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Does pin-code protection for mobile Applications works also offline?

Or I need the app to be connected for the user to insert and validate the PIN?

Thanks a lot
I am gathering the PageLayout for a specific Object (Contact or order or others) based on the RecordTypeId using the /sobjects/Order/describe/layouts/+RecordTypeId

Since a few days the RestApi /sobjects/Object/describe/layouts/+RecordTypeId  is not returning right 'Editable' parameter for the different fields.

I mean if I set a field as readonly in the corresponding pagelayout it stills tells me that the Editable parameter of that field is true. 

For example if in the pageLayout of Order I set the type field to "readonly" when I run the RestApi it tells me that the field is Editable=true. 

It works for "required" parameter, but not for "readonly". 

It did work a while ago may be a problem with an upgrade?

Can you please help
When calling the page Layouts of the Order object;


The answer of the relatedLists seems wrong, for example you can't find the OrderItem related list item that is in the default pageLayout. 

Can you please help?

Hi, I am trying to use the following smartSQL in the local smartstore:

SELECT {Product2:_soup} FROM {Product2} WHERE (({Product2:Name} LIKE '%%') AND ( {Product2:Family} == 'Bags' )) ORDER BY LOWER({Product2:Name}))

and I get error.

I was looking to some examples on how to sue the 'AND' in smartSql in order to query an object on more than one field.

Additionally the Product2:Family is a pick list field, and may be this creates issues too.

Thanks a lot for the help

Does pin-code protection for mobile Applications works also offline?

Or I need the app to be connected for the user to insert and validate the PIN?

Thanks a lot