• Shukla_Ankit
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I have created one 'Picklist' type field in an OBJECT. And I added 3 values in it, and now I would like to add some more fields to that existing picklist, so i pressed EDIT before the PICKLIST field and its opened the page and its showing the heading as PICKLIST OPTIONS but its not giving anything under this heading. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kiran.



I have a Picklist with following values


Virgin Australia
Virgin Atlantic
Virgin America
United Airlines    


I want to create a formula field so when any value selected it will give a link


Virgin Australia         http://www.virginaustralia.com/Personal/Bookings/Managebookings/index.htm     
Virgin Atlantic         https://www.virgin-atlantic.com/en/us/manageyourflights/updatebooking/index.jsp     
Virgin America              http://www.virginamerica.com/view-itinerary.html     
US AIR                     http://reservations.usairways.com/Default.aspx     
United Airlines         http://www.united.com/page/genericpage/0,,52172,00.html?navSource=dropDown&linkTitle=itineraries


Please help, how tyo achieve this?





I have an object named as 'Periods', I want some of my specific users to edit the records which  have already been created by the Administrator, where as New Records can only be created by the Administrator. I don't know how to achieve this, I guess its simple but actually I am new to Salesforce so don't know much of the option.


Please help!




  • March 06, 2012
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Hi All,

I want to show account address on OpenStreetMap as vf page on account detail page.Please let me know if anyone done this.
I am trying to integrate Salesforce with OpenStreetMap but unable to do so.Below is my code but it's not working properly.
<apex:page standardController="Lead" >
            <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
            <script src="//www.mapquestapi.com/sdk/js/v7.0.s/mqa.toolkit.js?key=Fmjtd%7Cluur21uy29%2Cb5%3Do5-90twu6"></script>           
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var mapQuestAPIKey = "Fmjtd%7Cluur21uy29%2Cb5%3Do5-90twu6";
                var recordName = "{!Lead.Name}";
                var addressToGeocode = "{!Lead.BillingAddressStreetNumber__c},{!Lead.Community__r.Postcode__c},{!Lead.Community__r.Country__c}";
                var latLngInfo;
                function constructMapQuestGeocodingURL (apiKey, location) {alert('aa');
                    return "//open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address?key=" + apiKey + "&location=" + encodeURI(location);
                function geocodeAndRenderMap(){
                            url :
                            method : "GET",
                            success :
                                function (data, textStatus, jqXHR){
                                        data.info.statuscode == 0 &&
                                        data.results[0].locations[0] != undefined
                                        latLngInfo = data.results[0].locations[0].latLng;
                                function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){

                function createInfoWindow(latLngInfo){
                    window.poi = new MQA.Poi(latLngInfo);


                function createMap(latLngInfo){
                    var options = {
                        elt: document.getElementById('map'),
                        zoom: 8,
                        latLng: { lat: latLngInfo.lat, lng: latLngInfo.lng },
                        mtype: 'osm',
                        bestFitMargin: 0,
                        zoomOnDoubleClick: true
                    window.map = new MQA.TileMap(options);
                        function() {
                                new MQA.LargeZoom(),
                                new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_LEFT, new MQA.Size(5,5))

                            map.addControl(new MQA.ViewOptions());

                                new MQA.GeolocationControl(),
                                new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_RIGHT, new MQA.Size(10,50))



            <div id="map" style="width:300px; height:300px;"></div>

Hi All,


How can we get MAC address of the local system by the apex code or any other way?????

I know that by getHeaders(); method we get IP address but I want to get MAC address.


Thanks in advance.




Hi All,


How can we get MAC address of the local system by the apex code or any other way?????

I know that by getHeaders(); method we get IP address but I want to get MAC address.


Thanks in advance.






How can I use person account field PersonHasOptedOutOfFax in the report or use in the formula field also if it is possible.





How can I use person account field PersonHasOptedOutOfFax in the report or use in the formula field also if it is possible.



I am trying to integrate Salesforce with OpenStreetMap but unable to do so.Below is my code but it's not working properly.
<apex:page standardController="Lead" >
            <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
            <script src="//www.mapquestapi.com/sdk/js/v7.0.s/mqa.toolkit.js?key=Fmjtd%7Cluur21uy29%2Cb5%3Do5-90twu6"></script>           
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var mapQuestAPIKey = "Fmjtd%7Cluur21uy29%2Cb5%3Do5-90twu6";
                var recordName = "{!Lead.Name}";
                var addressToGeocode = "{!Lead.BillingAddressStreetNumber__c},{!Lead.Community__r.Postcode__c},{!Lead.Community__r.Country__c}";
                var latLngInfo;
                function constructMapQuestGeocodingURL (apiKey, location) {alert('aa');
                    return "//open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address?key=" + apiKey + "&location=" + encodeURI(location);
                function geocodeAndRenderMap(){
                            url :
                            method : "GET",
                            success :
                                function (data, textStatus, jqXHR){
                                        data.info.statuscode == 0 &&
                                        data.results[0].locations[0] != undefined
                                        latLngInfo = data.results[0].locations[0].latLng;
                                function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){

                function createInfoWindow(latLngInfo){
                    window.poi = new MQA.Poi(latLngInfo);


                function createMap(latLngInfo){
                    var options = {
                        elt: document.getElementById('map'),
                        zoom: 8,
                        latLng: { lat: latLngInfo.lat, lng: latLngInfo.lng },
                        mtype: 'osm',
                        bestFitMargin: 0,
                        zoomOnDoubleClick: true
                    window.map = new MQA.TileMap(options);
                        function() {
                                new MQA.LargeZoom(),
                                new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_LEFT, new MQA.Size(5,5))

