• Ted Husted NU
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  • NimbleUser / Nimble AMS

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For the profiles related to chatter name, like chatter free user, chatter external user, there is no option for "Object setting", there a re only optione for "Apex class access", etc.

How can i access the object settings for this profiles
  • September 02, 2016
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I've earned 22 badges, but only six show. Five were earned early on. Then a recent one was skipped, but the next one after that shows. 

Other people report the same problem. The account is linked but not all of the badges show. 

* https://developer.salesforce.com/forums#!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906F0000000D8gyIAC

One factor might be changing the email address attribute for the Trailhead org, which I might have done, when we link our Success profile to Trialhead, we have to use our email address -- instead of a Trialhead org username (which is weird).

I also tried registering my Trailhead org, where all the badges show, with the Success Community, but it wasn't able to verify the email address. I guess because it was already linked. 

Right now, when you link your badges, this is a link for "Missing Badges", but it just goes to a Trailhead landing page with no contact information.

I'd be happy to take the six badges over, but since they show on the Trialhead side, I can't earn them again. 

I've tried relinking the account several times, but the missing badges stay missing. 

Any help would be appreciated. It seems to me that developer resources are needed, but there doesn't seem to be a mechanism for filing a Trailhead case. 

User-added image

User-added image
I've earned 22 badges, but only six show. Five were earned early on. Then a recent one was skipped, but the next one after that shows. 

Other people report the same problem. The account is linked but not all of the badges show. 

* https://developer.salesforce.com/forums#!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906F0000000D8gyIAC

One factor might be changing the email address attribute for the Trailhead org, which I might have done, when we link our Success profile to Trialhead, we have to use our email address -- instead of a Trialhead org username (which is weird).

I also tried registering my Trailhead org, where all the badges show, with the Success Community, but it wasn't able to verify the email address. I guess because it was already linked. 

Right now, when you link your badges, this is a link for "Missing Badges", but it just goes to a Trailhead landing page with no contact information.

I'd be happy to take the six badges over, but since they show on the Trialhead side, I can't earn them again. 

I've tried relinking the account several times, but the missing badges stay missing. 

Any help would be appreciated. It seems to me that developer resources are needed, but there doesn't seem to be a mechanism for filing a Trailhead case. 

User-added image

User-added image
Hello everyone - my company is building a managed package. For support scenarios (i.e. something breaks after the managed package is installed and implemented) we like to have functionality where system admins can grant access to other users to help triage and resolve our customers' problems. Is there code that we can enter into our managed package that provides this feature?

I know that you can grant users access via Login Policies or user settings (and this applies to all users assigned to the managed package). And you can also gain access via the Subscriber Support Console by registering as a partner with Salesforce and going through their process.
However, is there code that can do the same thing (login as another user), but can embed within the managed package?
I'm inventing some time looking for the best solution to implement continuos integration with managed packages. I saw some post and videos from Dreamforce with a feature called "Branch Orgs" that was on pilot. I would like to know if there's a way to use this feature, do I need to open a case? anybody knows?

For the profiles related to chatter name, like chatter free user, chatter external user, there is no option for "Object setting", there a re only optione for "Apex class access", etc.

How can i access the object settings for this profiles
  • September 02, 2016
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I have created a unmanaged package in my Developer org and when I am installing it into my developer enviroment it freezes on it's installation.
The installation stops and displays a message saying that it's taking a long time to install the package and it will do it in background and send a notification via email.
The notification never arrives and the packege never installs.
Hi All,
We are getting started with a project from the scratch. Hence we are looking for the templates of the Following documents. If anyone can share a template it will be of great help. The template is required for 1.Requirement Gathering, 2. Functional Specification, 3. Technical Specifications.
Thanks in Advance.
The "Apex Web Services" trailhead unit/module says to get the session id form the Workbench -> Session Information menu option in the connection  folder.  But I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I don't see any session id value listed there.

So I found another simple way to get the session id to pass into cURL command line as instructed by the trailhead.

Simply copy and paste the following line into the Execute Annoymous Window of the developer console and view the log file:


I've verified and linked my Trailhead profile but the badges are not showing up. Any ideas on what I can check?

    Can any one let me know that total how many standard objects are available in salesforce ?

