• Amber090
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  • Member since 2013

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We have event monitoring data being loaded into a custom object and would like to decode the base64 string detailing what the event log is tracking.  Can I do this in an apex class?  What will I need to do?
I need to create a trigger to kick off a workflow when a field value changes.  SInce the field that's being updated is a formula field, a standard workflow rule doesn't work.

Can someone give me a crash course/instructions to create a trigger to kick off a workflow if a field value changes?
We have a picklist that needs to only display certain values depending on the Profile.  We don't want to use the Record Type, because both profiles will need to create/view the same record type.  Do you have suggestions on how to accomplish this?
We have a Date/Time field on a visualforce page and there's a date/time hyperlink displayed next to the field.  How can we remove this hyperlink?  Our users won't use the hyperlink on this page.
Hi- I need to schedule a report to run at noon, but the only available time is at 4pm.  How can I schedule my report at noon without disabling another scheduled report?
We have a VF page that's displaying the object's icon on the top left of the page.  How can I remove that if we don't want an icon displaying?
A user receives this error when they try to access the Lightning build I developed in our sandbox.  The Lightning build is activated and enabled for all users, but for some reason she can't view it.  What do I need to do to make sure all/certain profiles access the build?
How can I determine the size of a field displayed on a VF page?  Currently, we have a field that's 40 characters, but the display of that field doesn't show the full 40 characters.  It cuts it off.
Our users want to be able to open a case record from a visualforce page.  Currently, it just displays as an outputfield (not clickable).  How can I make the case field clickable to open the record?
Hi- I have a VF page with multiple fields and we need to move more to the right.  What is the code to block out where a field should be to make another field stay to the right column?  Does that make sense?
We have a "edit" and "view" VF page for Cases.  They work fantastic for creating new records and viewing them, but once we select the "Edit" button, change values, and select "Save", it doesn't save our changes.

Any initial thoughts on what we need to change to the VF pages?
Also, the user we're testing with has full access to Cases.

We have a position open for a Digital Marketing team member to administer/analyze and code for our website, extranet, Eloqua account, and SalesForce account.


Let me know if you have any questions and if you're interested in joining the K2M team: http://bit.ly/1ehmNAs

A user receives this error when they try to access the Lightning build I developed in our sandbox.  The Lightning build is activated and enabled for all users, but for some reason she can't view it.  What do I need to do to make sure all/certain profiles access the build?
Our users want to be able to open a case record from a visualforce page.  Currently, it just displays as an outputfield (not clickable).  How can I make the case field clickable to open the record?
Hi- I have a VF page with multiple fields and we need to move more to the right.  What is the code to block out where a field should be to make another field stay to the right column?  Does that make sense?
We have a "edit" and "view" VF page for Cases.  They work fantastic for creating new records and viewing them, but once we select the "Edit" button, change values, and select "Save", it doesn't save our changes.

Any initial thoughts on what we need to change to the VF pages?
Also, the user we're testing with has full access to Cases.


We have visualforce pages in SF which contain 3 picklists, see code below.
<apex:inputField value="{!newLead.Site_County_1__c}" />

Something strange is happening for these fields, when a user has the field populated and then opens the record to edit and save. the values have disppeared when they save it again.

Has this happened to anyone before?

In the session last night, there was a live demo of customizing the hoem page components.  But in TrailHead there's this disclaimer...  "You can’t customize the layout of the Home page, add custom components, or move related lists.", with no follow up about when it will be available like I've seen for other disclaimers.

So what's the real story with customizing the home page?


We have visualforce pages in SF which contain 3 picklists, see code below.
<apex:inputField value="{!newLead.Site_County_1__c}" />

Something strange is happening for these fields, when a user has the field populated and then opens the record to edit and save. the values have disppeared when they save it again.

Has this happened to anyone before?