• neao18
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Hi So I am trying to understand that what is heap and how it is managed in Salesforce.
What I did is created a VF page and a Http callout class, I have stored a large XML on remote server that I am getting back from my Http callout. Also I have made a custom logging method to capture the max heap that is being used through the Http and XML parsing(by passing Limits.getHeapSize()) which works fine.
My confusion is the number do not match, for instance even for a file as big as 5MB my debug shows Maximum heap size: 0 out of 6000000. and my custom logger shows MAX Allowed : 6000000 | Highest Used Heap : 11929380.
Note: I know that I have used a custom login that capture heap using "Limits.getHeapSize()", so if I see a number example "11929380", shouldn't the code fail as I donot have any try catch.
Code details: I am using XmlStreamReader to parse the XML. I am using Transient variable to display the result on screen.

User-added image

Custom :
User-added image
public class HttpCallout{
public static innerResult callout(String endpoint, String type){
    innerResult rs = new innerResult();
    captureMaxResource(Limits.getHeapSize() , Limits.getCpuTime() , 'before http call' , rs);

    Http h = new Http();
    HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
    req.setEndpoint(endpoint); // PDF hosted xml
    HttpResponse res = h.send(req);

    captureMaxResource(Limits.getHeapSize() , Limits.getCpuTime() , 'after http call but before parsing' , rs);

    rs.result = parserXML( res.getBody() , rs);

    captureMaxResource(Limits.getHeapSize() , Limits.getCpuTime() , 'after parsing' , rs);
    return rs;

public static string parserXML(String xmlStr , innerResult rs){
    //parsing of XML
    captureMaxResource(Limits.getHeapSize() , Limits.getCpuTime() , 'after xml parsing' , rs);
    return null;

public static void captureMaxResource(integer heap , integer cpu , string logindex , innerResult rs){
    if(rs.maxHeap != null && rs.maxHeap < heap){
        rs.maxHeap = heap;
        rs.indexmaxHeap = logindex;
        rs.maxHeap = heap;

    if(rs.maxCPU != null && rs.maxCPU < cpu){
        rs.maxCPU = cpu ;
        rs.maxCPU = cpu ;

public class innerResult{
    public string indexmaxHeap{get;set;}
    public integer maxHeap{get;set;}
    public integer maxCPU{get;set;}
    public string result{get;set;}

  • February 25, 2017
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I am trying to access a Map<String,Map<String,Integer> in VF but I dont want to use repeat tag, as I know we can access a Map<String,String> as {!MapVal['Key']} in a page without any error.

but for the Map<String,Map<String,Integer> when I do this {!MapVal['Key']} it through a error as value not found in map. But at lest I should get the inside Map!!

Any Help!!
  • January 30, 2014
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I am trying to get aouth token from using the username and password authentication for Salesforce rest api.

I am using this url: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token

I am using this Header:

grant_type: password
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id: 3MVG9Y6d_Btp4xp7vvFtoM5KvlxGGeHkTNHMBRocXHDKgrY.**********************
client_secret: 77228**********
username: ******@****.com
password: ********ESbfkvMHuULtcEROf6CNiMRZ
I am also giving the accesstoken in the password. but I am always getting this:

error_description: "grant type not supported"
error: "unsupported_grant_type"
  • December 31, 2014
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I have a Enum class as:

global class Util {
  global enum Session {

and a test class as :

public static testmethod void callTestData(){
    Util.Session se = Util.Session.Winter;

But still my code coverage is 0%?? Why.

Also I tried many ways to cover it but not able to can any one help!!

  • November 21, 2013
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Hi all,


I have a small query that :


My senario is that I am using javascript remoting to pass data from page to controller and then fill a wrapper class(json parser).

but in javascript we can only use static variables so i made my wrapper object as public static. 

Every thing work and I get the Data in controller but when I tried to write it to VF page it give me "Unknown property 'fbIntegrationDataController.id'"

So how to get Data from it I also have getter setter for that but still not able to do so.

