• NickHocking
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Apologies if this is in the wrong place -
Our SF org has been running for a number of years and the contacts / accounts have become inaccurate and obsolete in many cases - what is the best way to clean this up so we can almost start a fresh with only contacts/accounts that we know to be accurate and current?
Hi Apologies if this is in the wrong place -
We have had SF for several years, and over taht time the contacts have been somewhat neglected which has lead to a list which is fairly inaccurate with many obsolete records. We'd like to clean up the data to only include current and accurate contacts/accounts, but I'm unsure as to the best way to accomplish this... Is it recommended to delete old contacts? Essentially, I'd appreciate some advice as to the best way to get a nice clean list with only the current contacts, etc - a fresh start.

Many thanks,

Trying to create  flow for a user to add a new record to a custom object.

I've got it to add the record, but i need to let the user also add an attachment - is this possible through the visual flow designer?


Hi All,

I'm trying to create a very simple VF page which will allow the user to fill in their name and upload an attachment. When they click save, it will simply create a new record for that Custom object, and have the file as an attachment.

Is this possible?

So far, I have:
<apex:page standardController="Applicant__c">
      <apex:form >
          <apex:pageBlock title="Submit File">
             <apex:pageMessages />
              <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                  <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSection >
                  <apex:inputField value="{!Applicant__c.name}"/>
                  <apex:inputFile value="" filename="{}">

But i have no idea what to put in the attributes for the inputFile. The Applicant__c object is a custom object, which currently just has a Name field. Attachments are enabled for this object.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....many thanks,

Hi All,

Apologies for the question, but I am totally lost on the API.

I've been here:

ANd tried to follow the instructions, but get lost after generating my WSDL code.

1 - Where do i then import it to??!
2 - How do i then use it?
3 - I get that i need to write some java but where do i store this java and how?
4 - I'm trying to very simply export data from Harvest and import it into Salesforce, automatically, without human intervention. I don't think this sounds difficult, but I don't even know where to start. Harvest has an API available, but does the code i need to write sit with Harvest or SFDC. And where? How do i get Harvest to say "ok,  a new project has been created, and these are the details" to SFDC, and then SFDC to just create that new project in SF.

I've created all the custom objects etc, in my SFDC org, but i just don't want to have a manual effort to export data from harvest and put it in SFDC.

Any help would be amazing.



Hi All,


I am VERY new to VF...


I have a field (x), which is a picklist that has 3 options (A, B, C).


I want to right an application which can be in it's own tab.


This application is SIMPLY so the user can select A, B, or C from the picklist and the page will then display one of three values.... if A, show 50, if B, show 100, if C, show 150. 


The text that shows (50 or 100 or 150) should be text.


I've been trying to have the picklist (x) as an inputField, then, within the inputfield, using a <apex:param> to assign a variable which i can then reference in an outputField, but i am obviously doing this all wrong.


Please can someone point in the direction of how to do this in simple terms??


I really appreciate your help, thanks



I'm trying to create a VF page that dynamically displays the currency result of a formula field, based on the picklist choice.


So there is a picklist in User object called Job_Grade__c. It has values A, B, C, D, E. THere is then a formula field in User object called Job_Grade_Amount__c. This bsaically does a simple if job grade is A then = 50, B=100, else 200.


So in my VF page i literally want to be able to use the picklist to pick a Job Grade, and it automatically display what the value of the Job Grade is... dynamically changing as the picklist option is changed.


I've got this code:


<apex:page standardController="User" id="page">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock id="block">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="blockSection" columns="2">
<apex:inputField value="{!User.Job_Grade__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="blockSection" />
<apex:outputText value="{!User.Job_Grade_Amount__c}" rendered="{!User.Job_Grade__c!= NULL}" id="output" />







I'm trying to do an VF form using the folliwng code, however, the label of the inoput field is showing fine, but the field itself isn't, so there's nowehere to input text....


Any ideas?


<apex:page standardController="User">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="New Quote" columns="5">
<apex:inputField value="{!User.Name}"/>


Hi All.


I want to create a VF page which purely contains a 'spreadsheet'. I want this spreadsheet to start with, for example, 5 rows.


Each row to be exactly the same.


The job of the spreadsheet is to calculate a job cost for an opportunity. For example - I have an opportunity which will require 2 business analysts, 3 developers, and a project manager. I want to be able to have one resource per row.


Each row would display the resource name (optional), their 'job role' (custom field in User object, which is their role, eg, 'Developer'. If a name is input, then it should auto populate with their role, if no name, then should be a picklist), corresponding daily rate for that resource (auto populate from job role selection), then a field for the user to input the number of days the resource will be required for, a field for percentage discount for that resource (optional input), then the last two columns would be gross and net totals for that resource.


Each row would be optional, so if no data is input in the other rows, then they are ignored. Then, the bottom of the table would have a TOTALS row which just adds up total discount (%), net and gross totals, as a quote for the opportunity.


It would also be cool to be able to add more rows if 5 isn't enough.


This could be an extra module to the Opportunity tab, or simply a tab on it's own, as a standalone calculator....