    Response is highly Appriciated.
  • January 07, 2014
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I have a Developer Edition account as I am trying to do a POC on integration of SFDC using Tibco BW.
I have created a Workflow Rule which triggers an Outbound Message. The message will be recieved by a Tibco BW Web Service on tibco's end over HTTP.

Even though the URL in the outbound Message matches the Webservice URL, the outbound message get's stuck on the SFDC side with a Delivery Failure Reason '(403) Forbidden'.

Please tell me what is the reason for the error as there is no information that i could find on this. Also, how can i fix this.
  • January 04, 2014
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Hi everyone,


We are trying to set up Hudson in integration with Salesforce but we had some troubles around the fact that APEX is not Java. Anyone who could answer any of these questions would be of a high help:


 - Are you aware of any work around this?

- What is the best Continuous integration for Salesforce (Hudson, Continuum, Cruise control ect...)?

- Is there any plugin especially for Salesforce?

- Any other way of controlling quality in Salesforce code? (reports, automatic emails, batch analyzis ect...) We would be thankful for any information around quality control and Salesforce.





I have a few account records, few of the accounts are ticked as "Customer account"/portal accounts
What does it signifies, and what is its importance ?

How can i make testing of its usability, like i want to know if it is was really useful to make this account as customer account ?

thank yo for suggestion !
  • September 02, 2016
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For the profiles related to chatter name, like chatter free user, chatter external user, there is no option for "Object setting", there a re only optione for "Apex class access", etc.

How can i access the object settings for this profiles
  • September 02, 2016
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Hi There,

We have a business process to execute batch inserts/updates and Searches. Here is the scenario, We have a community Portal where external users will select List of records (custom records) based on a certain logic. This list may have up to 100-500 records.
And based on their selection, we have to process them. Like create Accounts, Contacts and create set of Custom records, send email alerts etc.. + Searches. This process is significantly heavy. And after inserting some of above custom records, there are triggers + Apex classes to run too. This will simply exceeds most of the governor limits.
Apparently this community was in a Client side application previously, where we used SOAP API to handle the Process. In that way we didn't have to bother about governor limits.
So I seek the help from yours to understand the best option to follow to implement this. Few options we are considering right now is,
Using Batch Apex
Using BulkTK - BulkTK
Using @future
Use Apex REST?
Appreciate your help here to understand the best possible approach. Or else please share your thoughts

Many Thanks, Lahiru
  • September 01, 2016
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public class leadConvert{

public Lead convertLead{get;set;}

    public leadConvert(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        convertLead = new Lead();        
    String leadId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
    String oppName = '';
    String oppC = '';   

    Lead e = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName,Opportunity_Name__c,Street__c,City__c,States_Provinces__c,Zip_PostalCode__c,Country__c,Description,DoNotCall,Email,HasOptedOutOfEmail,Fax,HasOptedOutOfFax,LeadSource,MobilePhone,Phone,Title,OwnerId,Lead_Converted__c,Region__c,Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c,Status,Lead_Record_Type__c FROM Lead WHERE Id=:leadId];

    public pageReference Convert(){ 
       boolean sendEmail = convertLead.Send_Email_to_the_Owner__c; 
       String baseUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() +'/';

       if(e.Lead_Converted__c == true || e.Status != 'Qualified'){
            e.adderror('Lead is either already Converted or Lead Status is not Qualified.');
            return null ;

        String leadOwnerId = convertLead.Opportunity_Owner__c;

        User leadOwner = [SELECT Id,Email FROM User WHERE Id =: leadOwnerId];
        String accId = convertLead.Account__c;
        //system.debug('The Owner Id is ' + leadOwnerId);
        Account s = [SELECT Id,Name,Description FROM Account WHERE Id=:accId];
        String accName = s.Name;
        //system.debug('The Account Name is ' + s.Name);