Public static fbIntegrationDataController fbClassObj{get;set;}

    public static void setfbClassObj(fbIntegrationDataController f){
        fbClassObj = f;
    public static fbIntegrationDataController getfbClassObj (){
        return fbClassObj;

    global static string getsetfbData(String tokenname) {
        fbData = tokenname; 
        fbClassObj = parse(fbData);
        return '';

public String name;
    public String email;
    public String id;
    public Picture picture;
    public class Picture {
        public Data data;

    public class Data {
        public String url;
        public Integer width;
        public Integer height;
        public Boolean is_silhouette;

    public static fbIntegrationDataController parse(String json) {
        return (fbIntegrationDataController) System.JSON.deserialize(json, fbIntegrationDataController.class);


Hi All,


I have enabled the Site in Salesforce.com and I am not able to find the Secure link the one with https:// in there!!


As per the release of Spring-13 there is no sign of the secure link for site as it use to be in the previous versions.


Help needed!!

Hi All,

I have goen through the doc on polymorphic Soql and it says that what ever I write in after typeof fieldlist will be returnded but when I use this :


[Select Id, Description, ActivityDate, TYPEOF Who
WHEN Lead THEN Email WHEN Contact THEN Email END from Task]


It only retrun the Id, Description, ActivityDate columns and not the Email one??


I have refered this post : http://blogs.developerforce.com/tech-pubs/2012/09/soql-polymorphism-or-how-i-learned-to-love-the-polymorphic-relationship.html


Note: I have SOQL Polymophism enabled.

Hi All,


We have a senario as:

We have developed a VF page that gets data from a object as xyz__c. The page is working fine and we want to make a managed packege to deploy to all of our orgs.

But the point is that xyz__c is already present on the other orgs. And we cannot remove the dependency object from a package.

So the question is that: How I can only make a managed package with out the xyz__c object and only have the VF page and classes??

Hi I am using Dynamic query in Apex and I am facing this issue I have my debug logs:

What am I doing wrong?? This is my query string  --


10:17:09.075 (75325000)|USER_DEBUG|[86]|DEBUG|******Select Id,Name,Lookup__c from Record__c where Lookup__c IN  '[a02i00000012UOvAAM, a02i00000012UOfAAM]'


  • April 22, 2013
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Hi all,


My senario is that I have a Page with Multiple select options and Pagination(Using wrapper class). 

What happen is this when I change my values in page and navigate to next set of records using StandardSet controller next() methord I run into this error..



"Modified rows exist in the records collection!"


So I tried to again make my controller object null and again bind the record list with it but same issue.


What to do in this senario!!


public void pnext(){
    if(recList != null){
        tempmapofWRP = new Map<Id,boolean> ();
        List<PO_LineItem__c> tempUpdatePOLINE = new List<PO_LineItem__c>();
        for(wrapperRec wrp: recList){
            wrpMap.put(wrp.record.Id,wrp) ;
        for(wrapperRec wrp:wrpMap.values()){
        system.debug('***con before null*****'+con);
        system.debug('***con after null*****');
        /*con = null;
        con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(tempUpdatePOLINE);
        system.debug('***con new bind*****'+con);
        system.debug('****before caon next*****');
        system.debug('***Next called ****');
        wrltemplist =  new List<wrapperRec>();
        system.debug('***before getrecordcall *****');
        wrltemplist  = getrecordList();
        for(wrapperRec wrp: wrltemplist ){
        wrltemplist =  new List<wrapperRec>();
        wrltemplist  = getrecordList();



  • March 26, 2013
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hi how can we push a js from contoller to page??

I mean how to add js dynamically to page

  • March 19, 2013
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hi all,


What i am doing is :


string temp = string.valueof(wpl.start);
string tempd = temp.remove('start:[datetimed=');


where wpl is my wraper list object and start is my object inside wrapper.


its working for the first line but when i add second line it gives me null pointer. but my temp var is not null as i have value displaying in visualforce from it??

  • March 12, 2013
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Hi all,


I may be a stupit question to be asked but here is the senario:


1. I have a jsone string and I am parsing it with JSONParser  as


wrapGoogleData inv = (wrapGoogleData)parser.readValueAs(wrapGoogleData.class);

 I am getting the parsed string in my class as: 

public class wrapGoogleData{
        public string summary{get;set;}
        public string id{get;set;}
        public string status{get;set;}
        public creator creator;
        public start start;
        public endd endd;
        public wrapGoogleData(string entnm,string ezid,string sta, creator c,start s,endd e){
            summary= entnm;
            id= ezid;
            status = sta;
            creator = c;
            //start = new start(s.datetimed);
            start = s;
            endd = e;
        public creator getcreatorob(){
            return (creator) creator;
        public start getstartob(){
            return (start) start;
        public string getstartobdate(){
            return (string) start.datetimed;
        public endd  getendob(){
            return (endd ) endd;
    public class creator{
        public string email{get;set;}
        public string displayName{get;set;}
        public string self{get;set;}
    public class start{
        public string datetimed{get;set;}
       /* public start(string str){
            datetimed = str;
    public class endd{
        public string datetimed{get;set;}

