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Hello Every body ,


I need to use radio buttons to select Salesforce records (not simple values). I used the input radio but the problem is that i can't make one of these checked by default based on a value returned from the controller . 


Here is the code of the Visualforce : 


<apex:pageblock id="consel" title="Couleurs">
            <apex:pageblocktable id="allcons" value="{!SelectedCouleur}" var="selcolor">  
            <apex:column headervalue="Sélectionner">
                           <apex:actionsupport action="{!selectcouleur}" event="onclick" rerender="label">  
                        <input type="radio" name="couleur"/>                    
                            <apex:param name="couleurid " value="{!selcolor.Id}" assignTo="{!idcouleur}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Couleur extérieur">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Couleurexterieur__r.Name}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Garniture">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Couleurinterieur__r.Name}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Prix couleur extérieur">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Prixexterieur__c}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Prix Garniture">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Prixcouleurinterieur__c}">

 Thank you for your advance Help !





Hello EveryBody , 


I'm trying to encrypt a Clear Text  (Test Data )using encryptWithManagedIV , I store this in a field . In the same class , I decrypt using  decryptWithManagedIV , the text decrypted is not the same as original text : Test Data , Why ? How can i get the original Data? 


Here is the class i used : 


for (Account a : accs)
		 Blob key = Crypto.generateAesKey(128);
        // Generate the data to be encrypted. 
        Blob data = Blob.valueOf(a.Name);
        // Generate an encrypted form of the data using base64 encoding 
        // Encrypt and decrypt the data 
        Blob encryptedData = Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV('AES128', key, data);
      // a.textcryptee__c=b64Data;
        String b64Data = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(data);
        Blob decryptedData = Crypto.decryptWithManagedIV('AES128', key, encryptedData);
        String b64Decrypted = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(decryptedData);
        //String b64Decrypted = EncodingUtil.urlEncode(EncodingUtil.base64Encode(decryptedData), 'UTF-8');

 It is very urgent and i'd like to have your Help ASAP 



Hello Everybody , 


We have a business need , which is to develop a visualforce in partner portal so we can create , read and modify a lead (the modification is not possible with force.com Sites). 


One this page is developed , we need once a user is connected to an external system , and click a tab , he could visualize the VF page without trying to login again (with partner portal credentiels). 


Is there a way to satisfy this need? 


I really count on your help to decide the solution 


(We wanted to user Force.com Sites first , but the VF pages are not secured because they are public , and with force.com Sites we cannot modify a standard object (Lead for example)).


Many Thanks

Hello , 


We are trying to make an update for 6000 events with Data loader But I got this error : 

Apex Event trigger cannot handle batch operations on recurring events.



I updated my trigger to consider only non reccurent events by making this : 




I have a trigger afterInsert on attachment . When an attachment is created on contact , it is automatically inserted in a custom object . The id of this custom object is referenced in a custom field of the contact . The file is inserted in the custom object . but when i click on "View file " the file is not viewd .In fact the title and the number of KO is mentioned in the file but it is not seen , i dont now why . Here is the apex code : 

public with sharing class MADEL_TR005CreateAttachment 
	public static void CreerAttachmentOncontactMADEL(List<Attachment> lstattachment)

		Map<Id,Id> mapgetIdcontactMadelfromContact = new Map<Id,Id>();
		Set<Id> contactIds=new Set<Id>();

		for(Attachment att:lstattachment)
		List<Contact>lstcontacts=[select Id ,idcontactMADEL__c from Contact where Id IN:contactIds ];
		for(Contact contact:lstcontacts)
		List<Attachment>attachtoInsert=new List<Attachment>();
	 for(Attachment a:lstattachment)
			Attachment attach=new Attachment(name = a.name, body = a.body, parentid = mapgetIdcontactMadelfromContact.get(a.ParentId));

		insert attachtoInsert;



 I really need your Help , Thanks !


