• Mig
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And if so, how to ?

the idea we have is to develop all the campaign management to be able to add account as members ... I'm affraid !! :( 


Thank you all for your ideas.


  • September 08, 2009
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Hi all,


First of all, thanks for your help


The scenario :


- I've got an object with Public Read Only access.

- The Edit button for this object is overriden by a VisualForce Page


Everything works fine but when a user tries to edit someone else record, he can enter into the Edit Record VF page and when he tries to save it works .. but it shouldn't because it's Public Read Only.


 Are theApex classes above the company Wide default setting ? How can I solve this problem ?


For info : It's an upsert... 


Thanks in advance. 

Message Edited by Mig on 05-20-2009 03:26 PM
  • May 20, 2009
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In this org:  

Affiliations__c is a non master relationship to Contact. 

If a Contact is deleted, a trigger is fired and will delete the related affiliations! 


What I want to do is : if a contact is undeleted, undelete the deleted related affiliations as well


My code :   


trigger ContactAfterUndelete on Contact (after undelete) {

Affiliation__c[] affiliationsFired ;

Affiliation__c[] affiliationsToUpdate = new Affiliation__c[]{};

affiliationsFired = [Select id from Affiliation__c where isDeleted = true and (Affiliation_From_Contact__c in :Trigger.old or Affiliation_To_Contact__c in: Trigger.old) ALL ROWS] ;

for (Integer i=0 ; i< affiliationsFired.size() ; i++){

affiliationsFired[i].isDeleted = false ;



update AffiliationsToUpdate ;}


I've got an error because isDeleted is non Writeable! 


Please, Can you give me some advices on how to solve this issue ? 





Message Edited by Mig on 03-03-2009 04:33 PM
  • March 03, 2009
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I know that's it's not possible to trigger a worklow by a field update done by another workflow. 

My question is : If My fiest workflow updates a record that will fire my apex trigger and this apex trigger fires a worlfow. Do you think this will work ?


If not, do you know if it's possible to enable this functionnality ?


 ( a guy here says that he thinks it's possible, how can I do it ? )


Thanks a lot for all your answers.





  • February 25, 2009
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Hi all,I'm having some difficulties to get succees with my Test coverage: 


The Controler :


public PageReference autoRun() {
String oppID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
if (oppID == null) {
// Display the Visualforce page's content if no Id is passed over
return null;
// Get the sObject describe result for the Opportunity object
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = Opportunity.sObjectType.getDescribe();
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> M = r.fields.getMap(); //Generate a Map of the fields

//Now loop through the list of Field Names and concatenate the SOQL query string
String SOQL = 'Select ';
for (String fieldName : M.keySet()){
System.debug('fieldName: ' + fieldName);
SOQL += fieldName + ',';
SOQL = SOQL.substring(0,SOQL.length()-1); //Remove the last , unnecessary comma
SOQL += ' From Opportunity o where id=\''+getOpportunityId()+'\' LIMIT 1' ;

//Execute SOQL & Cast the sObject type into an Opportunity
sObject S = Database.query(SOQL);
Opportunity opp = (Opportunity)S;

//Clone the Opportunity - 2 parameters (PreserveId or not, IsDeepClone or not )
Opportunity newOpp = opp.clone(false,true);
newOpp.Name=opp.Name + ' v2';
insert newOpp;

/*.... All the other related objects like OpportunityLineItems : */

// Go to the new Opportunity
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/' + newOpp.Id);
return pageRef;



With my test coverage, the class autorun() is not covered at all !! I've got 28 % but is only the rest of the controler  ... 


public class TestOpportunityClones {

static testMethod void validateOpportunityClones(){
Account acc1 = new Account();
acc1.Name = 'Test' ;
insert acc1 ;

/*** To create a Opportunity Line Item, other fields are required : **/
Opportunity opp1 = new Opportunity();
opp1.Name ='Oppty test converage ' ;
opp1.AccountId = acc1.Id ;
opp1.StageName = 'Prospecting' ;
Date d1 = Date.newInstance(2009,1,1);
opp1.CloseDate = d1;
insert opp1 ;

