• vivekjain
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I am trying to write an trigger for a fomula calculation as it is hitting the character limits.


Formula is:

Value(CASE( LEN( text( Area_Range__c ) ), 5, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 1), 6, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 1), 7, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 2), 8, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 2), 9, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 3), 10, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 3), 11, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 4), 12, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 4), 13, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 5), 14, "0", 15, "50000", 16, "750","0"))

 now the trigger is something like this

trigger PropertyValue on Property__c (before insert, before update) {

    Property__c thisProp;
    for(Property__c prop: Trigger.New)
  	list<Property__c> propNew=[select id, test_1__c, Budget_Range__c from Property__c];
				prop.test_1__c = CASE( LEN( text( prop.Budget_Range__c ) ), 5, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 1), 6, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 1), 7, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 2), 8, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 2), 9, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 3), 10, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 3), 11, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 4), 12, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 4), 13, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 5));


 It is giving error 

Save error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: text(String) PropertyValue.trigger /src/triggers line 13 Force.com save problem

I am trying to write an trigger for a fomula calculation as it is hitting the character limits.


Formula is:

Value(CASE( LEN( text( Area_Range__c ) ), 5, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 1), 6, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 1), 7, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 2), 8, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 2), 9, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 3), 10, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 3), 11, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 4), 12, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 4), 13, Left(text(Area_Range__c ), 5), 14, "0", 15, "50000", 16, "750","0"))

 now the trigger is something like this

trigger PropertyValue on Property__c (before insert, before update) {

    Property__c thisProp;
    for(Property__c prop: Trigger.New)
  	list<Property__c> propNew=[select id, test_1__c, Budget_Range__c from Property__c];
				prop.test_1__c = CASE( LEN( text( prop.Budget_Range__c ) ), 5, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 1), 6, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 1), 7, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 2), 8, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 2), 9, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 3), 10, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 3), 11, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 4), 12, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 4), 13, Left(text(prop.Budget_Range__c ), 5));


 It is giving error 

Save error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: text(String) PropertyValue.trigger /src/triggers line 13 Force.com save problem