Please can someone give me a push in the right direction in terms of getting started - I'm extremely new to VF and Salesforce, and while i may have bitten off more than i can chew, i should be able to battle my way through, but just need a little nudge as to whether i can do all this in VF, or whether it'd be better to do it in jscript/html, apex...etc, etc


Many thanks

Hi All,


I'd really appreciate some help - I'm trying to simply have a text box in an apex form on a VF page which the user can start to type the name of someone from 'users'.....but i want the field to provide options/autofill as they type.


Is this possible, and if so, a steer would be amazing?


Many thanks.



I have created two custom fields in the User object.


FIELD1 is a picklist field

FIELD2 is a Text field of length 100.


I want to be able to search on the values in FIELD1, however i know that i can't search on a picklist value. As a result, I have created the text field FIELD2, which will be able to be search upon. 


FIELD2 is invisible to the user.


I would like that when a user record is updated or created, they will select the correct option from FIELD1, which will then populate/update the hidden field, FIELD2. 


People can then search on the FIELD2 field as if it was FIELD1, and select all the relelvant records.


I have tried to do this using a formula, however, this doesn't seem to update the record, and therefore, doesn't allow the field to be search on. I have also tried to do it using a workflow rule, however, there are no option to perform workflow on User object.....yet.


So i'm onto Apex, but am not a developer.


The code i have is this:


trigger FIELD1_Search_Trigger on User (before insert, before update) {
for (User obj: trigger.new){
FIELD2__c = FIELD1__c;


But this is giving the error:


Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: FIELD2__c at line 3 column 5


If anyone has any help they can offer me i'd be very appreciative!!



Hi All,

I'm trying to create a very simple VF page which will allow the user to fill in their name and upload an attachment. When they click save, it will simply create a new record for that Custom object, and have the file as an attachment.

Is this possible?

So far, I have:
<apex:page standardController="Applicant__c">
      <apex:form >
          <apex:pageBlock title="Submit File">
             <apex:pageMessages />
              <apex:pageBlockButtons >
                  <apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}"/>
              <apex:pageBlockSection >
                  <apex:inputField value="{!Applicant__c.name}"/>
                  <apex:inputFile value="" filename="{}">

But i have no idea what to put in the attributes for the inputFile. The Applicant__c object is a custom object, which currently just has a Name field. Attachments are enabled for this object.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....many thanks,


Hi All,


I am VERY new to VF...


I have a field (x), which is a picklist that has 3 options (A, B, C).


I want to right an application which can be in it's own tab.


This application is SIMPLY so the user can select A, B, or C from the picklist and the page will then display one of three values.... if A, show 50, if B, show 100, if C, show 150. 


The text that shows (50 or 100 or 150) should be text.


I've been trying to have the picklist (x) as an inputField, then, within the inputfield, using a <apex:param> to assign a variable which i can then reference in an outputField, but i am obviously doing this all wrong.


Please can someone point in the direction of how to do this in simple terms??


I really appreciate your help, thanks



I'm trying to create a VF page that dynamically displays the currency result of a formula field, based on the picklist choice.


So there is a picklist in User object called Job_Grade__c. It has values A, B, C, D, E. THere is then a formula field in User object called Job_Grade_Amount__c. This bsaically does a simple if job grade is A then = 50, B=100, else 200.


So in my VF page i literally want to be able to use the picklist to pick a Job Grade, and it automatically display what the value of the Job Grade is... dynamically changing as the picklist option is changed.


I've got this code:


<apex:page standardController="User" id="page">
<apex:form id="form">
<apex:pageBlock id="block">
<apex:pageBlockSection id="blockSection" columns="2">
<apex:inputField value="{!User.Job_Grade__c}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" reRender="blockSection" />
<apex:outputText value="{!User.Job_Grade_Amount__c}" rendered="{!User.Job_Grade__c!= NULL}" id="output" />







I'm trying to do an VF form using the folliwng code, however, the label of the inoput field is showing fine, but the field itself isn't, so there's nowehere to input text....


Any ideas?


<apex:page standardController="User">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock mode="edit">
<apex:pageBlockSection title="New Quote" columns="5">
<apex:inputField value="{!User.Name}"/>




I have created two custom fields in the User object.


FIELD1 is a picklist field

FIELD2 is a Text field of length 100.


I want to be able to search on the values in FIELD1, however i know that i can't search on a picklist value. As a result, I have created the text field FIELD2, which will be able to be search upon. 


FIELD2 is invisible to the user.


I would like that when a user record is updated or created, they will select the correct option from FIELD1, which will then populate/update the hidden field, FIELD2. 


People can then search on the FIELD2 field as if it was FIELD1, and select all the relelvant records.


I have tried to do this using a formula, however, this doesn't seem to update the record, and therefore, doesn't allow the field to be search on. I have also tried to do it using a workflow rule, however, there are no option to perform workflow on User object.....yet.


So i'm onto Apex, but am not a developer.


The code i have is this:


trigger FIELD1_Search_Trigger on User (before insert, before update) {
for (User obj: trigger.new){
FIELD2__c = FIELD1__c;


But this is giving the error:


Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: FIELD2__c at line 3 column 5


If anyone has any help they can offer me i'd be very appreciative!!

