalesforceMobileSDK distro as a web page or from android emulator. But I've never set them up as connected apps and they aren't present in connected apps in salesforce ui which I don't understand because I thought that they would have to be configured as connected apps in order to access

When I am trying to launch an android hybrid app created using forcedroid it gives following error


12-06 05:57:48.176: D/HttpAccess:constructor(833): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) moapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:57:48.876: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(833): onCreate called
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager$AccountInfoNotFoundException: No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager.peekRestClient(ClientManager.java:140)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.ui.sfhybrid.SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(SalesforceDroidGapActivity.java:118)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5104)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1080)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2144)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2230)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:141)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1234)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5041)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.146: D/dalvikvm(833): GC_CONCURRENT freed 279K, 13% free 2623K/3004K, paused 27ms+24ms, total 192ms
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onResumeNotLoggedIn(833): Should authenticate / online - authenticating
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.authenticate(833): authenticate called
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/ClientManager:getRestClient(833): No account of type com.salesforce.androisdk found
12-06 05:57:49.936: D/gralloc_goldfish(833): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.
12-06 05:57:50.096: E/Trace(857): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
12-06 05:57:51.318: D/HttpAccess:constructor(857): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) mobilapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:58:09.306: D/LockChecker:run(833): isLocked:true elapsedSinceLastActivity:20 timeout:0

 Please help me to resolve this error


  • December 06, 2013
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I am trying to upload my Hybrid app to Google Play.

I am getting the error:


Failed to run aapt dump badging:
ERROR getting 'name' attribute: attribute is not a string value


I compared my Manifest.xml with the ContactExplorer and it looks identical.

ContactExplorer does not give this error when I pass it through aapt (using aapd d badging), but SmartStoreExplorer does.


Since my app using the SmartStore library, could this be a bug in the library?

Hi, I was tired on implementing username-password flow authentication in iOS mobile sdk by referring https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=remoteaccess_oauth_user_agent_flow.htm.
can anyone help me with clue??

Thanks in advance!!

Hi all,

The updated SDK rules, but I am having a little issue getting the iOS view controller to initalise my storyboard after the login process has completed (in my AppDelegate), I am trying to just point to my storyboard instead of the rootview provided in the template.


Please see my AppDelegate code bellow:

- (void)initializeAppViewState
    self.window.rootViewController = [[InitialViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

- (void)setupRootViewController
    NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
    UIStoryboard *sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"StoryboardiPhone" bundle:bundle];
    RootViewController *rootView = (RootViewController*)[sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"mainPage"];
    self.window.rootViewController = rootView;

 Everything else in the AppDelegate remains the same, the two classes referenced here are:

#import "InitialViewController.h"

@implementation InitialViewController

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization
        NSLog(@"HERE: InitialViewController");
    return self;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.



#import "RootViewController.h"

@implementation RootViewController

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization
        NSLog(@"HERE: RootViewController");
    return self;

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


 This should direct them into the storyboard with the rootViewController, which should provide a 'UITabBarController' from here they will be able to click a tab to display the original 'UITableViewController' which will return some records from salesforce for display.


The ERROR that I recieve is:

2013-09-28 11:15:01.738 Example 1[340:a0b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UITableViewController loadView] loaded the "yRf-rA-8Y5-view-2PQ-Tj-Ddg" nib but didn't get a UITableView.'

 It appear that the rootViewController is expecting a UITableViewController, but I don't understand why this would be or how to get around it.

Has anyone successfuly redirected to a storyboard from the completion of the login using the template provided? If so how did you get around this issue?


Here is where i am fetching the oauth after logginging 


- (void) oauthCoordinatorDidAuthenticate:(SFOAuthCoordinator *)coordinator


    NSLog(@"Username: %@", coordinator.credentials.userId);

    userId_ = [NSString stringWithString:coordinator.credentials.userId];








Now is there a way to logut progrmatically from the app?


  • September 26, 2013
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We are developing a hybrid app with Salesforce iOS SDK with offline support using Smartstore. When app is offline we want UIwebview to load an error page which is at the client side instead of throwing the below error at the console. ERROR|SFHybridViewController|Error while attempting to load web page: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1009 "The Internet connection appears to be offline." UserInfo=0x99c4530 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=http://, NSErrorFailingURLKey=http://, NSLocalizedDescription=The Internet connection appears to be offline., NSUnderlyingError=0x9d86970 "The Internet connection appears to be offline."} Failed to load webpage with error: The Internet connection appears to be offline.

  • September 23, 2013
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i want to develop  a native app for ios.

i have download the SDK  & Foreeios like the tutorial.

i create the sample app and i want to compile.

but now i can not compile because " failed message"


i use xcode 4.2 on snow leopard ( patched to work ios sdk 6  &7)


Works the force sdk only xcode >4.5 ?