 2. What i am doing is I am itrating over the map of this wrapper class as: 

 for(wrapGoogleData wpl : lstwrap.values()){
            string getGoogle='';
            getGoogle = getGoogle + 'start  : "' + wpl.getstartob().datetimed +'",';

 This returns a null pointer at the last line: But when I write it as it return a object and not null pointer var: How to get the datetimed variable in this senario???

getGoogle = getGoogle + 'start  : "' + wpl.getstartob() +'",';
  • March 12, 2013
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Hi all,


I have a issue with Http and Https access in visualforce page. I am using jquery remotely hosted lib as: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.js"></script>


and I have added the address in remote site setting too.


But when i change this to this: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.js"></script>


Http to Https (also added this in remote site setting). The script stops working!!


Did any body faced the same problem??

  • February 27, 2013
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Hi all i have a strange problem with test coverage. It seems that even the test failed in testclass still the code coverage is 100% 

Note: I have a validation set by me to give me a error on field values if null.

* I know my code is bad but this is for just testing one senario


trigger webservice2 on Web_Service__c  (before insert) {

    list<Web_Service__c  > n= new list<Web_Service__c  >();
    for(Web_Service__c  w: trigger.new){
    for(Web_Service__c  w: n){
    Database.SaveResult[] lsr = Database.update(n, false);



 and the test class:


private class testwebservice2 
public class applicationException extends Exception {}
    public static testmethod void testing() 
        Web_Service__c  a= new Web_Service__c (Rss_Url__c='www.h.com');
        insert a;

 What my question is even after if it gives me this error :


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, webservice2: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.SObjectException: DML statment cannot operate on trigger.new or trigger.old Trigger.webservice2: line 17, column 1: []


my code covers 100%


And also that can I deploy this code to production with this test failed class??

  • November 25, 2012
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I have a problem when I am creating a radio button and binding the values from options, when a user select a value then i am storing it in a map as<Id,string> and when they want to review it what i do is get the value of that record id from map and assign  the value to selected list value attribute.

It works fine but when a user multiple time review the selected options then after 2-3 clicks the values are not binding. Help needed. 

  • November 06, 2012
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Hi all, 

I have a strange problem: I have  map as: 

Public map<Sobject__c,String> calresult{get;set;}


which i am initialising in constructor, and when values a inserted into a textbox i am putting them in my map,

But problem is this when i want to display it, I use system.debug() to see the map is filled or not, Its filled but when i am tring to fetch the first map value as: calresult.get(object); it always return null,

1.The value is in the map

2.No values are removed form the map


But it always return null .Help!


Also i found that the first value is not equal to my object as one field which is numaric with value 12.0 is 12 inside my map, but my map is same type as of the object.?

  • November 06, 2012
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hi all i have a problem i have all api name ob object in map. now how to bind it in class.

as object__c.Account__c 


here Account__c is api name and its in a map.

So how do I bind values from a map to object.api expression.

  • October 16, 2012
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I am clue less

what i m trying is that, i have some message in some site say www.xyz.com in accout like: inbox, i what to get that data into salesforce custom object.

What need to be doen in this case. Help is will come Thansk..

  • October 10, 2012
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Hi all i have a sms api from http://api.mVaayoo.com/mvaayooapi/ and i have written a class to make a http call, and it execute without and errors,

But i m not recieving any sms what is wrong i dont know :

also i have made :http://api.mVaayoo.com access in remote site setting.


global class HttpApiSMSCall{
   WebService static void getsms(String id) {

// Instantiate a new http object 
    ConTest__c  web= new ConTest__c ();
    web = [select Id,Indian_Mobile_No__c from ConTest__c where Id =:id];
    string enpoit='http://api.mVaayoo.com/mvaayooapi/MessageCompose?user=user@gmail.com:password&senderID=test&receipientno=9420186***&dcs=0&msgtxt=Hii All Test Msg&state=4';
    Http h = new Http();
// Instantiate a new HTTP request, specify the method (GET) as well as the endpoint 
    system.debug('@@@@ end'+enpoit);
    HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

// Send the request, and return a response 
    HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
    system.debug('########## msg'+ res);

 i am getting OK status in debug but sms are not sent also on server log it doent have any out bound sms. Have any idea?


