• stephanie_z
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I am using the data loader command line tool to extract data out. For one object, I only want to extract data that meets certain criteria. How do I specifiy a string value in the sfdc.entity field? 


$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java -cp $FILE_BASEDIR/DataLoader.jar \
-Djava.io.tmpdir=$LOGDIR -Dsalesforce.config.dir=$FILE_BASEDIR/config \
com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner process.name=extract \
process.lastRunOutputDirectory=$LOGDIR \
process.statusOutputDirectory=$LOGDIR \
dataAccess.name=$DATADIR/$STAMPFOLDER/57_Standard_kav_01.csv \
sfdc.entity=Standard__kav \
sfdc.extractionSOQL="select ID,Title,Summary from Standard__kav where PublishStatus=\'Online\'"


I am gettingan empty query error


2012-02-14 15:38:54,306 ERROR [extract] action.ExtractAction getColumnsFromSoql (ExtractAction.java:235) - Error in query: query is empty
2012-02-14 15:38:54,307 ERROR [extract] progress.NihilistProgressAdapter doneError (NihilistProgressAdapter.java:51) - Error in query: query is empty

I was able to extract data with the same set up for those that don';t have the where clause.


Does anyone know how to escape the string value in the where clause?

I have a class which only provides remote methods for AJAX calls. In one of the methods, I need to read a cookie which is set by other pages. I tried to use ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get(<cookiename>), but it doesn't work since ApexPages.currentPage() is null. I guess it might be because the class is not associated with any VF. Is there any other way to fetch cookie values in remote methods?



I am deseralizing the json string into an object which contains a list of another object, and getting this error:


Internal Salesforce Error: 17692538-4726 (1351590007) (1351590007) 

My code has been working up until this Wednesday. Was there any change that has been applied to cs2 env? This the test code I have:


public with sharing class JSONTest {
    public class InvoiceStatement {
        Long invoiceNumber;
        Datetime statementDate;
        Decimal totalPrice;
        public InvoiceStatement(Long i, Datetime dt, Decimal price)
            invoiceNumber = i;
            statementDate = dt;
            totalPrice = price;
    public class InvoiceStatementResponse {
        Integer errorCode;
        List<InvoiceStatement> statements;
        public InvoiceStatementResponse(Integer errorCode) {
            this.errorCode = errorCode;
            statements = new List<InvoiceStatement>();
    public static void SerializeRoundtrip() {
        Datetime dt = Datetime.now();
        // Create a few invoices.
        InvoiceStatement inv1 = new InvoiceStatement(1,Datetime.valueOf(dt),1000);
        InvoiceStatement inv2 = new InvoiceStatement(2,Datetime.valueOf(dt),500);
        // Add the invoices to a list.
        List<InvoiceStatement> invoices = new List<InvoiceStatement>();
         InvoiceStatementResponse resp = new InvoiceStatementResponse(0);
         resp.statements = invoices;
        String JSONString = JSON.serialize(resp);
        System.debug('Serialized list of invoices into JSON format: ' + JSONString);
        InvoiceStatementResponse dresp = (InvoiceStatementResponse)JSON.deserialize(JSONString, InvoiceStatementResponse.class);
        System.debug('dresp=' + dresp);
    private static testmethod void mytest() {


Any help is appreciated.





I am using the data loader command line tool to extract data out. For one object, I only want to extract data that meets certain criteria. How do I specifiy a string value in the sfdc.entity field? 


