• kcnmahesh
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My requirement is , we need to create an approval process if evwry BOM record is created.

Means we need to send an email if BOM is created for APPROVAL.

In email , also we need to include the related list information of that BOM.

So i created one component and controller

And i created Visualforce email template , in that i invoked Visualforce Component which invokes Controller.

But i am not able to get the current record i.e., BOM which is newly created.

I am not getting logic to get new record values.

Can anyone help me on this plz....?




I want to create a date field in visualforce page.

Now i created date field by using Object's field.

Is there any other way to create date fields without using any objects....?




I created one visual force page.

In that visualforce page i inserted one image with the help of <apex:image> tag.

I created image in static resourcses and from where i am extracting image into visualforce Page.

But its not displaying anything.

Can you help me that why i am not getting image..?

Did i need to change any settings in Salesforce setup for displaying images in visualforce pages...?


My visualforce page code :


<apex:form >
<div align = "right"> <apex:image url="{!$Resource.CompanyLogo}"/> </div>



I override Standard Button "NEW" and i created one visualforce page for that NEW button.

In visualforce page , just i inserted all fields to save a record.

I used standard buttons Called SAVE and CANCEL , for saving record after inputting all required values.

Its working fine , but record is not saving into database.

Can anyone help me ?


Also i am posting my code.




<apex:page standardController="Why_Why_Analysis__c" extensions="WhyAnalysisController">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageMessages ></apex:pageMessages>
<apex:pageBlockButtons >
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
Why? : <apex:inputfield value="{!Why_Why_Analysis__c.Name}"/>
<br/>Fishbone Analysis : <apex:inputField value="{!Why_Why_Analysis__c.Fishbone_Analysis__c}"/>
Root Cause : <apex:inputField value="{!Why_Why_Analysis__c.Root_Cause__c}"/>
Currency : <apex:inputField value="{!Why_Why_Analysis__c.CurrencyIsoCode}"/>


public class WhyAnalysisController {

    public WhyAnalysisController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {


    public pageReference save(){

              return null;




My requirement is to display all existing records at the time of creating a new record.


Means  i need to override NEW button with visualforce page and i need to display all existing records with the help of controller.


I am not getting the logic .


can anyone help me on this requirement plz....?

I created one trigger on an object.

The trigger executes when we do any operations on an object.

I need to get the current record values.

How can i get the current record values or ID.....?

We have two objects called as "Sales Order" and "Production Activity". 
For every "Sales Order" object's record there are 5 records in "Production Activity" which are dependent( or lookup) to "Sales Order" object's record.
That is for a Sales Order record, say SO1, there are 5 records in "Production Activity", say Punching, Bending, Fabrication, Powder-Coating and Packing; these 5 records are dependent to SO1.
For every record in production activity there is a start time and an end time. Also, the condition is that the end time of first record will be the start time of next record. And so on for all the remaining records. 
For ex: st1= start time of record 1 and et1 = end time of record 1
           st2= end time of record 1 and et2 = end time of record 2 
           st3= end time of record 2 and et3 = end time of record 3
           st4= end time of record 3 and et4 = end time of record 4
           st5= end time of record 4 and et5 = end time of record 5
Now, st2=et1, st3=et2, st4=et3, st5=et4.
st = Start Time; et = End Time

          In SO1. if I change the end time of first record, i.e. "Punching", then the start time of second record, i.e. "Bending", should also be changed, automatically and also the remaining records means 3 records.

If we edit second record time then we need to change remaining 3 records time w.r.t. second record.

. I am unable to build a logic to make this change happen automatically.



I am getting errors while deploying to production.

Error messages are "Apex class does not exist".

But in sandbox , got 80% code coverage . while validating in production am getting errors.


Can anyone help me plz.....?





I want to changeone  field type in production in an object.

But its referred in apex class , which is deployed into production.

And that field is a required field and also this field is referred in Other formula fields.

So How can i deactivate that apex class or delete that one to change field type.....?

Can anyone help me plz.....?

Hi friends..,


Actually i moved apex class into production.

But we are looking to change one field type in production which is associated with that apex class.

So we want to deactivate the apex class.

I commented whole class in sandbox and i am trying to move the apex class into production.

but i am not getting code coverage now . So how to write test class for an empty apex class


Plz help me

Actually if any visualforcepage invoked , the browser name will belike that   "Page editor VisualforcepageName"


But i need to change the browser tab name.

I wrote visualforcepage on Accounts.

I need to put Account name as Browser tab name..


How can i get account name as browser tab name....I tried with many things like using pageheader tag in <apex:page> tag also i used <head> tag.

But i didnt get that name as browser tab name.



