• Gerri Wheeler
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For instance, if I want to add the contents of 4 numerica fields on an object, I could create a formula field to add them.  Somewhere though, I've read that it is better to use Workflow Rules and field updates to do this function so that continuous calculations don't occur.  I've looked and looked for documentation on this but have found none.
For instance, if I want to add the contents of 4 numerica fields on an object, I could create a formula field to add them.  Somewhere though, I've read that it is better to use Workflow Rules and field updates to do this function so that continuous calculations don't occur.  I've looked and looked for documentation on this but have found none.
Hi Team,

In lightning standard object under Activity  i can see the the buttons New Task,New Event,Log a call,Email 
.Reference Image.

User-added image

But for my custom object under activity  i can see only Email. How  can i enable for remaining buttons New Task,New Event,Log a call.
Please suggest me the procedure .
                                                      Thanks in advance...

Reference Image:

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For instance, if I want to add the contents of 4 numerica fields on an object, I could create a formula field to add them.  Somewhere though, I've read that it is better to use Workflow Rules and field updates to do this function so that continuous calculations don't occur.  I've looked and looked for documentation on this but have found none.