• jeff.isom
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Hi guys/gals,

Do you have any idea on how to obtain the Cloak of Adventure sweatshirt after completing 5 badges on trailheads?

Source: http://go.pardot.com/l/27572/2016-01-06/4wy4tn?utm_campaign=newyear-trailhead-sweatshirt

I haven't received any email address or notification about the completion after I had received 5 new badges on my profile. 

The sweetshirt looks really cool and I want to get it :D  Ty


After  SFDC does an upgrade on an org, we need the ability to lockout users from using SFDC until we have gone through our regression testing. Once the testing is done we need to remove the login restrictions and allow access to SFDC. Currently, to accomplish the task, we set the Login Hours for each profile to lockout the time we need to test. However, we currently have over 75 profiles, so this task becomes very tedious and time consuming. Is there a way to set the Login Hours via APEX or the SFDC API using the Data Loader? 


Thanks in advance,
