• Tom Gersic
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Im new on this of the SDK of salesforce for Xcode, i want know how can i access to the attributtes of a record, because the code that i have is just if i have a table, but if i don´t havent i try to pass the object of the record to a NSDictionary variable, but it didn´t work.

In a easy way to explain, i just want to put the object that i bring with a requestForQuery in a nsdictionary object, or in something similar. Thanks!



Is there any way to get current Logged in user information through Mobile SDK. I have some custom records which are assigned to users and we want to filter records based on logged in user.


I was doing a query 


"Select Inspection_Name__C , Inspection_Date__c,Assigned_To__c from Inspecition__C where Assgined_To__c =: UserInfo.getUserId()


This query works fine in Apex class but on Mobile SDK it is giving error.


Is there any other way to even detect the logged in user login info so i could query the USER object to get more information about user.

I am very new to this platform. I am trying to use salesforce mobile SDK for android.

This is what I did:

Step 1: i downloaded Salesforce Mobile SDK in to my local drive

Step 2: After downloading i run the install .vbs command (Windows)

Step3: I got an windows alert like

This is the error i am getting "Make sure git excutable is on your path variable".

How to resolve this?

Hi there,


In AppDelegate inherit from SFNativeRestAppDelegate

I am having problems returning a UISplitViewController in


- (UIViewController*)newRootViewController {

//    RootViewController *rootVC = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];

//    UINavigationController *navVC = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootVC];

//    [rootVC release];


//    return navVC;



    MasterViewController *masterViewController = [[[MasterViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MasterViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];

    UINavigationController *masterNavigationController = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:masterViewController] autorelease];


    DetailViewController *detailViewController = [[[DetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"DetailViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];

    UINavigationController *detailNavigationController = [[[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:detailViewController] autorelease];


    UISplitViewController* splitViewController = [[[UISplitViewControlleralloc] init] autorelease];

    splitViewController.delegate = detailViewController;

    splitViewController.viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:masterNavigationController, detailNavigationController, nil];


    return splitViewController;




I get 

'Application tried to present a Split View Controllers modally


I know that iOS require the UISplitViewController to be the rootView, but using the SFNativeRestAppDelegate?






I am new to Salesforce. I am developing a mobile application using jquery mobile. In my application, I am sending a url and access token to retrieve data from the salesforce. How do i protect this url and access token. How do people try to hack this url and access token during security review?

Hi all,


does anybody know if / how it is possible to access Salesforce Mobile Configuration when building a custom mobile app using SFDC SDK ?


If it is not possible, that would be a great feature to be included in future releases.


As we are building an iOS app which allows for offline data storage and editing for all Salesforce Orgs, we need a possiblity to be able to configure which objects and fields need to be synchronized (and also which records). This feature exists in the SFDC platform (=Mobile Configurations), but seems not to be exposed for access by developers. The only work-around we came up with is to partially re-build some of this functionality in a custom SFDC app, but that's confusing for users as the standard Mobile Configuration functionality for standard SFDC mobile clients does exactly that.


Any response / feedback on this topic are highly appreciated.




Has anyone got an example of how we can whitelist a Salesforce URL to get a profile photo for Chatter? Our Chatter images are currently blank and I have a feeling that Phonegap needs to whitelist the URL.


We tried to whitelist a particular profile photo URL for test purposes but the photo didn't appear at all. We want to be able to create an access right to all profile photos.


Here is the post on StackOverflow, of which we attempted to follow but failed:


How do I get the id of the user with Rest APi?

Does anyone know why I do not have permission to open up the application once we have granted access from a mobile device?


The message we get is (red is obscured information and message is typed out so not perfectly decoded):




Anyone have any ideas?



I'm developing a Hybrid App to work with the Web App on the appexchange.  The Hybrid App will be available in iTunes.  My question is in regards to Consumer Key and Redirect URL.  The Hybrid template from the workbook fills in the Consumer Key and Redirect URL.  However it must be changed to the Remote Access object settings from a Production org.  Since I'm the developer, I don't  know the Production org of the end user.  It also seems to me that the Consumer Key and Redirect URL must be hardcoded in the Hybrid App so can't even ask the end user to activate thier Remote Access to fill in the Key and URL.


Can I use the Remote Access from the Developer org instead of Production org?  If I do that, will the installable Hybrid App still be able to access web app?


Hello All


I am new to Cloud Computing and Developer Force.


Therefore, apologies for such a fundamental question.


Does Developer Force have a Mobile App Store, where I can sell my Mobile App from ?


If yes, is this Developer Force Mobile App store a dedicated Mobile app Store (or is it shared with Desktop Applications) ?


Thank you, in advance.




  • May 11, 2012
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I cloned from below git hub.




Created a project in eclipse (after installing Android SDK and ADT plugin).  Now, when I import project (VFConnector) from MobileSDK, I am getting error as "Unable to resolve target 'android-8'. Why this could be?




  • September 27, 2012
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Hello friends,


Iam integrating SFDC in iOS using REST API.App  working well.

but sometimes iam getting SFDC webpage after logging. I dont know the exact reason for this..


Can anybody Please help me..why it webpage is dispalying and and how to over come this.

  • September 27, 2012
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     I have an issue regarding the install.vbs while i am trying to execute the "Cscript install.vbs"in cmd of windows .I have an erro like"There was an error getting the status of the git repository: ' ' Make sure the 'git' excecutable is on your PATH variable". Please do the needful help as soon as possible .


 Thank you,

I have a native project built on the iOS Salesforce Mobile SDK. We've been using for about 5 months now with no issues. 


I'm able to authenticate in our Winter '13 Sandbox, but am receiving an internal server error on callback. I've confirmed that this issue appeared when the sandbox was updated, and there were no code changes. 


Anyone aware of changes to the Rest API that might explain this? 

  • September 11, 2012
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Understanding that its maybe removing a level of security but is there a way to get around the user having to authorize a new device for an iPad app? We have a internal app in development.  We want to try and avoid the device verification part of loggin in for the first time login since there will be many devices being enabled. The app is using OAuth2 for authentication. 

  • September 10, 2012
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I currenlty have jquery 1.6 and jquery.mobile-1.0b

Hi, I'm stating an iOS native app and I was wondering if I can connect to sforce without using the sforce log in page, instead, using the username, password and security token behind scene for making the connection.



Thanks for any help!

I`m not an expert in objective c programming, im doing a native app with the SDK for xcode, the problem is that i want to pass data back between view controllers.

I have an atributte in a child controller that i want to pass to another atributte in the parent controller, im using protocols and it supposed that my app will be working, but it doesnt.

Someone know if the SDK don`t allow this kind of things, or any idea?

Im new on this of the SDK of salesforce for Xcode, i want know how can i access to the attributtes of a record, because the code that i have is just if i have a table, but if i don´t havent i try to pass the object of the record to a NSDictionary variable, but it didn´t work.

In a easy way to explain, i just want to put the object that i bring with a requestForQuery in a nsdictionary object, or in something similar. Thanks!

I want know if its possible to download or to make a visor of objects attachments of my cloud in my native applicacion in xcode

I am very new to this platform. I am trying to use salesforce mobile SDK for android.

This is what I did:

Step 1: i downloaded Salesforce Mobile SDK in to my local drive

Step 2: After downloading i run the install .vbs command (Windows)

Step3: I got an windows alert like

This is the error i am getting "Make sure git excutable is on your path variable".

How to resolve this?

Just posted this example of using Amazon Simple Email Service from Force.com:




Includes code samples and such to get you up and running.