Hello , 


I used to test extensions with no problem , now i want to test custom controller but i have problem with coverage . 


My page is just viewing detail of an object (evenement) 


Here is my page : 


<apex:page showHeader="false" title="Madel - Agenda" cache="false" controller="MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement">

                                          <li><strong>Evènement </strong> : <br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!e.Name}"></apex:outputText></li>                                         
                                          <li><strong>Date début</strong> : <br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!e.Datedebut__c}"></apex:outputText></li>
                                          <li><strong>Date fin</strong> : <br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!e.Datefin__c}"></apex:outputText></li>
                                          <li><strong>Description</strong> : <br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!e.Description__c}"></apex:outputText></li>
                                          <li><strong>Lieu</strong> : <br/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<apex:outputText value="{!e.Lieu__c}"></apex:outputText></li>


 And here is my controller ; 


public with sharing class MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement

        public evenement__c e  {set;get;}

        public MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement() {
              string eventId = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id'); 
               e =  [ select id,Datedebut__c,Description__c,Datefin__c,evenementpublie__c,Name,Lieu__c from evenement__c
                           where id=:eventId LIMIT 1];



 My test is : 


private class Test_MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement 

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() 
        evenement__c event  = new evenement__c (Name='event',Datedebut__c=system.now());
      insert event;
      PageReference newpage = Page.MadelDetailEvenement;
      MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement cls = new MADEL_Ctrl005_DetailsEvenement();

 When i run test this line is not covered : 

e =  [ select id,Datedebut__c,Description__c,Datefin__c,evenementpublie__c,Name,Lieu__c from evenement__c
                           where id=:eventId LIMIT 1];


which means that the getparameters.put is not passing the id... i tried days and days but i don't now what is the preoblem . 


Please help meee!!

Hello , 


I have a detail page of a cutom object named "Projet__c" .In the controller I 'am using 


 In the Test Class am Using .Put(ID) but i can't Cover Lines Here is the Class controller : 

public without sharing class MADEL_DetailProjet 
    public Projet__c projet {get;set;}
    public List<Article__c> lstarticles{get;set;}
    public List<Equipedeprojet__c> lstequipesprojets{get;set;}

    public Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapContent  {set;get;}
    public List <Id> contactIds =new List<Id>();
    public List <MADEL_Contact__c > contactsMADEL =new List<MADEL_Contact__c>();
    public string projectid{get;set;}
    MADEL_Contact__c contact{get;set;}

    public MADEL_DetailProjet() 
    projectid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');
       { projet = [SELECT id,Name,Datededebut__c,Datedepublication__c,Dureeestime__c,Thematique__c,SousThematique__c,Rue__c,Ville__c,Region__c,Codepostal__c,Pays__c,Longitude__c,Latitude__c   FROM Projet__c WHERE id = :projectid LIMIT 1];
        lstarticles=[select Id ,Name,Type__c,Lien__c,ProfessionnelduMedia__c From Article__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        lstequipesprojets=[select Id ,Name,Membre__c,Projet__r.Name,Role__c,MembreMADEL__r.Name,MembreMADEL__r.GSM1__c From Equipedeprojet__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        for(Equipedeprojet__c equipe:lstequipesprojets)
         contactsMADEL=[select Id, Name,GSM1__c,Idcontactstd__c  from MADEL_Contact__c where Idcontactstd__c IN : contactIds ];
             Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapResult = new Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c>();
         for(MADEL_Contact__c contactmadel:contactsMADEL)


 catch (DMLException e){
     system.debug('messge erreur'+e);



 And Test Class 

private class Test_MADELDetailProjet {

    public static testMethod void detailProjetTest() 
    	 Projet__c projet  = new Projet__c (Name='projet2012');
      insert projet;
       string projetid= projet.Id;
      PageReference newpage = Page.MADEL_DetailProjet;
      MADEL_DetailProjet cls = new MADEL_DetailProjet();



