• lakshman169
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I have a custom field TEXT__C   Date.
I set some date. its ok untill now.

From the backed i want to reset the date.
TEXT__C  =null; //no error but numm is displyed
 TEXT__C  =' '; //error saying string value cannot be set to date.

i want to set blank value to the date
Hi guys,

I'm a newbie in salesforce.
I try to create 2 applications. The first application contains the Staff object, the second application contains the Asset object.
I created one more object named Asset History (ID is auto number).
I created a trigger on Asset object to add Asset History  data whenever Asset information is changed. However, no Asset History record is created. 
When I try to add Asset History record by clicking New button, the data is created and ID of new data is increased.

I guess that Asset History record was created an then deleted, but I don't understand the root cause of this issue.
Can anyone give me some hints?

I am trying to retrieve the detail records at the same time as the master record. I added a custom field lookup on Opportunity to Account (Contact__c).
 I get this error in Eclipse for the last line of code: "The configuration of your org has changed, please reload the page. Missing dependent object: Field: Opportunity.ContactId".
Could anybody help?
The business scenario that I have is totry to get is the latest Membership_End_Date__c for all Opportunities related to a given Contact.

trigger UpdateIndividualMemberEndDate on Opportunity (after insert) { set<ID> contIDs = new Set<ID>(); if(Trigger.isInsert) { for(Opportunity o : System.Trigger.new){ contIDs.add(o.Contact__c); } Contact[] conts = new List<Contact>(); conts = [select Id, (select Membership_End_Date__c from Opportunities Order by Membership_End_Date__c desc) from Contact where ID in :contIDs]; Map<Id, Opportunity[]> contopp = new Map<Id, Opportunity[]>(); for (Contact eachCont: conts) { contopp.put(eachCont.Id, eachCont.Opportunities);} } }