$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java -cp $FILE_BASEDIR/DataLoader.jar \
-Djava.io.tmpdir=$LOGDIR -Dsalesforce.config.dir=$FILE_BASEDIR/config \
com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner process.name=extract \
process.lastRunOutputDirectory=$LOGDIR \
process.statusOutputDirectory=$LOGDIR \
dataAccess.name=$DATADIR/$STAMPFOLDER/57_Standard_kav_01.csv \
sfdc.entity=Standard__kav \
sfdc.extractionSOQL="select ID,Title,Summary from Standard__kav where PublishStatus=\'Online\'"


I am gettingan empty query error


2012-02-14 15:38:54,306 ERROR [extract] action.ExtractAction getColumnsFromSoql (ExtractAction.java:235) - Error in query: query is empty
2012-02-14 15:38:54,307 ERROR [extract] progress.NihilistProgressAdapter doneError (NihilistProgressAdapter.java:51) - Error in query: query is empty

I was able to extract data with the same set up for those that don';t have the where clause.


Does anyone know how to escape the string value in the where clause?



I am deseralizing the json string into an object which contains a list of another object, and getting this error:


Internal Salesforce Error: 17692538-4726 (1351590007) (1351590007) 

My code has been working up until this Wednesday. Was there any change that has been applied to cs2 env? This the test code I have:


public with sharing class JSONTest {
    public class InvoiceStatement {
        Long invoiceNumber;
        Datetime statementDate;
        Decimal totalPrice;
        public InvoiceStatement(Long i, Datetime dt, Decimal price)
            invoiceNumber = i;
            statementDate = dt;
            totalPrice = price;
    public class InvoiceStatementResponse {
        Integer errorCode;
        List<InvoiceStatement> statements;
        public InvoiceStatementResponse(Integer errorCode) {
            this.errorCode = errorCode;
            statements = new List<InvoiceStatement>();
    public static void SerializeRoundtrip() {
        Datetime dt = Datetime.now();
        // Create a few invoices.
        InvoiceStatement inv1 = new InvoiceStatement(1,Datetime.valueOf(dt),1000);
        InvoiceStatement inv2 = new InvoiceStatement(2,Datetime.valueOf(dt),500);
        // Add the invoices to a list.
        List<InvoiceStatement> invoices = new List<InvoiceStatement>();
         InvoiceStatementResponse resp = new InvoiceStatementResponse(0);
         resp.statements = invoices;
        String JSONString = JSON.serialize(resp);
        System.debug('Serialized list of invoices into JSON format: ' + JSONString);
        InvoiceStatementResponse dresp = (InvoiceStatementResponse)JSON.deserialize(JSONString, InvoiceStatementResponse.class);
        System.debug('dresp=' + dresp);
    private static testmethod void mytest() {


Any help is appreciated.



Hey all.

I am working with the new JSON Parsing functionality, and am hitting a bit of snag trying to parse some JSON into a list of custom objects. The exact error is


Internal System Error: 1094975380-22831 (-1000130141)


Which looks like there is probably an issue with the JSON parser. I have been able to parse single instaces of an object, but have not been able to do with with a list of them yet. 

Here is what the code looks like.


	public class surveyAnswer
		Id contact;
		Integer surveyId;
		String questionText;
		String questionId;
		String questionAnswer;
		public surveyAnswer(Id c, Integer s, String qt, String qi, String qa)
			contact = c;
			surveyId = s;
			questionText = qt;
			questionId = qi;
			questionAnswer = qa;			

string jsonString = '[{"questionText":"BLah 1","questionId":"51345X1607X53053","surveyId":51345,"questionAnswer":2.0,"contact":"0034000000UefNI"},{"questionText":"Blah 2","questionId":"51345X1607X53100","surveyId":51345,"questionAnswer":3.0,"contact":"0034000000UefNI"},{"questionText":"blah 3","questionId":"51345X1607X53101","surveyId":51345,"questionAnswer":1.0,"contact":"0034000000UefNI"},{"questionText":"blah 4","questionId":"51345X1607X53103","surveyId":51345,"questionAnswer":1.0,"contact":"0034000000UefNI"}]';
list<surveyAnswer> answers = (List<surveyAnswer>)JSON.deserialize(JSONString, List<surveyAnswer>.class);


I thought it might be a problem with the JSON structure, but it validates just fine in JSLint, so it should be fine. This approach should be doable according to the docs at



Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!