Plz can anyone help me.....

global class InvoiceSummary


Id accId;

List<Invoice__c> listinvoice {get ;set;}

global List<InvoiceWrapper> listoverdueinvoices {get;set;}

public  pagereference queryinvoices()


accId = Apexpages.Currentpage().getParametres.get('id');

invoice = List<Invoice__c>();

decimal balanceoverduesum = 0;

invoice = [ select Invoice_date__c, Balance_Amount__c,due_Date__c,Name__c  from Invoice__c where Account_NameLookUp__c =: accId and Balance_Amount__c > 0 ];

for (Invoice__c i : listinvoice)


listoverdueinvoices.add( new Invoicewrapper(i.invoice_date__c,i.Balance_Amount__c,i.due_date__c,i.Name__c));

balanceoverduesum += balanceoverduesum;


if(listoverdueinvoices != null && listoverdueinvoices.size() >0)

listoverduesum.add(new InvoiceWrapper(null,balanceoverduesum,null,'total'));


global class invoiceWrapper


global date invoicedate { get;set;}

global String name { get;set;}

global decimal amount {get;set;}

global date duedate {get;set;}

global InvoiceWrapper( date invoicedate,String name,decimal amount,date duedate)


this.invoicedate = invoicedate;

this.name = name;

this.amount = amount;e;

this.duedate = duedat



I have one requirement....


we need to create one button called "Trak"

If we press that button on an account record an email has to be sent to the related contacts.

And Sales order object is there..,

Lookup relation with Account object

In that mail we need to send Salesorder details


Plz its an urgent requirement.....Help me frndz






I created one visual force page.

In that visualforce page i inserted one image with the help of <apex:image> tag.

I created image in static resourcses and from where i am extracting image into visualforce Page.

But its not displaying anything.

Can you help me that why i am not getting image..?

Did i need to change any settings in Salesforce setup for displaying images in visualforce pages...?


My visualforce page code :


<apex:form >
<div align = "right"> <apex:image url="{!$Resource.CompanyLogo}"/> </div>



My requirement is to display all existing records at the time of creating a new record.


Means  i need to override NEW button with visualforce page and i need to display all existing records with the help of controller.


I am not getting the logic .


can anyone help me on this requirement plz....?

We have two objects called as "Sales Order" and "Production Activity". 
For every "Sales Order" object's record there are 5 records in "Production Activity" which are dependent( or lookup) to "Sales Order" object's record.
That is for a Sales Order record, say SO1, there are 5 records in "Production Activity", say Punching, Bending, Fabrication, Powder-Coating and Packing; these 5 records are dependent to SO1.
For every record in production activity there is a start time and an end time. Also, the condition is that the end time of first record will be the start time of next record. And so on for all the remaining records. 
For ex: st1= start time of record 1 and et1 = end time of record 1
           st2= end time of record 1 and et2 = end time of record 2 
           st3= end time of record 2 and et3 = end time of record 3
           st4= end time of record 3 and et4 = end time of record 4
           st5= end time of record 4 and et5 = end time of record 5
Now, st2=et1, st3=et2, st4=et3, st5=et4.
st = Start Time; et = End Time

          In SO1. if I change the end time of first record, i.e. "Punching", then the start time of second record, i.e. "Bending", should also be changed, automatically and also the remaining records means 3 records.

If we edit second record time then we need to change remaining 3 records time w.r.t. second record.

. I am unable to build a logic to make this change happen automatically.


I currently have a Visualforce email template for sending details relating to a particular account with a custom button.
In the standard email templates, it is possible to include fields in the subject line of the email.  
This allows you to write, for example, New Account: [ACCOUNT NAME] in the subject line of the email.
However, I am not able to find this functionality in the Visualforce email template.
I am sure this must be possible - please help!!!  I am sure this must be extremely simple, but I am not able to find it..

Actually if any visualforcepage invoked , the browser name will belike that   "Page editor VisualforcepageName"


But i need to change the browser tab name.

I wrote visualforcepage on Accounts.

I need to put Account name as Browser tab name..


How can i get account name as browser tab name....I tried with many things like using pageheader tag in <apex:page> tag also i used <head> tag.

But i didnt get that name as browser tab name.



Plz can anyone help me.....

global class InvoiceSummary


Id accId;

List<Invoice__c> listinvoice {get ;set;}

global List<InvoiceWrapper> listoverdueinvoices {get;set;}

public  pagereference queryinvoices()


accId = Apexpages.Currentpage().getParametres.get('id');

invoice = List<Invoice__c>();

decimal balanceoverduesum = 0;

invoice = [ select Invoice_date__c, Balance_Amount__c,due_Date__c,Name__c  from Invoice__c where Account_NameLookUp__c =: accId and Balance_Amount__c > 0 ];

for (Invoice__c i : listinvoice)


listoverdueinvoices.add( new Invoicewrapper(i.invoice_date__c,i.Balance_Amount__c,i.due_date__c,i.Name__c));

balanceoverduesum += balanceoverduesum;


if(listoverdueinvoices != null && listoverdueinvoices.size() >0)

listoverduesum.add(new InvoiceWrapper(null,balanceoverduesum,null,'total'));


global class invoiceWrapper


global date invoicedate { get;set;}

global String name { get;set;}

global decimal amount {get;set;}

global date duedate {get;set;}

global InvoiceWrapper( date invoicedate,String name,decimal amount,date duedate)


this.invoicedate = invoicedate;

this.name = name;

this.amount = amount;e;

this.duedate = duedat



I have one requirement....


we need to create one button called "Trak"

If we press that button on an account record an email has to be sent to the related contacts.

And Sales order object is there..,

Lookup relation with Account object

In that mail we need to send Salesorder details


Plz its an urgent requirement.....Help me frndz