  • October 09, 2012
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I am inserting a date value into event object

Event e = new Event();

e.StartDate__c = c.customDate__c;

If i insert today date 

in event object standard layout .I am displaying startdate .it was displaying yesterday.I am in EST time zone last two weeks we are seeing the problem in diff instances

It is was per design or bug

  • February 25, 2017
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Hi, I'm very new to SFDC development and am trying to create a trigger that will assign lead owners based on web domain (lead field name = "rWeb Domain"). Currently, lead ownership is defined at the company level (i.e. one company is owned by one user), and we uniquely identify a company by its rWeb Domain. I'm hoping to automatically assign any newly created leads where the company already exists in SFDC to the appropriate lead owner. For any new leads where no company exists, I'd like to assign them to lead owners based on a round-robin system, but with a qualifier for Inudstry. Our users are currenlty segmented into two teams, each with different Industries (team 1 Industries = "Education", "Technology"; Team 2 Industries = "Media", "Entertainment"). As such, the round robin lead assignments should apply to new leads within those respective industries. All other new leads (i.e. those where no matching rWeb Domain exists AND that do not fall into one of those four industries) should be assigned to me.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Hi All,

I get this error all the time when I try to create an 'ApexClass' from one apex class using metadata:
Web service callout failed: WebService returned a SOAP Fault: INVALID_TYPE: This type of object is not available for this organization faultcode=sf:INVALID_TYPE faultactor=

The code is similar than create an 'ApexPage', although 'ApexPage' works.
So could you help me with this?

Code to create 'ApexClass':
public PageReference mCreateApexClass(){
  MetadataService.MetadataPort service = createService();    
     MetadataService.ApexClass lvApexClass = new MetadataService.ApexClass();
     lvApexClass.apiVersion = 29;
     lvApexClass.fullName = myApexClassName;
     lvApexClass.status = 'Active';
     lvApexClass.content = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(myApexClassContentAsString));
     MetadataService.AsyncResult[] results = service.create(new List<MetadataService.Metadata> { lvApexClass });
     result = results[0];
     return null;


Thanks in advance.
I am trying to access a Map<String,Map<String,Integer> in VF but I dont want to use repeat tag, as I know we can access a Map<String,String> as {!MapVal['Key']} in a page without any error.

but for the Map<String,Map<String,Integer> when I do this {!MapVal['Key']} it through a error as value not found in map. But at lest I should get the inside Map!!

Any Help!!
  • January 30, 2014
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I have a Enum class as:

global class Util {
  global enum Session {

and a test class as :

public static testmethod void callTestData(){
    Util.Session se = Util.Session.Winter;

But still my code coverage is 0%?? Why.

Also I tried many ways to cover it but not able to can any one help!!

  • November 21, 2013
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Hi all,


I have a small query that :


My senario is that I am using javascript remoting to pass data from page to controller and then fill a wrapper class(json parser).

but in javascript we can only use static variables so i made my wrapper object as public static. 

Every thing work and I get the Data in controller but when I tried to write it to VF page it give me "Unknown property 'fbIntegrationDataController.id'"

So how to get Data from it I also have getter setter for that but still not able to do so.

Public static fbIntegrationDataController fbClassObj{get;set;}

    public static void setfbClassObj(fbIntegrationDataController f){
        fbClassObj = f;
    public static fbIntegrationDataController getfbClassObj (){
        return fbClassObj;

    global static string getsetfbData(String tokenname) {
        fbData = tokenname; 
        fbClassObj = parse(fbData);
        return '';

public String name;
    public String email;
    public String id;
    public Picture picture;
    public class Picture {
        public Data data;

    public class Data {
        public String url;
        public Integer width;
        public Integer height;
        public Boolean is_silhouette;

    public static fbIntegrationDataController parse(String json) {
        return (fbIntegrationDataController) System.JSON.deserialize(json, fbIntegrationDataController.class);


Hi All,


We have a senario as:

We have developed a VF page that gets data from a object as xyz__c. The page is working fine and we want to make a managed packege to deploy to all of our orgs.