Product2 prod = new Product2();
prod.Name = 'Product Name test' ;
prod.IsActive = true ;
insert prod ;

// Each Product has a standard unit price in the standard PriceBook. This value is required !!!!
Pricebook2 [] pbookstd = [ Select p.id from Pricebook2 p where p.isstandard =: true limit 1] ;

PricebookEntry PriceEntry = new PricebookEntry();
priceEntry.isActive = true ;
PriceEntry.UnitPrice = 250 ;
PriceEntry.PriceBook2Id = pbookstd[0].Id ;
PriceEntry.Product2Id = prod.Id ;
insert PriceEntry ;

OpportunityLineItem oppLineItem1 = new OpportunityLineItem();
oppLineItem1.OpportunityId = opp1.Id ;
oppLineItem1.PricebookEntryId = PriceEntry.Id ;
oppLineItem1.UnitPrice = 500 ;
oppLineItem1.Quantity = 1 ;
insert oppLineItem1 ;

ApexPages.StandardController ac = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp1); //set up the standardcontroller
Opportunityclone1 controler = new Opportunityclone1(ac); //and set up the extensions to the standardcontroller

controler.getOpportunityId() ;

SObject s = Database.query('select id from Opportunity limit 1');
System.assertEquals(s.getSObjectType(), Opportunity.sObjectType); //

// Create a list of generic sObjects
List<sObject> oppType = new Opportunity[]{};
System.assertEquals(oppType.getSObjectType(), Opportunity.sObjectType);

Do you know how to cover Describe Sobject functions ... 

I continue trying to discover the solution ...

Thanks for all your help.





This conversation has began here : (tkx aalbert)



Message Edited by Mig on 01-30-2009 04:49 PM
Message Edited by Mig on 01-30-2009 04:52 PM
  • January 30, 2009
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The sortOrder of the Opportunity Products is a RO field  :( And I need to reorder the products as I want ... it's impossible since we can not set the order of the lines ! :( 



Is there any way to order the Opportunity Lines as we'd like ? Or at least ask salesforce per exemple to set Writable the field sortOrder ? 





Sorry to open again a new thread about the same thing :



Vote :


  • January 21, 2009
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I'm developing new buttons at the Opportunity Level that will clone the Opportunity with or without some related objects !

The clone works fine (at least I think this is the best way to do it )

Opportunity opp=[Select o.qtyProductGroups__c, o.Won_Lost_Comment__c, o.State__c, o.StageName, o.Selected_Contact_Id__c, o.Remarks__c, o.RecordTypeId, o.Reason_Won__c, o.Reason_Lost__c, o.Probability, o.Primary_Opportunity__c, o.Pricebook2Id, o.Personal_Chance_of_Success__c, o.OwnerId, o.Opportunity_Type__c, o.Opportunity_Description__c, o.One_Shot_Order__c, o.IsWon, o.IsDeleted, o.IsClosed,
o.I_Internal_Status__c, o.I_Account_manager__c, o.HasOpportunityLineItem, o.ForecastCategoryName, o.ForecastCategory, o.FiscalYear,
o.FiscalQuarter, o.Fiscal, o.FAS__c, o.Expire_Date__c, o.Do_not_Show_Total__c, o.Description, o.Delivery_specifications__c, o.Customer_Reference__c, o.CurrencyIsoCode, o.Contractual_Agreement__c, o.Competitor__c, o.Competitor_Products_involved__c, o.Competitor_Pricing__c, o.Competition__c, o.CloseDate, o.Categorisation__c, o.Budget__c, o.Amount, o.AccountId From Opportunity o where id=:getOpportunityId()];
if (opp.Id != null){
Opportunity newOpp = opp.clone(false,true);
newOpp.Name=opp.Name + ' CLONE';
insert newOpp;

As you see I need to put in there all the fields to be cloned.
The problem is : if in the future I create a new field, this one will not be transmitted with the clone ! (unless I edit the query here and add this new field) !!!!!! Is there any solution for this ?

