• koira
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Is there anything that can prevent a Hybrid force.com app from publishing on Apple's App Store? Also I was wondering, is there any particular reason why salesforce rolled out their own app store (AppExchange).


  • April 26, 2013
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I have an Hybrid (iPad) app which launches into a Visualforce page I speficied in bootconfig.js:


var startData = new SFHybridApp.RemoteAppStartData("/apex/myPage");

 The App which this page (myPage) belongs to, allows you to log out of your saleforce account and if you do so, on completion of log out you end up on salesforce login page 'https://login.salesforce.com/'.


Now here's the problem: When I re login, I want to land again on '/apex/myPage' but this time i end up on default salesforce page with 'Home' tab selected.


I kind of know what's going on, the first time you launch the iPad app, bootconfig.js controls where you land on, however on re login it's like you login from a browser, hence end up on a default page (with 'Home' tab selected)?


How do I work around this? Any help will be much appreciated.


  • April 17, 2013
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How do I turn off the debug prints while loggin in a Hybrid/iPad app. Each time after I have entered my credentials in the login screen, it's followed by a white screen with debug log like: 




* At 84ms: OnDeviceReady called: Cordova is ready.

* At 86ms: deviceIsOnline connType: wifi






  • April 11, 2013
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I have installed the Mobile Components for Visualforce library and created an Hybrid iOS app which I am trying to launch on an iPad straight into the sample Visualforce page (MobilePage)  like this:


var startData = new SFHybridApp.RemoteAppStartData("https://na15.salesforce.com/apex/MobilePage");


However, all what I see after launching the app is a blank screen.


Just to let you know that  I did manage to get the sample app (Contact viewer) working in the browser and also when I replace the '/apex/MobilePage' in my Hybrid app with any of my other Visualforce pages the Hybrid app does land straight into that page on launch.  


Any help will be much appreciated.



  • April 03, 2013
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I have created an hybrid app (using salesforce Mobile SDK), which basically is a thin wrapper around a few visualforce pages someone created. When using safari on iPad I can scroll up and down a page as expected, however these same pages when launched in a webView through the app don't scroll. 


I am a newbie so don't have much idea what might be missing but I do see 'uiScroller' being used:


        <apex:define name="panels">
            <div class="panels" id="panels">
                <div class="panelHeaderBar fixedBar">
                    <div class="bLeft"></div>
                    <div class="bRight">
                        <a href="javascript&colon;void(0);" id="refreshButton" class="refreshButton iconButton" title="{!$Label.refresh}"><span class="visuallyhidden">{!$Label.refresh}</span></a>
                    <div class="bBody">
                        <h3 class="flush truncate">{!$Label.page_title_chatter_feed}</h3>
                <div class="uiScroller forceScroller" id="panelScroller" data-scroller='{"enableRefresh":"true"}'>                    <div id="pullDown" class="padGridEqSides padHalfBottom">
                        <span class="pullDownIcon"></span><span class="pullDownLabel">{!$Label.pull_to_refresh_text}</span>
                    <div class="chatter-page clearfix"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        ChatterUI.UserContext = {
                            userId: '{!$User.Id}',
                            sessionId: '{!GETSESSIONID()}',
                            usingMobile: {!usingMobile},
                            userObjectPrefix: '{!userObjectPrefix}',
                            feedObjectPrefix: '{!feedObjectPrefix}'

                </div> <!-- end .uiScroller -->
               <!-- <div class="areaMask" id="loadingMask">
                    <div class="spinner"></div>
                </div> --> 



Any help will be much appreciated.



  • March 27, 2013
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I have created an hybrid app (using salesforce Mobile SDK), which basically is a thin wrapper around a few visualforce pages someone created. When using safari on iPad I can scroll up and down a page as expected, however these same pages when launched in a webView through the app don't scroll. 


I am a newbie so don't have much idea what might be missing but I do see 'uiScroller' being used:


        <apex:define name="panels">
            <div class="panels" id="panels">
                <div class="panelHeaderBar fixedBar">
                    <div class="bLeft"></div>
                    <div class="bRight">
                        <a href="javascript&colon;void(0);" id="refreshButton" class="refreshButton iconButton" title="{!$Label.refresh}"><span class="visuallyhidden">{!$Label.refresh}</span></a>
                    <div class="bBody">
                        <h3 class="flush truncate">{!$Label.page_title_chatter_feed}</h3>
                <div class="uiScroller forceScroller" id="panelScroller" data-scroller='{"enableRefresh":"true"}'>                    <div id="pullDown" class="padGridEqSides padHalfBottom">
                        <span class="pullDownIcon"></span><span class="pullDownLabel">{!$Label.pull_to_refresh_text}</span>
                    <div class="chatter-page clearfix"></div>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                        ChatterUI.UserContext = {
                            userId: '{!$User.Id}',
                            sessionId: '{!GETSESSIONID()}',
                            usingMobile: {!usingMobile},
                            userObjectPrefix: '{!userObjectPrefix}',
                            feedObjectPrefix: '{!feedObjectPrefix}'

                </div> <!-- end .uiScroller -->
               <!-- <div class="areaMask" id="loadingMask">
                    <div class="spinner"></div>
                </div> --> 



Any help will be much appreciated.



  • March 27, 2013
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How do I turn off the debug prints while loggin in a Hybrid/iPad app. Each time after I have entered my credentials in the login screen, it's followed by a white screen with debug log like: 




* At 84ms: OnDeviceReady called: Cordova is ready.

* At 86ms: deviceIsOnline connType: wifi






  • April 11, 2013
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I have installed the Mobile Components for Visualforce library and created an Hybrid iOS app which I am trying to launch on an iPad straight into the sample Visualforce page (MobilePage)  like this:


var startData = new SFHybridApp.RemoteAppStartData("https://na15.salesforce.com/apex/MobilePage");


However, all what I see after launching the app is a blank screen.


Just to let you know that  I did manage to get the sample app (Contact viewer) working in the browser and also when I replace the '/apex/MobilePage' in my Hybrid app with any of my other Visualforce pages the Hybrid app does land straight into that page on launch.  


Any help will be much appreciated.



  • April 03, 2013
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    I am trying to play with Salesforce mobile hybrid development.  While going through "salesforce touch platform Mobile Development Guide", I got the code from github and deployed it on salesforce.com environment as mentioned in " Chapter 7: Hybrid Development with Mobile Components for Visualforce".  Here is the github location from the code is downloaded "

git clone https://github.com/forcedotcom/MobileComponents.git".  Followed the exact steps mentioned in "Installing the Components".  When I tried to access the MobilePage (which used splitview to display the list in left pane and details on right pane), The list is getting displayed in the left pane, but the details were not getting displayed.


   I believe the application is dong something.  When I used developer console, I could see changing contact Ids.  In the developer console log I noticed the below message, not sure whether it is causing the issue or not, but wanted to share it with you.  fields|{"serId":1,"value":"List of size 42 too large to display"}


   I greatly appreciate if someone can help me, why the contact details are not changing, when I click on the contact in left pane.


I am not sure whether t




  • March 27, 2013
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