• UriM
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Hi All,


I have a custom object and I try to create the following class but I cannot understand the error message, please help.


The custom object is called Qualification and the Lead record has a lookup field Qualification pointing to the Qualicaition record. The key of the Qualificaiton record is Name


 public with sharing class Controller_Qualification {

    public ApexPages.StandardController standardLeadController;
    public ApexPages.StandardController myQualificationController {get; set;}
    public Qualification qualification {get; set;}

    public Controller_Qualification(ApexPages.StandardControll?er cntrl) {
        standardLeadController = cntrl;
        Lead lead = (Lead)cntrl.getRecord();
        String qualificationName = lead.Qualificaiton;
        qualification = cache.load (Qualification.SObjectType, qualificationName);

        myQualificationController = new ApexPages.StandardController (qualification);




  • March 03, 2013
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Hi All,


I've created a custom object with many fields. Now I want to show them in the Lead Page Layout at the top


I've created a lookup field in Lead to point my newly custom object and also in the Opportunity (as this field content will be converted)


The reason to create custom object is that I passed the limit of custom fields.


I'm doing my first step writing pages and not I understand that I cannot use the StandardController of my newly object as it will not be shown in the Lead.


I need to create an apex class wrapping my object.


I also need to show my custom page in the Opportunity Page Layout.


What will be the best way doing so?




  • March 03, 2013
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