• Ken0624700
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When a lead is converted, is it possible to find out, in an Apex trigger, whether the ConvertedAccountId is referecing to an existing Account or an Account created as a result of the conversion? Or in another word, can I find out whether a user selected an existing account or created a new account as part of the lead conversion process?

When a lead is converted, is it possible to find out, in an Apex trigger, whether the ConvertedAccountId is referecing to an existing Account or an Account created as a result of the conversion? Or in another word, can I find out whether a user selected an existing account or created a new account as part of the lead conversion process?

Hi guys,


When I used Force.com Migration tool to retrieve metadata from a developer org, I got this error : 

Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.


After checking the configuration, I'm sure that : 

- The username, password & security token are correct because I can use them to checkout a Force.com project in Eclipse.

- Server url is correct (https://login.salesforce.com)


Can anybody give me an advice ?



  • April 16, 2012
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