                            map.addControl(new MQA.ViewOptions());

                                new MQA.GeolocationControl(),
                                new MQA.MapCornerPlacement(MQA.MapCorner.TOP_RIGHT, new MQA.Size(10,50))



            <div id="map" style="width:300px; height:300px;"></div>

Hello guys;


Is it possible to convert Text to Currency in dataType Formula


Fum__c (textfield) Fum2__c(textfield)


I will like to Add this field in a new formula return type to be Currency called  in aggFum__c


so basically aggFum(Fum__c+Fum2__c)


But Salesforce Says it is invalid .


Is there a way the formula can be rewritten to convert the text to currency so i can get the currency value ?

I have field in account named pick (picklist field) and I want to populate that field automatically in contact , a field name called accountpickvalues

I have created one 'Picklist' type field in an OBJECT. And I added 3 values in it, and now I would like to add some more fields to that existing picklist, so i pressed EDIT before the PICKLIST field and its opened the page and its showing the heading as PICKLIST OPTIONS but its not giving anything under this heading. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kiran.

Hi All,


 I have  Asingto field in event object , it  is related to user and calender objects, 


  Field Label is AsignTo , Filed Name is Owner,   Now I want the  Asignto   field ApI Name.


   Field Label  Field Name

 Asingto           Owner(user,calender)



Thanks All.




Hi All, Need help.


I have a picklist field.  I need to change the picklist values and rename into new one. Thats easy. You can do that with the replace functionality in the field itself.


But Now I need to rename the field itself. Is is psossible to do?  What are the effects:


a. this field has 1-2 dependency. Also the value of these field is used ina formula. (Again formula can be changed easily).


Please explain me the downstream effects.

Hi team, In summary report i want to calculate avg .my issue was if we have null values rows even though its considering in avg.but i dont want to add null values so how can i avoid this and let me know if you have sample formula. Thanks

Will some body explain how product, pricebook, pricebook entery works in to the system.

I have added a product , activated it, entered it's standard price in standard pricebook also , but i m not able to see this product when i click on opportunity line item....event though when it asks for pricebook....there i m not able to see standard pricebook also as a pick value.......

please help me to understnd this system thanks

Hi all i'm Praveen Kumar i have  3.5 years of IT experince and  2.5 years on Salesforce.com  and looking for job change .Please let me know if any one had openings  on SFDC developer in your company.I'm DEV 401 certified consultant.




Hi Friends,


I have system admin profile assigned to couple of people in the company.Another user has been added to the system and assigned system admin profile.Can I make changes to the system admin profile for this particular user and let him have access to the less objects or other information when he logins whereas allowing other users to have access to all the system admin information(With no rectriction to them)?.




Hi all,
I am using class object as lookupfield in Enrollment object.Both are custom object.
For class i want to add a filter condition the Class start date and time is equal to today .
here i want  to specify today date and timecompare date and time or date
But It shows error .

  • May 01, 2012
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I would like to create a rule that enable and disable the text box, picklist and date field. I have a picklist field called "Purpose". The list of values is long but if the user selects "General Inquiry" or "Other" from picklist, I would like to disable the following fields.


  1. Reference Number (Text)
  2. Date (Date)
  3. Preferred Time Block (Picklist)
  4. Preferred Supervisor (Picklist)

Please help. Thank you in advance!




  • April 04, 2012
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I have a Picklist with following values


Virgin Australia
Virgin Atlantic
Virgin America
United Airlines    


I want to create a formula field so when any value selected it will give a link


Virgin Australia         http://www.virginaustralia.com/Personal/Bookings/Managebookings/index.htm     
Virgin Atlantic         https://www.virgin-atlantic.com/en/us/manageyourflights/updatebooking/index.jsp     
Virgin America              http://www.virginamerica.com/view-itinerary.html     
US AIR                     http://reservations.usairways.com/Default.aspx     
United Airlines         http://www.united.com/page/genericpage/0,,52172,00.html?navSource=dropDown&linkTitle=itineraries


Please help, how tyo achieve this?



Hi all,


I used CLI to perform Batch upload and deletion of records from my Developer Environment.


I tried to upload data to objects with parent child relationship (Ex: Accounts and Opportunity) at a time and i am able to upload records in both accounts and Opportunities to those accounts.


But i tried to delete Accounts and opportunities in one go since they are related right. but the accounts which are having opportunities with stage other that "Closed WOn" stage only got deleted.


Accounts which are having opportunities with "Closed Won" stage are not getting deleted.


Anyone pls explain why this happens



Can I make the Case status field read only for every user . If not then any workaround for this ?




Mayank Jain

Hi all.


I have a question about the partner portal.

I have "public read" on account on OWD and i have a custom profile for an user parter portal based on Gold Partner that i gave acess to "convert lead" and create/edit account/contact/opportunity.


when i try to convert the lead to an existing account that is not mine (the owner is not mine), i have an error of permission: "You do not have the required permission. To continue, you must have the 'Edit' permission on accounts "


Can you help me please? tks