The below part of code in SFSmartStorePlugin is not executing in iOS salesforce SDK.

SDK Version: 1.4



exec(SDK_VERSION, successCB, errorCB, SERVICE,
             [{"soupName": soupName, "querySpec": querySpec}]
  • September 11, 2013
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I need to confirm if I can use all features available on the Mobile SDK to create an Hybrid application using PhoneGap and to run in Windows 8 (Windows Surface RT).


One of the main features I'm interested is the offline capabilities described here http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Developing_Offline_Apps_with_SmartStore


Thanks and regards,

J.Martin Garcia



I've created a Salesforce Hybrid Touch app, and I want to make it available to people to download from the Apple AppStore. It is designed to work with a company's own Salesforce org, so I believe it would also require a companion app on the AppExchange.

What I cannot work out is the logistics of how to package it up so that it can redeployable, my issues are:

1. When I created the "connected app" in Salesforce I had to generate a key which I added to my Touch app config in XCode - this is obviously not how it should work for end users, how should this work?
2. The app is currently configured to use a My URL for OAuth - obviously each customer may have their own URL, how do I make this configurable per installation?

Hopefully the above is clear?

My initial thoughts are to use a Managed Package to solve the first (assuming keys can be protected) but I'm really lost on the second.


PS: Of anyone can point me in the direction of an Idiot's guide to deployment, I'm sure I can RTFM.


I have downloaded and installed the new ADT bundle from Google.



I have followed the install directions here:



There are no errors in the development environment, but when I run the project, I get this error in LogCat:


Could not find class 'com.salesforce.androidsdk.ui.SalesforceDroidGapActivity', referenced from method com.salesforce.androidsdk.app.ForceApp.isHybrid


I see that class listed under SaleforceSDK/src, which is part of my project.

Any help is greatly appreciated.





I am new to Mobile Apps development. I am trying to access "testPage" in my salesforce instance from Hybrid App. Below the code to land on visualforce page after successful login.


var startData = new SFHybridApp.RemoteAppStartData("/apex/testPage");


After successful login, its trying to connect the above page and showing the below error in the login page :


"You have attempted to access a page that requires a salesforce.com login. If you are already a user of the system, please login below."


But if I am trying to access a local page in mobile, It's successfully login, Below is the code I have used for accessing local page in mobile :

var startData = new SFHybridApp.LocalAppStartData();


Could let me where I am going wrong...





Could someone please explain the difference between the salesforce mobile SDK and the new mobile packs? I understand the mobile packs are geared towards specific frameworks but what are the uses cases for each? 



I am working on a native iOS app.Theoretically  native Connected Apps, need a minimum of "Perform requests on your behalf at any time" and "Access and manage your data".However I get the error as:


ErrorDomain= com.salesforce.oauthErrorDomainCode=666  com.salesforce.OauthErrorDomain in1804: requested+scope+not+allowed       NSLocalizedDescription= com.salesforce.OauthErrorDomain in1804: requested+scope+not+allowed


However when I set the minimum selected scopes to  "Perform requests on your behalf at any time" and "Access and manage your data" and "Provide access to your data via the Web" I can access and work on native iOS app.


Question In Short: What is the minimum selected oauth scopes needed in connected app for native iOS app?


and do we need to "Provide access to your data via the Web" also in addition to ("Perform requests on your behalf at any time" and "Access and manage your data").



With hybrid apps, is it completely separate from sessions open in Safari? If I am logged into one org via hybrid app, it will not get confused with being logged into a different org via Safari. Thanks.



m developing an android app using a template app from Salesforce mobile SDK.

i hv replaced client id with the consumer key of my connected app and callback url with my own :- myapp:///mobilesdk/detect/oauth/done

in the rest.xml of template app.

 theu when i run it, m asked enter my credenials and authorization process continues till after entering a verification code but after that i get a flash msg "1804:requested Scope is not allowed" i wonder why this error is coming..?


i haven't written any apex code of any sort for app on sf if that is to be done pls tlet me know...


regards and many thanks in advance,



   So I am using the mobileSDK for the iPhone and has been able to make a working app. Now that I am ready for testing I am planning on using testflight for beta testing. The problem is that once I get test flight to start I do not know how to get back to the the app and it is stuck at a black screen. It did ot crash , the app is still running. I do see the blue salesforce screen first before the test flight sdk is loaded in and the black sccreen appears.


In my AppDeleagte.m look like this.


#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "TestFlight.h"
@implementation AppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // start of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions // ...
    [TestFlight takeOff:@"7147b222-57d0-4426-8e96-ae468f8d0799"];
    // The rest of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method// ...
    return TRUE;

#pragma mark - App lifecycle


 Thnx for any help

Hello everyone

I'm testing the salesforce sdk to create hybrid applications for Android.
I have installed the Android SDK, Apache Ant, Git and Cordova.