Tkx a lot to you all for your answers and support !

Message Edited by Mig on 01-19-2009 06:49 PM
  • January 19, 2009
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I would like to know what is the maximum number of records ( of the same object) an Apex class or trigger can make in one shot ?
And how to do it ( Bulk trigger I suppose , and what more ? )

After some research :

1. Trigger 2.Visualforce Controler 3. Run Test

Total number of DML statements issued (insert, update, upsert, merge, or delete)20100^100
Total number of records processed as a result of DML statements100****10,000^500

I don't understand the difference between the total number of DML statement and the total number of records processed as a result of DML statement.

If I need to create 300 records. I do need to make 300 update calls ! Right ?

Thankx a lot for this informaion. I actually need this confirmation for tomorow so I'm keeping try to find out ...

Tkx to all of you.


Message Edited by Mig on 09-18-2008 01:27 PM
  • September 18, 2008
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Do someone know how to edit the Customer Portal roles ?
  • June 27, 2008
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I've created a trigger in the Case Object but it does not fires when my salesforce receive a case from a email to case ...
Is there a way to enable/disable the apex code triggers from outside rssources ?

does the Apex triggers works  with email to cases and webtocases and all this kind of external sources  ??



Message Edited by Mig on 06-27-2008 04:57 PM
  • June 27, 2008
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I've got this code :

var qry = "select q.Price__c from Quotes__c q where q.Id='"+ varID +"'" ;
var result = sforce.connection.query(qry);
resultarray = result.getArray('records');

alert(" PRICE: " + resultarray[0].Price__c ); 

The result of the alert is : PRICE : 567.6789

Although I would like to have this quind of format : EUR 567,68 or USD 567.68
It depends on the user ....

I've got the same problem with the date formats I've got all them in this format YYYY-MM-DD And Ofcourse it should depends on the user who is calling my S-control page . 


Thank you

Message Edited by Mig on 06-13-2008 10:54 AM
  • June 13, 2008
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I saw this : http://blogs.salesforce.com/features/2008/05/visualforce-pag.html

In Summer 08 Will we be available to create Visualforce pages into Production ? Or it's already available ?

Thank you
  • May 07, 2008
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I've got a problem.
I'm doing an S-Control with some queries. And I'm getting this error : Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1 ( With Firebug)

I think it's a query in the Account table.
Is there a maximum queries per day we can use ? My API calls does not attempt the maximum.

Someone an idea on this please ?
  • April 17, 2008
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Error when I save a record The trigger is triggered but with an error :  "execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.Exception: Record is read-only: "

I'm trying to make an update after insert. And I'm ADMIN and the record is not read-only. Did anybody had an error like this one ?
  • April 07, 2008
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The trigger will bring to each contact the website of the related account ;

This code works when I update a Contact. But it did not work when I create it. Can someone please help me:

trigger ContactTriggertest on Contact (before update, before insert) {
 Contact[] ILtoUpdate = new Contact[0];
 Boolean doUpdate = false ; 
 Id [] searchID = new Id [1];
 for (Contact ils : Trigger.new) {
  searchID[0] = ils.Id ; 
  for (Contact  a : [Select c.id, c.Account.Website From Contact c WHERE id in : searchId]) {
   if ( a.id != null){
    ils.Account_Web_Site__c = a.Account.Website;
    if (ils.Account_Web_Site__c != a.Account.Website){
         doUpdate = true ;
        if (doUpdate){
          ILtoUpdate.add( ils );
 if (!ILtoUpdate.isEmpty()) {
      update ILtoUpdate;

 When I create a contact, it does not work. and if I update it it will fill in the good website. Why ?

