• Rytom
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I'm trying find a way to get the Id, or what I think is an Id, for a custom object's setup page. I have a custom visualforce page where I want to allow the user to click a link to send them to the custom object's setup page, and to do that, I require what I think is an Id for the sObject in general, shown below highlighted in red.  

User-added image

Does anyone know of a way to query for that Id through Apex or visualforce? 

  • April 02, 2014
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So based on the discussion board, it seems like you can make conditional required fields through validation rules. However, is there a way to let the customer know which conditional fields are required based on their input? (i.e. display a red line at a conditional field if it is required, and no red line if it is not required)? 


Or does anyone have any tips/advice on how best to display/let the customer know which conditional fields are required based on their input? 


Thanks in advance! 

  • December 10, 2013
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Is there a way in APEX to compare a variable to NaN (not a number). 


I have some calculations that involve converting values to decibels so there could be cases where the conversion will give me a NaN (converting a negative number to decibels). 


I would like to be able to do some checks on whether the converted value is valid or if it is NaN. But whenever I try to use "NaN" in the code it doesn't list it as a valid value, instead thinking I'm trying to use a variable called NaN. 

  • October 02, 2013
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Is there a way to create a function that can take in a varying number of parameters? 


I know in java to do such a thing you can have a function like this: 


public double average(double...values) { 

 ....function body....



Is there a simliar method to do this in APEX? 


Thanks in advance! 

  • September 04, 2013
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I'm having some issues setting up the stand-alone Force.com IDE (not installing it as a java add-on).


At first, I created my own developer's account and managed to get the IDE working after I reset and entered in my security token. Recently, I decided to link the IDE to my sandbox, so I created a new project in the IDE and I linked it to my sandbox account. However, when I clicked finish to start up the project, I would receive this error message:


Description Resource Path Location Type Save error: Unable to perform save on all files: com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


After stumbling arond for a little bit, I decided to go back to my own project (on my own developer account) but when I do, I started getting the same exact error message as above now. Not too sure what to do at this point, if anyone has any tips/suggestions that would be greatly appreciated!



  • August 19, 2013
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I'm brand new to APEX and visualforce with background in Java. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the steps to take to be able to read a .csv file from APEX code. 


Basically, my application will read a .csv file which contains information pertaining to constants in an application. So I'm trying to write code that will parse through the csv file and populate class fields with data in the csv file. 


So far, I've uploaded the csv file into the Documents page, from there I'm not too sure what to do so that I can access the file from Documents and read it into something like a List/array. 


If anyone has any sample code or tips that would be greatly appreciated!

  • August 15, 2013
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Is there a way to specify for a Method that it could have a varying number of parameters? 


In java you can specify a method has varying number of parameters through: 


public double Method_1 (double...parameter) { 


I was wondering if there's a similar thing availabile in APEX. 



  • August 14, 2013
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So based on the discussion board, it seems like you can make conditional required fields through validation rules. However, is there a way to let the customer know which conditional fields are required based on their input? (i.e. display a red line at a conditional field if it is required, and no red line if it is not required)? 


Or does anyone have any tips/advice on how best to display/let the customer know which conditional fields are required based on their input? 


Thanks in advance! 

  • December 10, 2013
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I'm brand new to APEX and visualforce with background in Java. I was wondering if anyone could tell me the steps to take to be able to read a .csv file from APEX code. 


Basically, my application will read a .csv file which contains information pertaining to constants in an application. So I'm trying to write code that will parse through the csv file and populate class fields with data in the csv file. 


So far, I've uploaded the csv file into the Documents page, from there I'm not too sure what to do so that I can access the file from Documents and read it into something like a List/array. 


If anyone has any sample code or tips that would be greatly appreciated!

  • August 15, 2013
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