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I have 2 objects, contacts(parent) and custom_1(child).  Im pulling info from both objects and need to display it in a VF table.  So in the controller I have the following query


exportGuestList = Database.query(

'select Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, MobilePhone, Company_Name__c, Title, Business_Address__c, Alternate_Address__c, GroupName__c  '+


', (SELECT Addres__c FROM Custom_1__r)'+


' from Contact where Deceased__c = false AND Id IN(select Custom_2__c '+


' from Custom_3__c where Custom_2__c = \''+

whereSQLContactId +

'\') order by LastName ASC LIMIT 5000');


I have no problems rendering the contact fields in the table, but when I attempt to render the addres__c field, like so:















I get the following Error:

Error: Invalid field Addres__c for SObject Contact


How can I specify in the VF page the proper reference to Custom_1


If I append Custom_1__r.  to Addres__c in the table I get:


Error: Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.Addres__c'
Somewhat new to SOQL and apex so i've been pretty stumped on this.
Thank you
  • November 08, 2012
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I have 2 objects, contacts(parent) and custom_1(child).  Im pulling info from both objects and need to display it in a VF table.  So in the controller I have the following query


exportGuestList = Database.query(

'select Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, MobilePhone, Company_Name__c, Title, Business_Address__c, Alternate_Address__c, GroupName__c  '+


', (SELECT Addres__c FROM Custom_1__r)'+


' from Contact where Deceased__c = false AND Id IN(select Custom_2__c '+


' from Custom_3__c where Custom_2__c = \''+

whereSQLContactId +

'\') order by LastName ASC LIMIT 5000');


I have no problems rendering the contact fields in the table, but when I attempt to render the addres__c field, like so:















I get the following Error:

Error: Invalid field Addres__c for SObject Contact


How can I specify in the VF page the proper reference to Custom_1


If I append Custom_1__r.  to Addres__c in the table I get:


Error: Unknown property 'VisualforceArrayList.Addres__c'
Somewhat new to SOQL and apex so i've been pretty stumped on this.
Thank you
  • November 08, 2012
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