The target is 19 (Kitkat).

I was compiling my first app (wich is a hybrid_local application), but the build is failed.

Error in CMD

Does anyone know how to fix the error?
Thank you so much
Hi guys,

We are trying to build iOS apps that support 64 bits using the SDK, but it looks like the SDK and its dependencies haven't been updated for 64 bits yet.

Do you have a timeframe on when the SDK will support 64 bits? Our internal apps depend on this, and we want to take full advantage of the iPhone 5s and the iPad Air / iPad mini with Retina.

I looked at the 3rd party libraries, and it seems like those haven't been updated in months. Would you consider moving away from those 3rd party libraries, if they aren't updated?

  • March 18, 2014
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Hi All,

I am currently implementing iOS Chatter integration into iPad app. When Salesforce Mobile SDK was added (inlcuding MKNetworkKit-iOS) I got duplicate error on Reachability.o. I understand that we have Reachability added into MKNewtorkKit-iOS, but I also have to have access to it from insdie my project.

Currently I am accessing reachability by adding 
#import "Reachability.h"

If I get read of Reachibility class from my project, I need to gain access to MKNetworkKit-iOS copy of reachability class, but I can't import anything like "MKNetworkKit-iOS/Reachabilty.h" - tried quite a few combination hoping that Xcode autocomplete did not work properly for this library, but no luck.

Currently using Xcode 5.1 with iOS SDK 7.1 and latest Salesfroce Mobile SDK 2.1.1 (all changes pulled today).

Error I am seeing:

duplicate symbol _kReachabilityChangedNotification in:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_Reachability in:
duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_Reachability in:
ld: 3 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Thanks a lot of your time looking into this,
Hey all, any help would be appreciated.

Attempting to integrate the SalesForce iOS Native SDK into an application to tie into some web functionality for a client, but having an issue. The goal is to use the OAuth ability to log in the user, then present with a custom web view in iOS and Android, which allows the user to access this web panel without the need to re-login.

We are able to authenticate the user via OAuth and get a token, but when we attempt to send the user to the correct web URL, we're seeing an error that offers the following error message:

"An Exception has Occurred - You were idle for too long. For security reasons, please sign out and then sign back in."

I think it may have something to do with this?

Anyone have any suggestions?

I can run AccountEditor app and other sample apps in the SalesforceMobileSDK distro as a web page or from android emulator. But I've never set them up as connected apps and they aren't present in connected apps in salesforce ui which I don't understand because I thought that they would have to be configured as connected apps in order to access

When I am trying to launch an android hybrid app created using forcedroid it gives following error


12-06 05:57:48.176: D/HttpAccess:constructor(833): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) moapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:57:48.876: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(833): onCreate called
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager$AccountInfoNotFoundException: No user account found
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.rest.ClientManager.peekRestClient(ClientManager.java:140)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.salesforce.androidsdk.ui.sfhybrid.SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onCreate(SalesforceDroidGapActivity.java:118)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5104)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1080)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2144)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2230)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:141)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1234)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5041)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
12-06 05:57:49.026: I/ClientManager:peekRestClient(833): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
12-06 05:57:49.146: D/dalvikvm(833): GC_CONCURRENT freed 279K, 13% free 2623K/3004K, paused 27ms+24ms, total 192ms
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.onResumeNotLoggedIn(833): Should authenticate / online - authenticating
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/SalesforceDroidGapActivity.authenticate(833): authenticate called
12-06 05:57:49.296: I/ClientManager:getRestClient(833): No account of type com.salesforce.androisdk found
12-06 05:57:49.936: D/gralloc_goldfish(833): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.
12-06 05:57:50.096: E/Trace(857): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
12-06 05:57:51.318: D/HttpAccess:constructor(857): User-Agent string: SalesforceMobileSDK/2.1.0 android mobile/4.2.2 (sdk) mobilapp/1.0 Hybrid
12-06 05:58:09.306: D/LockChecker:run(833): isLocked:true elapsedSinceLastActivity:20 timeout:0

 Please help me to resolve this error


  • December 06, 2013
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  • 1


I am trying to upload my Hybrid app to Google Play.

I am getting the error:


Failed to run aapt dump badging:
ERROR getting 'name' attribute: attribute is not a string value


I compared my Manifest.xml with the ContactExplorer and it looks identical.

ContactExplorer does not give this error when I pass it through aapt (using aapd d badging), but SmartStoreExplorer does.


Since my app using the SmartStore library, could this be a bug in the library?