This is reallly really really an important functionnality I need to my organisation.
( for info This is juste an exemple because I will use the same code structure in other SObjects with a lot of fields )

Thank you in advance for your help !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message Edited by Mig on 04-04-2008 05:41 PM

Message Edited by Mig on 04-04-2008 05:42 PM

Message Edited by Mig on 04-04-2008 05:56 PM
  • April 04, 2008
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My trigger works fine when it returns data. But sometimes The query return anything and I've got this problem.
BonusTrigger: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject:

Bonus_definition__c[] bonusdef = new Bonus_definition__c[1];
/* definition of all the vars

Bonus_definition__c s = [Select b.id, b.Convertion_Rate__c, b.BonusCurrency__c From Bonus_definition__c b where b.Year__c =:bonusyear and  b.BonusCurrency__c =:curr limit 1];


When this query returns anything I've got a problem. How to solve it ?
Thank you in advance for your help


Message Edited by Mig on 03-18-2008 05:32 PM
  • March 18, 2008
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I created a List Button :

List Button code :

var recordsToTransfer = {!GetRecordIds($ObjectType.Order__c)}

function init(){
if(recordsToTransfer.length < 1){
alert(" Please Select a value") ;

else if (!document.elementsAddedToPage)
for(var i=0; i < recordsToTransfer.length ; i++) {
function Edit(OrderID){
var Edit = new sforce.SObject("Order__c");
Edit.Id = OrderID;
Edit.Order_Status__c = "Ready";
var result = sforce.connection.update([Edit]);


This code will change the Status of the selected Orders. It works fine But a few times (in I.E. 7.0)  I've got a weird error :

Something like : 'Error On Click Javascript  Sforce is not defined ';

Please, can someone help me on this ? I don't understand this error. (Apparently It's only for some no Admin Profile users... and always in I.E. 7.0 even if I had that error once in firefox in admin profile :s but once I refreshed it was ok) I tryed already to update I.E, but does not work!

Thank you in advance for your help; this is really very important ...


Message Edited by Mig on 02-12-2008 01:13 PM
  • February 12, 2008
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My company has the ENTERPRISE SFDC edition .
I created a APEX sandbox but it's not the Spring 08 one :( Server url : http://cs1.salesforce.com ) It seems that it's the Winter 07 ...

Is there anyway to update it ?
Why don't I have the right to be at the http://tapp0.salesforce.com one ? This one has already the Spring 08 :'(

I'm in Europe and I have to wait to February 16 to have  ? I would like to create some packages ( not Appexchange packages ... the other ones ) But Don't have the SPRING 08 in my sandbox and I can not create it !

Anyone know someting about something about sandbox or spring 08 updates and how to do update it ?

Thank you very much

Message Edited by Mig on 02-06-2008 07:19 AM
  • February 06, 2008
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trigger getDiscountsonOpportunities on Opportunity (after insert, after update){
for (opportunity op : [Select Bureau__r.Discount__c From Opportunity where id in : trigger.new ]){

op.Discount__c= op.Bureau__r.Discount__c;
op.Auth_Inv_Bureau__c = 15 ;
update op ;

I'm a newbie on Apex code and I really need some help to make an update after insert/update

I want to make this once I have save the record :
Opportunity.Discount__c  = Opportunity.Bureau__r.discount__c;

I don't have any compile error but I've got this when I try to test it :

Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger getDiscountsonOpportunities caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: getDiscountsonOpportunities: maximum trigger depth exceeded Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate for 006S00000025Mar Opportunity trigger event bulk AfterUpdate .....

Can I have some examples of this quind of functionnality Only to update some fields in the same object ...
Thank you really really very much for your help !!!

Message Edited by Mig on 02-05-2008 08:37 AM
  • February 05, 2008
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I made a trigger that updates somes values after update. But some fields are not the same type.

Is there any functionnality ( like toString)  to covnert My picklist values (String) to a double ( Like parseFloat in Javascript).

Thank you
  • February 05, 2008
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This component works but does not validate and gives the following error message:
Step not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The CSS does not contain a reference to the background image 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.


I'm tying to launch a custom SOQL query:

SELECT Phone, PersonAssistantName, Owner.FirstName, Owner.LastName, Owner.Username, Owner.CommunityNickname, (SELECT Contact.FirstName, Contact.LastName, Contact.MobilePhone, Contact.Email FROM Account.Contacts LIMIT 1) FROM Account


But can't access to the CommunityNickname field of User table.