 And Here is an image of line not covered 






I'am using a page block table iterating on a custom element Data . In on of columns of the table i have to call a Map that returns the value of this column the visualforce is exposed to a Force.com site and i can't get the source of the problem , Here is the code of the controller and the visualforce page : 

public without sharing class MADEL_DetailProjet 
    public Projet__c projet {get;set;}
    public List<Article__c> lstarticles{get;set;}
    public List<Equipedeprojet__c> lstequipesprojets{get;set;}

    public Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapContent  {set;get;}
    public List <Id> contactIds =new List<Id>();
    public List <MADEL_Contact__c > contactsMADEL =new List<MADEL_Contact__c>();
    MADEL_Contact__c contact{get;set;}

    public MADEL_DetailProjet() 
    string projectid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');
        projet = [SELECT id,Name,Datededebut__c,Datedepublication__c,Dureeestime__c,Thematique__c,SousThematique__c,Rue__c,Ville__c,Region__c,Codepostal__c,Pays__c,Longitude__c,Latitude__c   FROM Projet__c WHERE id = :projectid LIMIT 1];
        lstarticles=[select Id ,Name,Type__c,Lien__c,ProfessionnelduMedia__c From Article__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        lstequipesprojets=[select Id ,Name,Membre__c,Projet__r.Name,Role__c From Equipedeprojet__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        for(Equipedeprojet__c equipe:lstequipesprojets)
         contactsMADEL=[select Id, Name,Idcontactstd__c  from MADEL_Contact__c where Idcontactstd__c IN : contactIds ];
             Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapResult = new Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c>();
         for(MADEL_Contact__c contactmadel:contactsMADEL)


 catch (DMLException e){
     system.debug('messge erreur'+e);




 and Here is the snippet of the visualforce : 


 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstequipesprojets}" var="item" rendered="{!(lstequipesprojets.size != 0)}" >
          <apex:column value="{!item.Name}" headerValue="Matricule Membre" width="100"/>
          <apex:column value="{!item.Role__c}" headerValue="Rôle" width="100"/>
          <apex:column headerValue="Nom du membre" width="100">
          <apex:outputText value="{!mapContent.['!{item.Membre__c}'].Name}" />

 I really need your Help !! Thank You


Hello Every body ,


I need to use radio buttons to select Salesforce records (not simple values). I used the input radio but the problem is that i can't make one of these checked by default based on a value returned from the controller . 


Here is the code of the Visualforce : 


<apex:pageblock id="consel" title="Couleurs">
            <apex:pageblocktable id="allcons" value="{!SelectedCouleur}" var="selcolor">  
            <apex:column headervalue="Sélectionner">
                           <apex:actionsupport action="{!selectcouleur}" event="onclick" rerender="label">  
                        <input type="radio" name="couleur"/>                    
                            <apex:param name="couleurid " value="{!selcolor.Id}" assignTo="{!idcouleur}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Couleur extérieur">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Couleurexterieur__r.Name}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Garniture">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Couleurinterieur__r.Name}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Prix couleur extérieur">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Prixexterieur__c}">
                    <apex:column headervalue="Prix Garniture">
                        <apex:outputfield value="{!selcolor.Prixcouleurinterieur__c}">

 Thank you for your advance Help !





Hello Everybody , 


We have a business need , which is to develop a visualforce in partner portal so we can create , read and modify a lead (the modification is not possible with force.com Sites). 


One this page is developed , we need once a user is connected to an external system , and click a tab , he could visualize the VF page without trying to login again (with partner portal credentiels). 


Is there a way to satisfy this need? 


I really count on your help to decide the solution 


(We wanted to user Force.com Sites first , but the VF pages are not secured because they are public , and with force.com Sites we cannot modify a standard object (Lead for example)).


Many Thanks

Hello , 


I have a trigger which purpose is when updating an account owner with an inactive user , we should activate this user first , update the account and then deactivate the user . 


