• Nicole Laperouse
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We have a custom mobile app in development and one of the issues we have is retuning a picklist that references a Global Value Set when logged in as a Community User. 

When trying to access the field: https://domainHere--sandbox.cs40.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v46.0/tooling/sobjects/GlobalValueSet/0Nt32000000XZCm
We get the following error: 
<message>Session expired or invalid</message>

Is there an additional permission needed at the profile level for Community Plus users? 
I am using a simple visualpage to display google map with the last known geo coordinates of our ships. 
My issue is that the google map Marker does not display in the water... only when the geoLocation is on land. Any thoughts? 
<apex:page standardController="Asset">
    <apex:variable value="{!Asset.Last_AIS_Reported_Location__Latitude__s}, {!Asset.Last_AIS_Reported_Location__Longitude__s}" var="address" />

    <apex:map width="500px"

        <apex:mapMarker title="{!address}"
                <apex:mapInfoWindow >
                    <apex:outputText >{!address}</apex:outputText>


I have a JavaScript button that merely copies and pastes field values from one record type to another. My problem is that anytime I have a text box with a carraige return (user has hit the Return key), I get an "unterminated string constant" error. How do I remove these characters so that my button will work? I've used differet variations of the following syntax: 
URL = URL.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, “ “);
We have a custom mobile app in development and one of the issues we have is retuning a picklist that references a Global Value Set when logged in as a Community User. 

When trying to access the field: https://domainHere--sandbox.cs40.my.salesforce.com/services/data/v46.0/tooling/sobjects/GlobalValueSet/0Nt32000000XZCm
We get the following error: 
<message>Session expired or invalid</message>

Is there an additional permission needed at the profile level for Community Plus users? 
I have a JavaScript button that merely copies and pastes field values from one record type to another. My problem is that anytime I have a text box with a carraige return (user has hit the Return key), I get an "unterminated string constant" error. How do I remove these characters so that my button will work? I've used differet variations of the following syntax: 
URL = URL.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, “ “);


Is there a way to force a field to display an absolute time versus a time converted based upon the time zone of the viewer?  In other words, I want a manager in the pacific time zone to see the same time as their subordinate in the central time zone on a record the subordinate created.



  • April 13, 2010
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