Looking at the documentation for User, it must exist. What am I doing wrong?

  • September 08, 2009
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I'm a very new in all the salesforce business

i'm trying to make a new button in the account that will open me a new task with some data in the fields



Someone can help me ?






  • September 08, 2009
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In this org:  

Affiliations__c is a non master relationship to Contact. 

If a Contact is deleted, a trigger is fired and will delete the related affiliations! 


What I want to do is : if a contact is undeleted, undelete the deleted related affiliations as well


My code :   


trigger ContactAfterUndelete on Contact (after undelete) {

Affiliation__c[] affiliationsFired ;

Affiliation__c[] affiliationsToUpdate = new Affiliation__c[]{};

affiliationsFired = [Select id from Affiliation__c where isDeleted = true and (Affiliation_From_Contact__c in :Trigger.old or Affiliation_To_Contact__c in: Trigger.old) ALL ROWS] ;

for (Integer i=0 ; i< affiliationsFired.size() ; i++){

affiliationsFired[i].isDeleted = false ;



update AffiliationsToUpdate ;}


I've got an error because isDeleted is non Writeable! 


Please, Can you give me some advices on how to solve this issue ? 





Message Edited by Mig on 03-03-2009 04:33 PM
  • March 03, 2009
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I am stuck in a issue that looks simple. I have a object which has related record in a child object. If the parent object record is deleted, then the child object record should be deleted. I have implemented this using triggers.


But the issue is how to delete already orphaned records. The requirement is to delete orphaned records that does not have any matching parent records.





  • March 02, 2009
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I know that's it's not possible to trigger a worklow by a field update done by another workflow. 

My question is : If My fiest workflow updates a record that will fire my apex trigger and this apex trigger fires a worlfow. Do you think this will work ?


If not, do you know if it's possible to enable this functionnality ?


 ( a guy here says that he thinks it's possible, how can I do it ? )


Thanks a lot for all your answers.





  • February 25, 2009
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I want to disable a  custom button on accounts for  particular profiles.How can i do it.
If anybody has worked on similar functionality please let me know.
Thanks in advance
  • January 21, 2009
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I'm developing new buttons at the Opportunity Level that will clone the Opportunity with or without some related objects !

The clone works fine (at least I think this is the best way to do it )

Opportunity opp=[Select o.qtyProductGroups__c, o.Won_Lost_Comment__c, o.State__c, o.StageName, o.Selected_Contact_Id__c, o.Remarks__c, o.RecordTypeId, o.Reason_Won__c, o.Reason_Lost__c, o.Probability, o.Primary_Opportunity__c, o.Pricebook2Id, o.Personal_Chance_of_Success__c, o.OwnerId, o.Opportunity_Type__c, o.Opportunity_Description__c, o.One_Shot_Order__c, o.IsWon, o.IsDeleted, o.IsClosed,
o.I_Internal_Status__c, o.I_Account_manager__c, o.HasOpportunityLineItem, o.ForecastCategoryName, o.ForecastCategory, o.FiscalYear,
o.FiscalQuarter, o.Fiscal, o.FAS__c, o.Expire_Date__c, o.Do_not_Show_Total__c, o.Description, o.Delivery_specifications__c, o.Customer_Reference__c, o.CurrencyIsoCode, o.Contractual_Agreement__c, o.Competitor__c, o.Competitor_Products_involved__c, o.Competitor_Pricing__c, o.Competition__c, o.CloseDate, o.Categorisation__c, o.Budget__c, o.Amount, o.AccountId From Opportunity o where id=:getOpportunityId()];
if (opp.Id != null){
Opportunity newOpp = opp.clone(false,true);
newOpp.Name=opp.Name + ' CLONE';
insert newOpp;

As you see I need to put in there all the fields to be cloned.
The problem is : if in the future I create a new field, this one will not be transmitted with the clone ! (unless I edit the query here and add this new field) !!!!!! Is there any solution for this ?

Tkx a lot to you all for your answers and support !

