• dianatdev
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During nightly integration, we have records created on a Loan object that come in as read only.  Since the system integration user creates them they aren't owned by account owners.  I thought that I could use a field update to do this but it appears I will need a trigger.


The Loan object has a field for 'Primary Account.'  When the loan is created in the system via nightly integration, we would like a trigger to look at who the Owner is of the Primary Account and update the Loan owner to that user.


Ex.  Loan for John Smith comes into the system.  The 'Primary Account' is "John Smith's Account."  The Owner of John Smith's account is "Mary Black."  So on create into the system, the loan owner should be Mary Black, not "System Integration User."


I'm new to triggers so any help getting me started on this is appreciated.



Currently there is Sharing based on Record Ownership - Group to Group, Roles to Roles, etc and Criteria Based Sharing with a Group or Role.


Is it possible to have Sharing based on Record Ownership AND criteria?  Example:  I want to share all records between my group and another except those that are checked as employee (private).

We are posting Dashboard components on Chatter within SF.  However, when those post come up on Chatter Desktop, the componet doesn't show.  Are we missing something or is this functionality that will be coming in the future?

We use one page layout for editing an opp and one page layout (lockes all fields at the page layout level)  for when an opp is submitted.  There are 5 fields on the submitted that still need to be editible for 1 profile as they process the opportunity.  While we could use a different layout for them (1 with those locked and one with them unlocked) and assign to the appropriate profile,  this is temporary situation we are fixing and the  integration we have that would have to be changed.   Seems unnecessarily complicated to go that route.


What seemed to be the best solution was the screen for Field Security by Record Type.  We choose the locked Record Type/layout and for all profiles except the 1, we changed those fields to Read Only.  The issue we ran into is that is changed those fields to Read Only on the Editing Opp Layout as well.  Why?  When you click on the field, it shows the field, profile and the record type that you're specifically working with on security.  You check the boxes.  Why is that carrying over to the other layout?


Any help to resolve this would be much appreciated!



We are posting Dashboard components on Chatter within SF.  However, when those post come up on Chatter Desktop, the componet doesn't show.  Are we missing something or is this functionality that will be coming in the future?

We use one page layout for editing an opp and one page layout (lockes all fields at the page layout level)  for when an opp is submitted.  There are 5 fields on the submitted that still need to be editible for 1 profile as they process the opportunity.  While we could use a different layout for them (1 with those locked and one with them unlocked) and assign to the appropriate profile,  this is temporary situation we are fixing and the  integration we have that would have to be changed.   Seems unnecessarily complicated to go that route.


What seemed to be the best solution was the screen for Field Security by Record Type.  We choose the locked Record Type/layout and for all profiles except the 1, we changed those fields to Read Only.  The issue we ran into is that is changed those fields to Read Only on the Editing Opp Layout as well.  Why?  When you click on the field, it shows the field, profile and the record type that you're specifically working with on security.  You check the boxes.  Why is that carrying over to the other layout?


Any help to resolve this would be much appreciated!