        String OppName = convertLead.Opportunity_Name__c;
        Integer Year = Date.Today().Year();       
        Date OppCloseDate = null;
        Opportunity v = new Opportunity();        
        v.AccountId = s.Id;
        v.Name = OppName;
        v.StageName = 'Qualification';
        v.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;
        v.Opportunity_Record_Type__c = e.Lead_Record_Type__c;
        List<FiscalYearSettings> Oppfy = [SELECT EndDate,IsStandardYear,StartDate,YearType FROM FiscalYearSettings];
            for(FiscalYearSettings h:Oppfy){
                if(h.IsStandardYear == true){
                    Date e = h.EndDate;
                    Integer g = e.Year();
                    system.debug('The current year is ' + g);
                        if(g == Year){
                            OppCloseDate = [Select EndDate From Period Where type = 'Quarter' and StartDate = THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER].EndDate;
            v.CloseDate = OppCloseDate;
            insert v;
            system.debug('The Opportunity close date is ' + v.closeDate);
            Contact j; 
            List<Contact> leadC = [SELECT Id,AccountId,FirstName,LastName FROM Contact WHERE AccountId=:s.Id AND FirstName=:e.FirstName AND LastName=:e.LastName];
            system.debug('The Contacts of account are ' + leadC);
            String param_value = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('param1');
                    j = new Contact();
                    j.OwnerId = leadOwnerId;                   
                    j.FirstName = e.FirstName;
                    j.LastName = e.LastName;
                    j.AccountId = s.Id;                    
                    j.Street__c= e.Street__c;
                    j.City__c = e.City__c;
                    j.States_Provinces__c = e.States_Provinces__c;
                    j.Zip_PostalCode__c = e.Zip_PostalCode__c;
                    j.Country__c = e.Country__c;
                    j.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c =  e.Enter_State_if_not_able_to_find_above__c;
                    j.Region__c = e.Region__c;                   
                    j.Description= e.Description;
                    j.DoNotCall = e.DoNotCall;                    
                    j.Email = e.Email;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfEmail = e.HasOptedOutOfEmail;                    
                    j.Fax = e.Fax;                    
                    j.HasOptedOutOfFax = e.HasOptedOutOfFax;                 
                    j.LeadSource = e.LeadSource;                    
                    j.MobilePhone = e.MobilePhone;                   
                    j.Phone = e.Phone;                    
                    j.Title = e.Title;
                    insert j;
                    List<Opportunity> leadOpp = [SELECT Id,Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Id=:v.Id];
                    if(leadOpp.size() == 0){
                         oppName = '';
                         oppC = '';
                         oppName = leadOpp[0].Name;
                         oppC = leadOpp[0].Id;
                    if(SendEmail == true){
                        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
                        mail.setToAddresses(new String[] {leadOwner.Email});
                        mail.setSenderDisplayName('Goss International');
                        mail.setSubject('A Lead has been converted');                 
                        //mail.setPlainTextBody('Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:' );
                        String body = 'Your salesforce.com request to convert a lead into the following records has successfully completed:'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Account: '+ s.Name +'<br/>'+'<br/>' ;                                               
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+s.Id+' >'+baseUrl+s.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';
                        body += 'Contact : '+ j.FirstName+j.LastName+'<br/><br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+j.Id+' >'+baseUrl+j.Id+'</a> <br/><br/>';                       
                        body += 'Opportunity : '+oppName+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += '<a href=' +baseUrl+'/'+oppC+' >'+baseUrl+oppC+'</a> <br/><br/>';                         
                        body += 'Thank You,'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';
                        body += 'Goss International'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>'+'<br/>';  

                        Messaging.SendEmailResult[] emailresult = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
                    update e;              
                    PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('https://cs20.salesforce.com/'+s.Id);
                    // Contact fields                 
                    return pageRef;

                        string value = leadC[0].Id;
                        system.debug('The lead Id is ' + value);
                        string url;
                        url = '/apex/LeadContact?param1='+value+'&leadId='+e.Id+'&oId='+leadOwnerId+'&param2='+sendEmail+'&param3='+v.Id; 

                        PageReference pageRef = new PageReference(url);
                        return pageRef;                                 
The "Apex Web Services" trailhead unit/module says to get the session id form the Workbench -> Session Information menu option in the connection  folder.  But I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I don't see any session id value listed there.

So I found another simple way to get the session id to pass into cURL command line as instructed by the trailhead.

Simply copy and paste the following line into the Execute Annoymous Window of the developer console and view the log file:



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