Hello everyone,


I'm working on a mobile application using Jquery Mobile. My application handles offline mode, for that I use the SmartStore plugin. But I noticied that it is impossible to store more than 2000 records in one Soup. Is that normal ? Anyone else got the same problem ? Is There any trick allowing us to store more than 2000 records in a Soup ?


Thank you guys in advance for any lead.



Currently the login workflow using salesforce mobile SDK works this way


1) Launch your app (first time)

2) If you are not logged into salesforce

    2 a) Show salesforce login page

    2 b) Show permission screen

    2 c) Navigate to the start page specified in bootconfig.json


2) if already logged in, navigate to start page specified in bootconfig.json (session token is already refreshed)

3) Upon on logout, show the salesforce login page again.



Is it possible to change this workflow such that

1) Launch your app (first time)

2)If not logged in Show a custom login page. (This just has a sign in button)

     2 a) When button clicked, redirect to regular salesforce login page

     2 b) Show salesforce login page

     2 c) Show permission screen

     2 d) Navigate to the start page specified in bootconfig.json


2) if already logged in, navigate to start page specified in bootconfig.json (session token is already refreshed)

3) Upon on logout, show the custom login page again instead of salesforce login page.


I looked at some posts

Hi, I was tired on implementing username-password flow authentication in iOS mobile sdk by referring https://help.salesforce.com/apex/HTViewHelpDoc?id=remoteaccess_oauth_user_agent_flow.htm.
can anyone help me with clue??

Thanks in advance!!

I am trying to add the BluetoothSerial plugin, https://github.com/don/BluetoothSerial, to my hybrid application but when I try to build the project I get the following error:


'Cordova/CDV.h' file not found

 I tried changing Cordova to SalesforceHybridSDK as someone else suggested but that did not work either. What do I need to change to get the plugin to work?

The currently served SF login page for touch devices (login.salesforce.com?display=touch) is triggering a really bad UI bug on ios7 webkit view.

Note that this only happens for app that uses their on UIWebView, not iOS7 Safari.


You can reproduce the problem easily. Create a new iOS app that just has a single view, and add a webview to it.

The viewDidLoad method can be as simple as:


- (void)viewDidLoad



    NSString *address = @"https://login.salesforce.com?display=touch";

    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:address];

    NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];




When you start the app, the login page looks fine. But if you tap on the "User name" field, the UIWebView will fail to set focus.

Tap again, it might shift the page up a few pixels. Tap again, it'll set focus to the password field. Tap again, and you might get foucs finally on the username field. 


This appears to be a bug in ios7. If you have an ios developer forum account, you can read the discussion here:


There are simple test cases on that thread that illustrate the bug. 

There is also a simple workaround for the problem mentioned in that thread:


If the HTML returned from login.salesforce.com change the embedded meta tag from this:


<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;" />


to this


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, target-densityDpi=device-dpi" />


it will load fine. Verified by serving that page to a UIWebView.


Given that the SF meta tag has a typo in it anyway (semicolons instead of commas), it'd be GREAT if Salesforce could be the "bigger person" here and fix their HTML by adding the few characters here to be compatible with the new ios7 webkit (rather than having to wait for an ios OS upgrade that fixes the issue).


Because logging into SF is often the first step for partner app, this bug looks awful to our users; a fix would be really, realy appreciated.


Looking forward to a response from folks inside SF who can help.







  • October 26, 2013
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I am developing hybrid application with Backbone and Smartsync. For now, I'm using Event objects and only its standard fields. In online mode, Event object can be created to SF and read back. But if I go to offline, only some of the Event data's are stored locally. For example; online read return 19 objects but offline smartsql query returns 10. Does the StoreCache have size limit or something else or should it automatically store all data to cache when online query finishes ?


Event model fieldlist:

"WhoId", "WhatId", "StartDateTime", "EndDateTime", "Subject", "Id", "Description"

 Event Collection fieldlist is the same.


StoreCache for Events:

app.cache = new Force.StoreCache("events");
app.cacheForOriginals = new Force.StoreCache("original-events");
return $.when(app.cache.init(), app.cacheForOriginals.init());

Offline SmartSql query:

return {type:"cache", cacheQuery:{queryType:"smart", smartSql:"SELECT {events:_soup} FROM {events}"}};


I think this also somehow affects to creating Events locally. Allthough I can create Event locally save succeeds and pushing it to Event Collection from where I can render its data, refreshing (new fetch) Event Collection will lose newly created Event.


I'm little lost now, where I should look now ?


  • October 23, 2013
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I am using the native mobile iOS SDK of Salesforce to store data offline and synchronizing back to the server. I was able to upsert entries to the smartstore database. I need to synchronize now. I could find no method in the SmartStore API which enables me to upload data to the salesforce.com. Would you be able to point me to the right direction about how to achieve this?