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Hi All,


Is there any way to test blank values for Integer fileds, for Strings fields

if( Str == '') or Isblank(Str) ...

Any help must be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance !


I have an example of bulk api from bulk api developer guide:



inside section walkthrough sample code.(in java)


But i am not able to access the connection to salesforce due to some proxy settings.How do i pass the proxy settings in the same code.


Error while accessing salesforce:

Failed to send request to https://login.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/26.0


Please help

Thanks :)

  • September 26, 2013
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I want all the Notes and Attachment of Contacts getting rolled up in a different custom Objects (Inline Visualforce Section).


Right now i am able to roll up the Attachments but the challenge is both notes & Attachment getting rolled up(Since we need to query on two different objects and the result is stored in two different list).


So how can i return two different lists to the page block table Section


Below is my tried Code:


VF Page:

<apex:page showHeader="false" standardController="Household_Group__c" extensions="HouseHoldntesattach"  >
            <apex:form id="form" >
                  <apex:pageBlock >
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapper }" var="tas" id="filteredtasks"  width="100%" >
                <apex:column >
                    <apex:column >
                    <apex:facet name="header">
                    <apex:outputPanel layout="inline">
                       <apex:outputText value="{!tas.not2.Title }"> </apex:outputText><br/>
                       <apex:outputText value="{!tas.attach2.Name}"> </apex:outputText> 


public class HouseHoldntesattach{

    public List<Note> not1 {get; set;}
    public List<Attachment> attch1 {get; set;}
    public List<MyWrapper> wrapper {get; set;}
    string st;
    public Household_Group__c objhg {get;set;}

    public HouseHoldntesattach(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
    st = controller.getId();
    objhg = (Household_Group__c )controller.getRecord();

     list<attachment> attach = new list<attachment>();
   // list<Note> not= new list<Note>();
         list<Household_Member__c> Childmember = new list<Household_Member__c>();
        Childmember =[select id,Member__c from Household_Member__c where Household_Group__c= :st and Incl_in_Rollup__c = true ];//HH MEMBER ID IS STORED HERE
        list<string> Childmemberids=new list<string>();
        for(Household_Member__c HHacc:Childmember ){
        Childmemberids.add(HHacc.Member__c );
        for(contact con:[select id from contact where AccountId in : Childmemberids]){

 attch1 =[select id,name,LastModifiedDate,CreatedById  from attachment where ParentId in :Childmemberids ];
        not1 =[SELECT Id,LastModifiedDate,Title FROM Note where ParentId in :Childmemberids ];
         wrapper = new List<MyWrapper>() ;
           // wrapper.add(new MyWrapper(not1 , attch1 )) ;
    public class MyWrapper
        public Note not2{get; set;}
        public Attachment attach2{get; set;}
        public MyWrapper(Note not1 , Attachment attch1 )
            not2= not1 ;
            attach2= attch1  ;




Thanks in Advance

  • September 26, 2013
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hi i am sending only a single Http Request in Batch but still facing error System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out


My test code is 


static void test1(){
User u = [Select Authorize__c From User Where Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
u.Authorize__c = true;
update u;
System.debug('u is '+u);

List<FeedItem> feedList= new List<FeedItem>();
for (Integer i = 0; i<5;i++)
feedList.add( new FeedItem(Body='@'+UserInfo.getName()+'Hello World'+i,ParentId = UserInfo.getUserId()));
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MirrorMockTimelinePostImpl());
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MirrorMockTimelinePostImpl());

insert feedList;


and My trigger code is 

trigger PostFeedsToTimeLine on FeedItem (after insert) {

BatchPublishTimeLine publishBatch = new BatchPublishTimeLine(Trigger.new,contentMap);


and My Batch class code is 

public class BatchPublishTimeLine implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
sObjectIterable iterable;
Map<Id,User> userMap;
Map<String,String> contentmap;

public BatchPublishTimeLine(List<sObject> objectList,Map<String,String> contentmap){
iterable = new sObjectIterable(objectList);
this.userMap = new Map<Id,User>([Select Id,Name From User WHERE Authorize__c = true]);
this.contentmap = contentmap;

public Iterable<sObject> start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
return iterable;

public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
GMirrorUtil.createTimeLine(scope, contentMap);

public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
System.debug('Job Has been Finished');


and My createTimeLine function code is 


public static void createTimeLine(List<sObject> objList,Map<String,String> contentMap){

String timelineRes = doApiCall('xyzzz','POST','https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1/timeline','xxxxxxxxx');



doApiCall code is 

public static String doAPICall(String postBody, String method, String endPoint, String accessToken){

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
HttpResponse res;


if(method == 'POST' || method == 'PUT')
req.setHeader('Authorization','Bearer ' + accessToken);
res = http.send(req);
String result = res.getBody();
System.debug('status code is '+res.getStatus());
System.debug('result is'+res.getBody());
return result;


and the Mock class code response is 


global class MirrorMockTimelinePostImpl implements HTTPCalloutMock {
global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {
// Optionally, only send a mock response for a specific endpoint
// and method.
System.assertEquals('https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1/timeline', req.getEndpoint());
System.assertEquals('POST', req.getMethod());

// Create a fake response
HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
res.setBody('{"kind":"mirror#timelineItem", "id":"mockid", "created":"2013-07-31T12:07:34.882Z", "updated":"2013-07-31T12:07:34.882Z", "etag":"\\"ZECOuWdXUAqVdpmYErDm2-91GmY/NVMWuR8LJyCKttsmne9R4K8n7YI\\"", "text": "New Lead: OauthCheck EarlyAm, Google, Inc., (234) 567-8900"}');
return res;


and i am unable to figure it out how using only one callout its throwing an error ?? Please help

  • September 26, 2013
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Please help to create a unit test for my trigger.



I having a trouble deploying my trigger in productio since sfdc is requiring a unit test. please help me. sandbox do not require a unit test. please please, im clueless onhow to start the unite tes.


here's the code:



trigger UpdateQuoteManagers on Quote (before insert, before update) {
Set<ID> idOwners = new Set<ID>();

for(Quote quotes:trigger.new)

if (idOwners.size() > 0)
Map<Id,User> users= new Map<Id,User>([Select Territory_Head__c, District_Head__c from User where Id in : idOwners]);

for(Quote qu:trigger.new)

if (users.get(qu.Account_Manager__c).Id!= null)
qu.District_Head2__c = users.get(qu.Account_Manager__c).District_Head__c;
qu.Territory_Head2__c = users.get(qu.Account_Manager__c).Territory_Head__c;
qu.District_Head2__c = null;
qu.Territory_Head2__c = null;
