• asasi
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Dear All,


My requirement is to send Order detail email using Messaging.SendEmailResult. And whenever an invalid email occurs we need to send the same to user. We used SendEmailError object but not able to track invalide email error.


Currently we are sending using a schedulable bacth class to send email. Standard Salesforce.com will send the bounce back message (invalid email) to the user who schedule the bacth class. Our requirement is to send the message to the user who actually created an Order.


Expected Scenario:

01) User [Sales Rep] creates an order.

02) Scheduled bacth class will pick up all the orders which are not sent (using a flag to identify which are sent and not sent) from a custom object and send email to concern account.

03) If account email is invalid then it should be notified to the user [Sales Rep] who creates the order.


Current Scenario:

Point#3 is not working. The invalid email notification is sending to the user [say System Admin] who scheduled the batch class. We are not able to redirect the email to the user who created the Order.


Please help! Quick response would be appreciated.




  • February 12, 2013
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Hi All,


My requirement is to send some email using Messaging.SendEmailResult. And whenever an invalid email occurs we need to send the same to user. We used SendEmailError object but not able to track invalide email error.


Please help!




  • January 31, 2013
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Dear all,


I have a requirement to implement the bulk email sending process related to my order module. We implemented a solution through batch apex class which will send on hourly basis all newly created orders and send to concern person.


We are facing an issue like when the email ID (which is stored in Account object) is invalid (say: 12345@as.com), we should send an invalid email notification to the user who created the order.


How do we catch the invalid email issue in scheduled batch apex class? We tried try and catch block with different exceptions like email exception etc... but no result.


Can somebody provide a solution for the same? Responses would be appreciated.




  • January 25, 2013
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There is requirement for sending report to a group of users as an attachment along with the email. Please let me know if any options/ work around available for this functionality.


Thanks in advance.




  • September 04, 2012
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Dear all,


I have a requirement to implement the bulk email sending process related to my order module. We implemented a solution through batch apex class which will send on hourly basis all newly created orders and send to concern person.


We are facing an issue like when the email ID (which is stored in Account object) is invalid (say: 12345@as.com), we should send an invalid email notification to the user who created the order.


How do we catch the invalid email issue in scheduled batch apex class? We tried try and catch block with different exceptions like email exception etc... but no result.


Can somebody provide a solution for the same? Responses would be appreciated.




  • January 25, 2013
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There is requirement for sending report to a group of users as an attachment along with the email. Please let me know if any options/ work around available for this functionality.


Thanks in advance.




  • September 04, 2012
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Hi All,


Is there any endpoint URL available to test Workflow outbound message?

I want to know what information is going through outbound message, so i need an endpoint URL to test?

Kindly tell me, is there any website(end point url) to test.


I already used one endurl for testing, but unfortunately i forgot that url.

I got that url from the salesforce discussion board only.



Since modifying the time in DateTime Field each time,tried

to have a separate Time field


Something like this.


Date:2010-01-01  Time :15:00


Since there is no separate Time component in SF.

So just handle the above issue in a different way.


I need  to store the date time value in the field reportDateTime.

So created a dummy date type field in the custom object




1.reportDateTime. [Field to be updated/insert]

2.tempReportDate [used to display in the VF]


So in the VF I added only the tempReportDate Field and created a picklist list which holds the time [reportTime]


Coding for creating Time in a picklist



public List<SelectOption> getreportTime() {
String baseHour = '00:';
String baseMinutes = baseHour + '00';
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
options.add(new SelectOption(baseMinutes,baseMinutes));
for (Integer i =1; i <25 ; i++) {
    for (Integer j = 15; j <=60 ; j+=15) {
        if(j == 60 && i!=24){
            baseHour = '0' + i + ':';
            baseMinutes = baseHour + '00';
            options.add(new SelectOption(baseMinutes,baseMinutes));
            }else if (i>9){
            baseHour =  i + ':' ;
            baseMinutes = baseHour + '00';
            options.add(new SelectOption(baseMinutes,baseMinutes));
        if(j!=60 && i<25){
        baseMinutes = baseHour + String.valueof(j);
        options.add(new SelectOption(baseMinutes,baseMinutes));
return options;

VF Page


<apex:page standardController="Report__c" extensions="ReportInputController" >


<apex:outputLabel value="Report Date" />
<apex:inputField value="{!Report__c.tempReportDate__c}" />

<apex:outputLabel value="Report Time" />
<apex:selectList id="display" value="{!reportTimeValue}" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!reportTime}"/>



After getting  input for Report Date  and Report Time,

I create a date isntance using the above two  fields[ tempReportDate + reportTime].

Then I update /insert the newly created date instance  to the original DateTime Field ie  to reportDateTime.


Using the Jquery is also possible to have separate Date and Time but it takes lots

of time and effort.This you can easily do with Apex and VF,its quite easy.


