• sivainkec
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I tried this : 
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from "lwc"; import { getRecord } from "lightning/uiRecordApi"; import ACCOUNT_RECORDTYPE_FIELD from '@salesforce/schema/Account.RecordTypeId'; export default class Account_Redirect extends NavigationMixin(LightningElement) { @api recordId; @api objectApiName; @wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: [ACCOUNT_RECORDTYPE_FIELD] }) acc; get recordTypeId() { return this.acc.data.fields.RecordTypeId.value; } }
But i have the following error : 
"Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined" 
HI everyone,

I created a process builder with 'conditions met' on campaign member as below
 when( campaignmember.name = ‘Live campaign’ AND campaignmember.Status = ‘signed')
 -with condition 'when a record is created or edited’ and created an action to send some message to other non salesforce system using apex class.
-Now the problem is every time it was sending the message when we edit and update some thing on campaign member.
-But i just wanted to send my message only once when the condition mets not everytime.
-if i select my condition as 'only when a record is created’,and condition doesn’t mets while creating record,and mets when its updated,its failed to send message again.
-for example while creating the campaign member record, if my picklist value(Status = ’some other value') not ’signed',am failed to send message.
-And mets when it sets (Status = 'signed’) failed to send message.

Please help me out to resolve it, this is something urgent which i have to finish assignment.
               ISPICKVAL([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status, "Signed"),
              [CampaignMember].Campaign.Name  = "Live campaign"
              ISPICKVAL([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status, "Signed"),
              [CampaignMember].Campaign.Name  = "Live campaign",
              NOT(PRIORVALUE([CampaignMember].Campaign.Name ) ="Live campaign"),
              NOT(ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE([CampaignMember].Campaign.Status), "Signed"))

Thanks in advance!
Especially if numerous (5 or more) Process Builder workflows are tied to a single object? 

Hi All,

during my work with apex, I had issue with searching data in maps of maps of maps... or combinations in lists. Sometimes I want to run a debug log and I want to see all values in fields. Salesforce put debug log into long string only, so it's hard to read. After time, I desided to create a new tool, which parse salesforce log into nice format for easy reading. Try it, and say if you like it. Feel free to request some improvements and ideas for implementing







PS: if you do not have any debug try this one:

16:55:49:253 USER_DEBUG [59]|DEBUG|{Best Case=(), Closed=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Closed, OppId=MyId, OppName=TestOPP1, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Deposit, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=0, month3=3.6], sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Milestone, SumOfRow=null, month1=3.0, month2=0, month3=0])]), Commit=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Commit, OppId=myId, OppName=TestOPP2, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Final, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=2.5, month3=1.9])]), Pipeline=()}



I am trying this code from the VF page, testing with hardcoded value, however it gives this error?

Does anyone know why.

What do i change to make it insert record?





Visualforce Error


Class.escalationcd.getcaseemailmessage: line 41, column 1



public class escalationcd {
private final Case casenow;

public escalationcd(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
this.casenow = (Case)controller.getRecord();
//String cid = casenow.id;


Public void getcaseemailmessage(){
List<Case> mescal = new List<Case>([Select Id,attach_casenumber__c from Case where Id = '500d0000003CkW4']);

map<Id,Id> oldnewCaseIdmap =new map<Id,Id>();
Map<Id, EmailMessage> emailMessageMap = new Map<Id, EmailMessage>{};
Attachment[] insertAttList = new list <Attachment>();
Attachment[] attList = new list <Attachment>();
list<Case> caseemlist=new list<Case>();

for(Case cs:mescal) {
if(cs.attach_casenumber__c!=null) {

if(oldnewCaseIdmap.size()!=0) {
//get list of emails from old/current case
caseemlist=[Select (Select ParentId,fromaddress,fromname,subject,textbody,htmlbody,toaddress,ccaddress,status,messagedate From EmailMessages) 
From Case where Id in:oldnewCaseIdmap.keySet()];

for(Case c:caseemlist) {
for(EmailMessage em:c.EmailMessages) {
Emailmessage message = new Emailmessage (fromname = em.fromname,subject = em.subject,textbody = em.textbody,htmlbody = em.htmlbody,toaddress = em.toaddress,
fromaddress = em.fromaddress,ccaddress = em.ccaddress,status = em.status,messagedate = em.messagedate,ParentId=oldnewCaseIdmap.get(c.id));
emailMessageMap.put(em.Id, message); 

if(emailMessageMap.values().size()>0) {
insert emailMessageMap.values();

attList = [select Id, Name, Body, ParentId from Attachment where ParentId in :emailMessageMap.keySet()];

for (Attachment a : attList) {
EmailMessage em = emailMessageMap.get(a.ParentId);
Attachment att = new Attachment(Name = a.Name, Body = a.Body, ParentId = em.Id);

if(insertAttList.size() > 0) {
insert insertAttList;






I'm using "tabIndex" in a InputField value tag but it is not supported and shown an error, as mentioned below,

Error: Unsupported attribute tabindex in <apex:inputField>





  • October 19, 2012
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I'm attempting to add my company logo to a visual force page, which is then being rendered as a pdf, but have not been successful.  I've attempted to do so in three ways:


Image is on a website:

<apex:image url="http://www.tsysacquiring.com/graphics/logos/tsysacquiring_top_logo.gif" width="220" height="55"/>


Image has been loaded into Salesforce into documents, and is in the /alva/ folder:
<apex:image value="/alva/TSYS_logo_for_TSYS_Sales_App.jpg" width="220" height="55"/>


Image is on my C:\drive:

<apex:image value="C:\data\TSYS_Logo_for_TSYS_Sales_App.jpg" width="220" height="55"/>


All three attempts have resulted in a broken image icon being displayed.  This seems like a very straightforward thing I'm attempting, and I'd expect it to be rather simple.  Any one have a syntax example that they know works.




I am trying to deploy one class which has implemented Schedulable interface.

But when I try to deploy it using ANT I am getting the following error :

"Schedulable class has jobs pending or in progress".


I am waiting for this to get resolved since more than 48 hrs and it doesn't seem to resolve.

What can be done in such case? How to deploy it to production? I tried to deploy by making packages but could not since the components in the package already exist in production and gives an error when I unzip the package. Please suggest what can be done in this situation.

  • March 26, 2010
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Hi All,

during my work with apex, I had issue with searching data in maps of maps of maps... or combinations in lists. Sometimes I want to run a debug log and I want to see all values in fields. Salesforce put debug log into long string only, so it's hard to read. After time, I desided to create a new tool, which parse salesforce log into nice format for easy reading. Try it, and say if you like it. Feel free to request some improvements and ideas for implementing







PS: if you do not have any debug try this one:

16:55:49:253 USER_DEBUG [59]|DEBUG|{Best Case=(), Closed=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Closed, OppId=MyId, OppName=TestOPP1, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Deposit, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=0, month3=3.6], sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Milestone, SumOfRow=null, month1=3.0, month2=0, month3=0])]), Commit=(OppInfoTotal:[OppCategory=Commit, OppId=myId, OppName=TestOPP2, OppProjectType=null, OppV2Practice=null, sumTotals=(sumQuarterRow:[RevenueType=Final, SumOfRow=null, month1=1.0, month2=2.5, month3=1.9])]), Pipeline=()}