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Hi All


I have an object named "Business_Unit__c" in which I am having the Standard Name field that equals to the name of my "Business Unit" (hereafter mentioned as BU) and initially I have 1 Text Field that would contain the name of my "Sub-Business Unit" (hereafter mentioned as SBU).


Functionally a BU can contain more than one SBU.


So what I require is that there should be a CustomLink that should say "Add another SBU"  (Just like you say add another Attachment in gmail). 


On click of this Link, dynamically another text field should appear along with a label that says "SBU#2" and this should occur again and again likewise for dynamically adding "SBU#3", "SBU#4", ....... and so on.


At the end of my Page I want a "SAVE" button that should create as many text fields as are there, and save the record in my Custom Object "Business_Unit__c".




Thanks in Advance


Hi All


I have two selectlists. One Named BU and other is the SBU.


My SBU selectlist is dependent on the values of BU selectlist.


Following is the visualforce page code:


   <apex:outputLabel value="Select BU : " title="Select BU" >

                <apex:selectList value="{!BUOptions}" size="1" id="BUs">
                    <apex:selectOptions Value="{!Items}"></apex:selectOptions> 
                    <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="SBUs,ReportType"/>

                <apex:outputLabel value="Select SBU : " title="Select SBU">
                <apex:selectList value="{!SBUOptions}" size="1" id="SBUs" >
                    <apex:selectOptions Value="{!SBUItems}"></apex:selectOptions> 


Controller for the above is as follows:


public List<SelectOption> getItems() {
          List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
            options.add(new SelectOption('None','--- None ---'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('ALL','ALL'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('CMH','CMH'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('FIS','FIS'));
            return options;

    public List<SelectOption> getSBUItems()
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        if(BUOptions == 'FIS')
            options.add(new  SelectOption('CONSOLIDATED','CONSOLIDATED'));    
            options.add(new SelectOption('FIS-Asia','FIS-Asia'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('FIS-Europe','FIS-Europe'));
        else if(BUOptions == 'CMH')
            options.add(new SelectOption('CONSOLIDATED','CONSOLIDATED'));    
            options.add(new SelectOption('CMH-E','CMH-E'));
            options.add(new SelectOption('CMH-HC','CMH-HC'));
else { options.add(new SelectOption('--- None ---','--- None ---')); } return options; }



Now I also have a button on my Visualforce page and an OutputLabel.


The Output Label has to simply display the contents of SBU Selectlist.


 <apex:commandButton title="Go" value="Go" />
            <apex:outputLabel value="{!SBUOptions}" title="Output" id="displaySBU"/>


Initially when I open my page, both BU and SBU selectlist values have "--- None ---".


I select a BU. Corresponding SBU values get rendered. I then select a SBU value.




But as soon as I click my button, I guess the page gets re-rendered or god knows what, but the


1.  BU remains the same what I had selected.

2.  Whatever might be the value of BU, the SBU value becomes "CONSOLIDATED".


and my Output Label shows "--- None ---"








Thanks in Advance


Hi All


At present when I am exporting or taking a printable view of any report, the downloaded file is named as say for ex: "report1369745790672".


I want to give some meaningful name to it while exporting itself. I do not wish to manually rename it post its download.


Is it possible through apex?






Hi All


I am Working in the QA Sandbox Environment.


I have the Administrator profile(Dont know if this information is required). I Scheduled my Dashboard to be mailed to me at 8:00 PM, but I didnt receive it.


I thought it could be because of the Time Zone issue. I have my time zone set to +5:30 (Asia/Calcutta) IST.


First of all I'll like to have a clear understanding as to, according to which Time Zone are the Dashboards scheduled for mailing. If these are scheduled according to PST, I should have received my Dashboard by somewhere around 8:00 AM the next day. Still nothing.


Could it be because of the fact that I am working in Sandbox???


Please help.


Thanks in Advance!


Hi All


I wish to delete records from my Opportunity Object based on a criteria, i.e. for those where Amount < 500000.


I wish to schedule this such that this deletion automatically takes place on every specific date ( say 1st of every month).


Thanks in Advance!!!



Hi All


I have a custom field named "Unit__c" in Accounts (standard object). I have a similar field "Unit__c" in Opportunity as well.


I now have a custom field named "Account_Name__c" in Opportunity (Not using the standard lookup, relating my Opportunity to Accounts for the fact that, Apex Data Loader requires the 15 digit ID while inserting, which I dont have in my .CSV file before hand).


What I want to do is that once I get the Account Name in my custom text field "Account_Name__c" in the Opportunity object, I wish to compare the text value with the Account Name value for those present inside the Standard Account Object. If the value is found, I want to return the corresponding "Unit__c" value for that account to the "Unit__c" value inside the opportunity. 


For this I have written the following trigger code:


trigger setUnit on Opportunity (Before Insert, Before Update) {

for(Opportunity o:trigger.new)
    string Acct_Name = o.Account_Name__c;
    List<Account> acc = [SELECT Name,Unit__c FROM Account WHERE Name=:Acct_Name];
    if(acc.size() > 0 && acc[0].Unit__c <> NULL)
            o.Unit__c = acc[0].Unit__c;        


The code for the trigger works fine when I am creating new opportunities inside salesforce.


But, when I insert multiple records through APEX Data Loader, it throws System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 error.


Please help asap.

Hi All


I have an object named "Business_Unit__c" in which I am having the Standard Name field that equals to the name of my "Business Unit" (hereafter mentioned as BU) and initially I have 1 Text Field that would contain the name of my "Sub-Business Unit" (hereafter mentioned as SBU).


Functionally a BU can contain more than one SBU.


So what I require is that there should be a CustomLink that should say "Add another SBU"  (Just like you say add another Attachment in gmail). 


On click of this Link, dynamically another text field should appear along with a label that says "SBU#2" and this should occur again and again likewise for dynamically adding "SBU#3", "SBU#4", ....... and so on.


At the end of my Page I want a "SAVE" button that should create as many text fields as are there, and save the record in my Custom Object "Business_Unit__c".




Thanks in Advance


Hi All


At present when I am exporting or taking a printable view of any report, the downloaded file is named as say for ex: "report1369745790672".


I want to give some meaningful name to it while exporting itself. I do not wish to manually rename it post its download.


Is it possible through apex?






Hi All


I have a custom field named "Unit__c" in Accounts (standard object). I have a similar field "Unit__c" in Opportunity as well.


I now have a custom field named "Account_Name__c" in Opportunity (Not using the standard lookup, relating my Opportunity to Accounts for the fact that, Apex Data Loader requires the 15 digit ID while inserting, which I dont have in my .CSV file before hand).


What I want to do is that once I get the Account Name in my custom text field "Account_Name__c" in the Opportunity object, I wish to compare the text value with the Account Name value for those present inside the Standard Account Object. If the value is found, I want to return the corresponding "Unit__c" value for that account to the "Unit__c" value inside the opportunity. 


For this I have written the following trigger code:


trigger setUnit on Opportunity (Before Insert, Before Update) {

for(Opportunity o:trigger.new)
    string Acct_Name = o.Account_Name__c;
    List<Account> acc = [SELECT Name,Unit__c FROM Account WHERE Name=:Acct_Name];
    if(acc.size() > 0 && acc[0].Unit__c <> NULL)
            o.Unit__c = acc[0].Unit__c;        


The code for the trigger works fine when I am creating new opportunities inside salesforce.


But, when I insert multiple records through APEX Data Loader, it throws System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101 error.


Please help asap.