I used in my before trigger on account 2 methods , on that activate the user , and an other methode (annoted with @future) to update the account , But I still get the DML exception : 


Here is the code of the trigger : 


trigger AccountBeforeInser on Account (before update) 
	//TR001 :
	//whene inserting an Account by dataloader batch the trigger fill lookup fields
	       Set<Id> UsersIds = new Set<Id>();
	       Set<Id> AccIds = new Set<Id>();
	       for(Account account : Trigger.new)


 And the class TR001Account : 


public with sharing class TR001Account 
	  public static void FillLookupFields(Set<Id> UsersIds)
	  	List<User> users=[select Id,IsActive from User where Id IN :UsersIds];
	    for(User user:users)
	  	update users;
	  public static void updateAccounts(Set<ID> accountIds)
			  List<Account> accountsToUpdate =	[Select Name from Account where Id IN : accountIds];
			  for(Account acc :accountsToUpdate)
			  	acc.Name='true future';
			  update accountsToUpdate;


 I really rely on your Help !!

Hello , 


We are trying to make an update for 6000 events with Data loader But I got this error : 

Apex Event trigger cannot handle batch operations on recurring events.



I updated my trigger to consider only non reccurent events by making this : 




I have a trigger afterInsert on attachment . When an attachment is created on contact , it is automatically inserted in a custom object . The id of this custom object is referenced in a custom field of the contact . The file is inserted in the custom object . but when i click on "View file " the file is not viewd .In fact the title and the number of KO is mentioned in the file but it is not seen , i dont now why . Here is the apex code : 

public with sharing class MADEL_TR005CreateAttachment 
	public static void CreerAttachmentOncontactMADEL(List<Attachment> lstattachment)

		Map<Id,Id> mapgetIdcontactMadelfromContact = new Map<Id,Id>();
		Set<Id> contactIds=new Set<Id>();

		for(Attachment att:lstattachment)
		List<Contact>lstcontacts=[select Id ,idcontactMADEL__c from Contact where Id IN:contactIds ];
		for(Contact contact:lstcontacts)
		List<Attachment>attachtoInsert=new List<Attachment>();
	 for(Attachment a:lstattachment)
			Attachment attach=new Attachment(name = a.name, body = a.body, parentid = mapgetIdcontactMadelfromContact.get(a.ParentId));

		insert attachtoInsert;



 I really need your Help , Thanks !


Hello , 


I have a detail page of a cutom object named "Projet__c" .In the controller I 'am using 


 In the Test Class am Using .Put(ID) but i can't Cover Lines Here is the Class controller : 

public without sharing class MADEL_DetailProjet 
    public Projet__c projet {get;set;}
    public List<Article__c> lstarticles{get;set;}
    public List<Equipedeprojet__c> lstequipesprojets{get;set;}

    public Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapContent  {set;get;}
    public List <Id> contactIds =new List<Id>();
    public List <MADEL_Contact__c > contactsMADEL =new List<MADEL_Contact__c>();
    public string projectid{get;set;}
    MADEL_Contact__c contact{get;set;}

    public MADEL_DetailProjet() 
    projectid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');
       { projet = [SELECT id,Name,Datededebut__c,Datedepublication__c,Dureeestime__c,Thematique__c,SousThematique__c,Rue__c,Ville__c,Region__c,Codepostal__c,Pays__c,Longitude__c,Latitude__c   FROM Projet__c WHERE id = :projectid LIMIT 1];
        lstarticles=[select Id ,Name,Type__c,Lien__c,ProfessionnelduMedia__c From Article__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        lstequipesprojets=[select Id ,Name,Membre__c,Projet__r.Name,Role__c,MembreMADEL__r.Name,MembreMADEL__r.GSM1__c From Equipedeprojet__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        for(Equipedeprojet__c equipe:lstequipesprojets)
         contactsMADEL=[select Id, Name,GSM1__c,Idcontactstd__c  from MADEL_Contact__c where Idcontactstd__c IN : contactIds ];
             Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapResult = new Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c>();
         for(MADEL_Contact__c contactmadel:contactsMADEL)


 catch (DMLException e){
     system.debug('messge erreur'+e);



