• Mandeep Deka
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Hi all,


I have implemented Salesforce for Outlook with Outlook 2007 for a client of one. Now they are complaining about duplicates being created in Salesforce and showing up in the Salesforce Calendar for Tasks and Events. Any idea here?


Please point me in the right direction to look for the issue as I am out of option. 



Hi all,


I have a template renamed in my Org but eclipse still retained the old template name and did not update the name of the new template in package.xml file under the types tag. And now it has a warning message in the Problems window saying "Refresh error: Entity of type 'XXXXTemplate' named 'unfiled$public/XXXXX_Template' not found package.xml,  /DevOrg/src,  line 1, Force.com retrieve problem"


Any help would be appreciated as I don't want to create anymore new projects and fetch it again. Thanks


Here is what I am trying to achieve:

Using the Email Service in Salesforce, I am trying to fetch the inbound email and attach the whole email along with FromAddress, ccAdrress, sent time and other details and attach it to a custom object as an attachment. So that the user can view the attachment of a particular custom object record in its attachment related list.

Now, I am able to fetch each of this data from the Messaging.InboundEmail email of the inbound email separately and create attachments in that custom object but I am only able to attach the email body not the whole email information. And what I am trying to achieve is attach the whole email information as an attachment so that the user sees all the information of the email as an html page in a new tab when he/she clicks on the "View" link of the attachment.

Any ideas fellows? Thanks in advance!

What I am trying to achieve is shown in the below screenshot.


URL: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/viewdate.jpg/

 what I have written is :


<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
	    <apex:outputLabel value="Created By" for="created__by"/>
	    <apex:outputLabel value="{!createdby}" id="created__by"/> 

and the extension has a createdby property which only fetches the FirstName, LastName and CreatedDate and merges them together. 


But then again the look up on the CompanyName on mouse hovering is not rendered on doing this.


Can anyone give some ideas on this?

Hi All,

I have a requirment that i need to update submitted user for all the apex scheduled jobs in my Prod. So, Could you please let me know that how we can do without deleting and recreate them.


What I am trying to achieve is shown in the below screenshot.


URL: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/viewdate.jpg/

 what I have written is :


<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
	    <apex:outputLabel value="Created By" for="created__by"/>
	    <apex:outputLabel value="{!createdby}" id="created__by"/> 

and the extension has a createdby property which only fetches the FirstName, LastName and CreatedDate and merges them together. 


But then again the look up on the CompanyName on mouse hovering is not rendered on doing this.


Can anyone give some ideas on this?




I have a requirement to customize the salesforce login page.

Mask the URL from https://login.salesforce.com to https://login.clientdomain.com.

Also, i need to have clients logo and branding than Salesforce. 


Can anyone point me in the right direction.




I have a simple visualforce page that I've added to a standard Opportunity page layout inline.  The query can return more records than what fits in the inline section of the page layout.


Is there a way I can add vertical scrollbars to view all the records that are returned?  Or, perhaps there is some JS that can manipulate the DOM and adjust the height of the inline section (that is probably a clumsy way to do it).  Or, maybe there is a paging mechnisim to elegantly page thru all the records?  Has anyone encountered this issue and what are the options and best solution?


Here is my VF page:


<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" extensions="SalesCoachActivityController">
	<apex:form >
		<apex:pageBlock >
			<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!SalesCoachActivity}" var="sca">
				<apex:column >
                	<apex:facet name="header">
                    	Sales Coach Activity
                	<apex:outputLink value="{!sca.Content_URL__c}" >{!sca.Name}</apex:outputLink>

 Here is my controller:


public class SalesCoachActivityController {
	private final Opportunity opp;
	private String stage;
	public SalesCoachActivityController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
		this.opp = (Opportunity)stdController.getRecord();
		Opportunity o = [Select StageName From Opportunity Where Id =: opp.Id];
		stage = o.StageName;	
	public List<Sales_Coach_Activity__c> getSalesCoachActivity() {
		String soql = 'Select Name, Content_URL__c From Sales_Coach_Activity__c Where Stage__c = \'' + stage  + '\' Order By Sequence_Number__c ASC';
		return Database.query(soql);


 Also, in my constructor, I get the opportunity record id and then I have to run a query to get the stagename value that I use as a filter in the dynamic query in the getSalesCoachActivity() method.


Is there a way to eliminate the first query and get the stagename without having to query the opportunity?  It would be nice to reduce the queries to just one, if possible?


Thanks for any help.



Has anyone built Custom login page and authenticated user to Salesforce ? If the user is valid then land user on home page.


thanks in advance

I have consistently been having problems with Outlook Edition and SalesForce. Certain contacts (strangely just our users here at the company) seem to be duplicated on each sync, and all tasks are duplicated in Outlook after each sync.
Something else strange...I keep having the same conflicts. If things are set to synchronize then shouldn't I only have a conflict one time, choose to resolve it, and then it's resolved and never a conflict again? Instead I keep having the same conflict with a contact's phone #.