• Saswat619
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When you have a Lookup Relationship with defined Filter Criteria, you cannot provide a Profile or User with the option to override or neglect this Relationship. If you are using active Integration or you want to perform an initial Data Load for which this Filter Criteria needs to be bypassed, your upload will fail for certain cases. Because the active user doesn't fulfill the criteria defined.

For a User record who performs the Data Migration or Integration, this might become a problem.

Could you please help on this matter as atleast system admin should be able to update the data by ignoring the criteria? Also, remember even if the validation rule is another option,the user will again see lots of unwanted data in lookup filter.

Currently we have a trigger on Account object which updates one field based on certain conditions and if that field value matches with another object where all the values are mentioned. One of th conditions we are also checking on running user's country field like this

if (usrcountry == 'Australia' || usrcountry == 'New Zealand'  || usrcountry == 'Austria' || usrcountry == 'Belgium' )

As there are more no. of countries coming to use this part, I need to create a custom settings instaed of hard coding country value always in this condition.

I have created a hierarchical custom settings let's say test and filled country values like this Australia, New Zealand,Germany by holding them in a custom field under custom settings which are comma separated. However, I am unsure how to use this in if condition of the trigger which I mentioned here - if (usrcountry == 'Australia' || usrcountry == 'New Zealand'  || usrcountry == 'Austria' || usrcountry == 'Belgium' )

Currently we have a trigger on Account object which updates one field based on certain conditions and if that field value matches with another object where all the values are mentioned. One of th conditions we are also checking on running user's country field like this

if (usrcountry == 'Australia' || usrcountry == 'New Zealand'  || usrcountry == 'Austria' || usrcountry == 'Belgium' )

As there are more no. of countries coming to use this part, I need to create a custom settings instaed of hard coding country value always in this condition.

I have created a hierarchical custom settings let's say test and filled country values like this Australia, New Zealand,Germany by holding them in a custom field under custom settings which are comma separated. However, I am unsure how to use this in if condition of the trigger which I mentioned here - if (usrcountry == 'Australia' || usrcountry == 'New Zealand'  || usrcountry == 'Austria' || usrcountry == 'Belgium' )