• BenTheMan
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I'm writing a simple ETL tool that processes a bunch of data from our platform DBs, and adds members to Salesforce campaigns given the results of that analysis. To do this, I'm using the beatbox module and Python (2.7.3). (I didn't post to the Python board because it appears that this error is not specific to beatbox/Python.)


The issue is that roughly 5% of the records return an error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY:

  • I CAN NOT tell what's different about the 5% that would cause the call to the API to fail.
  • I CAN add the leads to campaigns manually.
  • My account DOES HAVE sys admin privileges.
  • All leads that I'm attempting to update DO EXIST.

Has anyone experienced similar errors?


See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14348369/insufficient-access-on-cross-reference-entity-errors-from-salesforce

I'm writing a simple ETL tool that processes a bunch of data from our platform DBs, and adds members to Salesforce campaigns given the results of that analysis. To do this, I'm using the beatbox module and Python (2.7.3). (I didn't post to the Python board because it appears that this error is not specific to beatbox/Python.)


The issue is that roughly 5% of the records return an error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY:

  • I CAN NOT tell what's different about the 5% that would cause the call to the API to fail.
  • I CAN add the leads to campaigns manually.
  • My account DOES HAVE sys admin privileges.
  • All leads that I'm attempting to update DO EXIST.

Has anyone experienced similar errors?


See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14348369/insufficient-access-on-cross-reference-entity-errors-from-salesforce

I was using version .92, before my teammate installed beatbox 20.0 on another computer where we were going to work on our API further.

I think the demo.py code that even comes with 20.0 still calls:

svc = beatbox.Client()

From: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/beatbox/20.0

I had not read the above page as of yet, so I didn't see where you/they mentioned the two different calls:

        The original beatbox version of the client which returns xmltramp objects.
        Marshalls the returned objects into proper Python data types. e.g. integer fields return integers.

So, we were getting:

>>> svc = beatbox.Client
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Client'

I was thinking you might want to update the demo code in the 20. so that if we just run it, it won't cause run-time errors.


Also, it may catch some folks off-guard  to include the reset password call in the demo run... but I can only blame myself.


~ Andrew