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I've my own chat application running. Now I want to integrate this chat application with chatter massenger. I did not find chtter messenger API.  Could you please guide me how to proceed on this. Any tutorial?


Thanks for your help!

I'm looking for a solution to call an application which is running on my local system. My requirement is -

1. On click on a tab (for example tab name is : My External App) from force site, it should call http://localhost:8080/myapp

2. On clicking on tab from #1, I want to pass parameters on http request header & URL parameter. For example, I want to pass logged in user id from Salesforce to my local application like http://localhost:8080/myapp?parm=userid

3. After I click on tab, my external application page should open within Salesforce in an IFRAME or some other way(I'm not aware of some other way).


I'm very new to Salesforce, Kindly let me know how to proceed on this. Any tutorial or guide or suggestion is highly appreciated. 





I've my own chat application running. Now I want to integrate this chat application with chatter massenger. I did not find chtter messenger API.  Could you please guide me how to proceed on this. Any tutorial?


Thanks for your help!

I'm looking for a solution to call an application which is running on my local system. My requirement is -

1. On click on a tab (for example tab name is : My External App) from force site, it should call http://localhost:8080/myapp

2. On clicking on tab from #1, I want to pass parameters on http request header & URL parameter. For example, I want to pass logged in user id from Salesforce to my local application like http://localhost:8080/myapp?parm=userid

3. After I click on tab, my external application page should open within Salesforce in an IFRAME or some other way(I'm not aware of some other way).


I'm very new to Salesforce, Kindly let me know how to proceed on this. Any tutorial or guide or suggestion is highly appreciated. 





I'm trying to develop in Flex Builder 3, but I doesn't seems to be able to Log In.


Here is what I'm trying to do:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:airforce="http://www.salesforce.com/air"
applicationComplete="initApp()" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" status="{airConnection.connected ? 'Online' : 'Offline'}" xmlns:salesforce="http://www.salesforce.com/">

import mx.controls.Alert;
import com.salesforce.objects.SObject;
import com.salesforce.results.QueryResult;
import com.salesforce.AsyncResponder;
import com.salesforce.objects.LoginRequest;

private function initApp():void
var lr:LoginRequest = new LoginRequest({
server_url: this.parameters.server_url,
session_id: this.parameters.session_id,
username: "UsernameONLY",
password: "PasswordONLY",
callback: new AsyncResponder(function (result:Object):void { getContacts(); })

private function getContacts(o:Object=null):void
if (airConnection.connected) {


airConnection.query("Select Id, FirstName, LastName From Contact LIMIT 10", new AsyncResponder(
function (qr:QueryResult):void {
dg.dataProvider = qr.records;

private function handleFault(fault:Object):void
Alert.show('ERROR : ' + fault.toString());


<!-- <airforce:AIRConnection id="airConnection"/> -->
<salesforce:AIRConnection id="airConnection"/>

<mx:DataGrid id="dg" width="100%" height="100%"/>

<mx:Button label="Get Contacts" click="getContacts()"/>
<mx:Button label="Create New Contact">
var acc:SObject = new SObject('Contact');
acc.FirstName = 'Test';
acc.LastName = 'Contact ' + (new Date()).time;

airConnection.create([acc], new AsyncResponder(
function (result:Object):void
<mx:Button label="Force Offline" click="airConnection.forceNetworkStatusChange(false)" enabled="{airConnection.connected}"/>
<mx:Button label="Force Online" click="airConnection.forceNetworkStatusChange(true)" enabled="{!airConnection.connected}"/>



 In this code, the BLUE colored Alert Line displayed "true" (i.e. Connection is Connected). The RED colored Alert Line displays "False" (i.e. User is Not Logged In, DESPITE providing the correct Username and Password to my Developer Org).

Also, I tried calling the Fault Handle function to Query function, but it also doesn't seems to be working, this Error is thrown on clicking the "Get Contacts" button:


query - offline
SQLError: 'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: 'Contact'', operation:'execute', detailID:'2013'
Select Id, FirstName, LastName FROM `Contact` LIMIT 10;
SQLError: 'Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: 'Contact'', operation:'execute', detailID:'2013'
Select Id, FirstName, LastName FROM `Contact` LIMIT 10;


Can anybody help me. I was looking to get started with FLEX development but doesn't seems to get things right :(.



ALSO please note that I have to disable <airforce:AIRConnection> this Line of code from the actual tutorial. Do this seems to be an issue because using this was cauing this exception:


"Could not resolve <airforce:AIRConnection> to a component implementation"


Message Edited by vchaddha on 05-28-2009 11:55 PM