But the point is that xyz__c is already present on the other orgs. And we cannot remove the dependency object from a package.

So the question is that: How I can only make a managed package with out the xyz__c object and only have the VF page and classes??

Hi I am using Dynamic query in Apex and I am facing this issue I have my debug logs:

What am I doing wrong?? This is my query string  --


10:17:09.075 (75325000)|USER_DEBUG|[86]|DEBUG|******Select Id,Name,Lookup__c from Record__c where Lookup__c IN  '[a02i00000012UOvAAM, a02i00000012UOfAAM]'


  • April 22, 2013
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Hello Helpers


I would like to know  how  can I send email with attachment  from an apex class


I know  how  to send mails.

I sew articles about how  to attach a VFpage  rendered as pdf


but what I need is to attach a file  to my email


I am thinking to a static resource  


any suggestions?





  • April 21, 2013
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Hi all,


My senario is that I have a Page with Multiple select options and Pagination(Using wrapper class). 

What happen is this when I change my values in page and navigate to next set of records using StandardSet controller next() methord I run into this error..



"Modified rows exist in the records collection!"


So I tried to again make my controller object null and again bind the record list with it but same issue.


What to do in this senario!!


public void pnext(){
    if(recList != null){
        tempmapofWRP = new Map<Id,boolean> ();
        List<PO_LineItem__c> tempUpdatePOLINE = new List<PO_LineItem__c>();
        for(wrapperRec wrp: recList){
            wrpMap.put(wrp.record.Id,wrp) ;
        for(wrapperRec wrp:wrpMap.values()){
        system.debug('***con before null*****'+con);
        system.debug('***con after null*****');
        /*con = null;
        con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(tempUpdatePOLINE);
        system.debug('***con new bind*****'+con);
        system.debug('****before caon next*****');
        system.debug('***Next called ****');
        wrltemplist =  new List<wrapperRec>();
        system.debug('***before getrecordcall *****');
        wrltemplist  = getrecordList();
        for(wrapperRec wrp: wrltemplist ){
        wrltemplist =  new List<wrapperRec>();
        wrltemplist  = getrecordList();



  • March 26, 2013
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hi how can we push a js from contoller to page??

I mean how to add js dynamically to page

  • March 19, 2013
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Hi all,


I may be a stupit question to be asked but here is the senario:


1. I have a jsone string and I am parsing it with JSONParser  as


wrapGoogleData inv = (wrapGoogleData)parser.readValueAs(wrapGoogleData.class);

 I am getting the parsed string in my class as: 

public class wrapGoogleData{
        public string summary{get;set;}
        public string id{get;set;}
        public string status{get;set;}
        public creator creator;
        public start start;
        public endd endd;
        public wrapGoogleData(string entnm,string ezid,string sta, creator c,start s,endd e){
            summary= entnm;
            id= ezid;
            status = sta;
            creator = c;
            //start = new start(s.datetimed);
            start = s;
            endd = e;
        public creator getcreatorob(){
            return (creator) creator;
        public start getstartob(){
            return (start) start;
        public string getstartobdate(){
            return (string) start.datetimed;
        public endd  getendob(){
            return (endd ) endd;
    public class creator{
        public string email{get;set;}
        public string displayName{get;set;}
        public string self{get;set;}
    public class start{
        public string datetimed{get;set;}
       /* public start(string str){
            datetimed = str;
    public class endd{
        public string datetimed{get;set;}

 2. What i am doing is I am itrating over the map of this wrapper class as: 

 for(wrapGoogleData wpl : lstwrap.values()){
            string getGoogle='';
            getGoogle = getGoogle + 'start  : "' + wpl.getstartob().datetimed +'",';

 This returns a null pointer at the last line: But when I write it as it return a object and not null pointer var: How to get the datetimed variable in this senario???

getGoogle = getGoogle + 'start  : "' + wpl.getstartob() +'",';
  • March 12, 2013
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  • 0

Hi all,


I have a issue with Http and Https access in visualforce page. I am using jquery remotely hosted lib as: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.js"></script>


and I have added the address in remote site setting too.


But when i change this to this: <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.js"></script>


Http to Https (also added this in remote site setting). The script stops working!!


Did any body faced the same problem??

  • February 27, 2013
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I need to be able to conditionally change the color of output text based on the value of a fi\eld in a custom object.  How do I code this in my VF page?


  • November 15, 2012
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