Message Edited by Mig on 01-19-2009 06:49 PM
  • January 19, 2009
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I'd like to re-open the discussion of SortOrder on the OpportunityLineItem object. A thread from 3.5 years ago can be located here:

Looks like people from SF were going to look into it but obviously nothing has come to fruition. The reason I have put this in the Visualforce board is that we have have a few VF applications that could really take advantage of access to this field. Visualforce has also opened up new possibilities to UI design where the ability to manage SortOrder could be useful.

Also, no offense to salesforce.com, but the tool for sorting OpportunityLineItems is not that useful when there are multiple products with the same name. I have actually built a pretty slick sorting application but this is currently useless.

A lot of the concerns were about error handling. What happens if you have 3 line items but sort order is defined as, 1, 2, 2. Or 1, 2, 4. How about just throwing a sortOrder exception and force the developers to write good code?

Ideas? Thoughts?


Message Edited by TehNrd on 09-05-2008 01:22 PM
  • September 03, 2008
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I've got this code :

var qry = "select q.Price__c from Quotes__c q where q.Id='"+ varID +"'" ;
var result = sforce.connection.query(qry);
resultarray = result.getArray('records');

alert(" PRICE: " + resultarray[0].Price__c ); 

The result of the alert is : PRICE : 567.6789

Although I would like to have this quind of format : EUR 567,68 or USD 567.68
It depends on the user ....

I've got the same problem with the date formats I've got all them in this format YYYY-MM-DD And Ofcourse it should depends on the user who is calling my S-control page . 


Thank you

Message Edited by Mig on 06-13-2008 10:54 AM
  • June 13, 2008
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I saw this : http://blogs.salesforce.com/features/2008/05/visualforce-pag.html

In Summer 08 Will we be available to create Visualforce pages into Production ? Or it's already available ?

Thank you
  • May 07, 2008
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<apex:commandLink  value="attach" action="{!attach}">
 <apex :param assignto="{!test}" value="{!location.id}"/>

And I have getter and setter methods in my controller. This works fine. But when I replace it with commandButton it is not working.


I've got a problem.
I'm doing an S-Control with some queries. And I'm getting this error : Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1 ( With Firebug)

I think it's a query in the Account table.
Is there a maximum queries per day we can use ? My API calls does not attempt the maximum.

Someone an idea on this please ?
  • April 17, 2008
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when i try to declare a map in an Apex class i get error "Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: map"
I am using a developer login with development mode checked to true. Is it that Map object has to be enabled on developer login?
Map<string, string> myMap=new Map<string, string>();

I created a List Button :

List Button code :

var recordsToTransfer = {!GetRecordIds($ObjectType.Order__c)}

function init(){
if(recordsToTransfer.length < 1){
alert(" Please Select a value") ;

else if (!document.elementsAddedToPage)
for(var i=0; i < recordsToTransfer.length ; i++) {
function Edit(OrderID){
var Edit = new sforce.SObject("Order__c");
Edit.Id = OrderID;
Edit.Order_Status__c = "Ready";
var result = sforce.connection.update([Edit]);


This code will change the Status of the selected Orders. It works fine But a few times (in I.E. 7.0)  I've got a weird error :

Something like : 'Error On Click Javascript  Sforce is not defined ';

Please, can someone help me on this ? I don't understand this error. (Apparently It's only for some no Admin Profile users... and always in I.E. 7.0 even if I had that error once in firefox in admin profile :s but once I refreshed it was ok) I tryed already to update I.E, but does not work!

Thank you in advance for your help; this is really very important ...


Message Edited by Mig on 02-12-2008 01:13 PM
  • February 12, 2008
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I have a "full page width" web tab with content generated by an HTML Scontrol. When the content exceeds a certain length a vertical scroll bar appears. It appears that the web tab container is where the overflow occurrs.
I would like to eliminate the nested scroll bar. How do I do this?
The company standard browser is IE.
Thanks in advance.
I know that a delete trigger is not fired for a merge.  What are the other cases where delete triggers are not fired?

My question relates to having our application sit beside other APEX applications.  I want to ensure that a clean database is maintained regardless of other applications.
