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How to disable call or log action from page layout  (salesforce 1)

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Hi There,

Is there a way with which i can import records to multiple objects from a single master sheet (csv)

Does Apex data loader supports this feature ? Else is there any other way to do it ?

SFDC BEginner
Kindly explain the main differences between Force.com editions and Salesforce(CRM - Sales,Service) Editions.

Also, please let me know when to opt for Force.com Org edition and Salesforce Edition ?

I am confused here !

SFDC Beginner
Hey there,

Kindly let me know if  it Is possible to create a cross device salesforce app that support offline capabilities (working offline)?

Hi There,

I just want to know, where the data gets stored when using Force.com Connect Offline ? is it in local machine or in browser cache ?

If local disk, the path as well  ? 

Thanks in advance
SFDC Beginner

Hi There,


Kindly let me know the "out of the box" business functionalities of sales cloud,service cloud and marketing cloud ?

SFDC Beginner

Hi There,


Guess its simple but I am a bit confused here.



Kindly let me know is it possible to customise the pages or build fully custom VF pages in Sales,Service and Marketing clouds of Salesforce.


Also let me know if we can implement custom business logic in the above metioned clouds ?



SFDC Beginner

Hi There,


Please share me  few examples of how to read an uploaded XML file , parse it and creating records using an Apex class.



Thanks in advance

SFDC Beginner



I have a requirement where i need to write a custom apex class to process a xml and then create records in salesforce.


One more thing, is there any way we can process a xml located in a local drive and then create records in Salesforce.


Please share few examples.



SFDC Beginner

My requirement is to integrate two Salesforce Orgs using Apex webservices since Apex supports both callouts and webservices,

I.e  I should be able to create,delete,update records (for an object) of one Org from another Org.



Request you to guide me through the steps in implementing it.


Also,please share the examples with the complete code.




Sfdc Beginner



Hi There,


Please let me know, in site.com - if it is possible to display data from another database using web services 

i.e the data is not stored in the SFDC database 



HI There,


I am new to salesforce, I just want to know how many end users does a force.com app capable of handling?.


Also, Please provide me details on how transactions are handled in force.com





Hi All,


I am trying to invoke an approval process using trigger which in turn is invoked when a user submits a records in a VF form whose approval status is "Submitted for approval". But the approval process is not getting triggered.


The approval process name is Practice_Submission_Approval.and the trigger code is listed below.


trigger PracticeSubmitForApproval on Practice__c (before insert) {
  for(Practice__c  appsub: Trigger.new){
       if (appsub.Approval_Status__c == 'Submitted for approval')
            appsub = [ select ID from Practice__c where id in :Trigger.new ];
            Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest request = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
            request.setComments('Submitting request for approval.');
            Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(request); 


Please correct me if my code is wrong.


Thanks in advance



Hi There,


I am new to Salesforce, Kindly let me know if we can create a custom Visualforce form page with tabs (as section) and how to create the corresponding custom controller to update 2 custom object. Also, please share an example.



HI There,


I am new to Salesforce,  I just want to know if it is possible to update two custom objects using a single custom controller (From Visual Force custom page) ? Is it advisable ? If Yes, please share an example .


And one more thing, how to create a look field in a custom VF page and how to populate the values from a lookup field in a custom object ?


Thanks in adavnce :)


Hi There,

I just want to know, where the data gets stored when using Force.com Connect Offline ? is it in local machine or in browser cache ?

If local disk, the path as well  ? 

Thanks in advance
SFDC Beginner
Hi There,

Is there a way with which i can import records to multiple objects from a single master sheet (csv)

Does Apex data loader supports this feature ? Else is there any other way to do it ?

SFDC BEginner
Hey there,

Kindly let me know if  it Is possible to create a cross device salesforce app that support offline capabilities (working offline)?

Hi There,

I just want to know, where the data gets stored when using Force.com Connect Offline ? is it in local machine or in browser cache ?

If local disk, the path as well  ? 

Thanks in advance
SFDC Beginner

Hi There,


Kindly let me know the "out of the box" business functionalities of sales cloud,service cloud and marketing cloud ?

SFDC Beginner



I have a requirement where i need to write a custom apex class to process a xml and then create records in salesforce.


One more thing, is there any way we can process a xml located in a local drive and then create records in Salesforce.


Please share few examples.



SFDC Beginner

My requirement is to integrate two Salesforce Orgs using Apex webservices since Apex supports both callouts and webservices,

I.e  I should be able to create,delete,update records (for an object) of one Org from another Org.



Request you to guide me through the steps in implementing it.


Also,please share the examples with the complete code.




Sfdc Beginner



HI There,


I am new to salesforce, I just want to know how many end users does a force.com app capable of handling?.


Also, Please provide me details on how transactions are handled in force.com





HI There,


I am new to Salesforce,  I just want to know if it is possible to update two custom objects using a single custom controller (From Visual Force custom page) ? Is it advisable ? If Yes, please share an example .


And one more thing, how to create a look field in a custom VF page and how to populate the values from a lookup field in a custom object ?


Thanks in adavnce :)