 And Test Class 

private class Test_MADELDetailProjet {

    public static testMethod void detailProjetTest() 
    	 Projet__c projet  = new Projet__c (Name='projet2012');
      insert projet;
       string projetid= projet.Id;
      PageReference newpage = Page.MADEL_DetailProjet;
      MADEL_DetailProjet cls = new MADEL_DetailProjet();



 And Here is an image of line not covered 






I'am using a page block table iterating on a custom element Data . In on of columns of the table i have to call a Map that returns the value of this column the visualforce is exposed to a Force.com site and i can't get the source of the problem , Here is the code of the controller and the visualforce page : 

public without sharing class MADEL_DetailProjet 
    public Projet__c projet {get;set;}
    public List<Article__c> lstarticles{get;set;}
    public List<Equipedeprojet__c> lstequipesprojets{get;set;}

    public Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapContent  {set;get;}
    public List <Id> contactIds =new List<Id>();
    public List <MADEL_Contact__c > contactsMADEL =new List<MADEL_Contact__c>();
    MADEL_Contact__c contact{get;set;}

    public MADEL_DetailProjet() 
    string projectid = System.currentPagereference().getParameters().get('id');
        projet = [SELECT id,Name,Datededebut__c,Datedepublication__c,Dureeestime__c,Thematique__c,SousThematique__c,Rue__c,Ville__c,Region__c,Codepostal__c,Pays__c,Longitude__c,Latitude__c   FROM Projet__c WHERE id = :projectid LIMIT 1];
        lstarticles=[select Id ,Name,Type__c,Lien__c,ProfessionnelduMedia__c From Article__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        lstequipesprojets=[select Id ,Name,Membre__c,Projet__r.Name,Role__c From Equipedeprojet__c where Projet__c= :projectid];
        for(Equipedeprojet__c equipe:lstequipesprojets)
         contactsMADEL=[select Id, Name,Idcontactstd__c  from MADEL_Contact__c where Idcontactstd__c IN : contactIds ];
             Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c> mapResult = new Map<Id,MADEL_Contact__c>();
         for(MADEL_Contact__c contactmadel:contactsMADEL)


 catch (DMLException e){
     system.debug('messge erreur'+e);




 and Here is the snippet of the visualforce : 


 <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstequipesprojets}" var="item" rendered="{!(lstequipesprojets.size != 0)}" >
          <apex:column value="{!item.Name}" headerValue="Matricule Membre" width="100"/>
          <apex:column value="{!item.Role__c}" headerValue="Rôle" width="100"/>
          <apex:column headerValue="Nom du membre" width="100">
          <apex:outputText value="{!mapContent.['!{item.Membre__c}'].Name}" />

 I really need your Help !! Thank You


 I tried to create a before trigger, before update trigger on event that would fetch a field from prospect/contact according to the whoid specified .

But when inserting recurring events through bulk . I get the following error:-


"UnexpectedException: Apex Event trigger cannot handle batch operations on recurring events."



Is there any way to avoid this error ?

how to add multiple rows in visualforce page....

Consider a row having apex:inputfield  ....on click on button it should add 5 rows ....


plz help....

I found a couple references to this error, but nothing has worked so far.  The error I get is....


Account: bad field names on insert/update call: QTT_RID__c



I am using IBM's WebSphere Integration Developer.  I login and save the SessionID and ServerURL.  I then call the create function and get the error.  I have updated the WSDL.  I checked the field in SalesForce and it doesn't look like it is read only, but when I take the field out the create goes through correctly.  Any ideas?






  • December 08, 2009
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