• Jason Curtis NBSFDG
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  • Orion Wine Software

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I'm keen to use and advise people to use Process Builder where ever possible as I believe it is easier to maintain than a trigger. However I need advice on where a trigger should always be considered as option number one. Any thoughts or advice gratefully received. 

I need a month by month graph of total orders split out by number of first time customers vs. repeat customers,  displayed in a side by side bar graph ...how would you do it?
I am trying to display the custom field trackingnumber present in opportunity on my Quotes pagelayout.
I understand there is a formula which i need to use to link the fields from opportunity in Quotes,but i cant get it to work.
Can anybody help me with my problem.
When sending an email to external people, i would like to change the Salesforce logo in the top to a custom company logo.
see picture below;
User-added image

is this possible, if so how? 
thank you
Hi All, having a problem with a process built with the fabulous process builder!

We use iContact for sending Mass Mailings to customers, iContact has an object called 'iContactforSF__iContact_Message_Statistic__c' which is generated after a mass mail is sent and when the statistics are written into salesforce, each of this records is attached to a lead and a camaign via a lookup relationship.

The process I have built is that everytime a message statistic record is created, the id of the campaign its part of is written to a field on the lead called 'Primary_Campaign__c', again a lookup relationship. The idea being that there is a record on the main lead object of the most recent campaign that has sent a message - I suspect this may be a long way round of doing this, however, it was fairly easy using the process builder.....that said, I noticed, this doesnt always work....and ontop of this I get a million of these emails from salesforce:

Errorcaused by element : FlowRecordUpdate.myRule_1_A1
caused by: Too many SOQL queries: 101

An error occurred at element myRule_1_A1.
Too many SOQL queries: 101.

This report lists the elements that the flow interview executed. The report is a beta feature.
We welcome your feedback on IdeaExchange
Flow DetailsFlow Name: Set_Primary_Campaign_on_Lead_with_Campaign_of_recent_message
Type: Workflow
Version: 2
Status: ACTIVE
Flow DetailsStart time(GMT): Thu Jun 18 11:54:45 GMT 2015
End time(GMT): Not Yet Finished
Duration: 0 seconds
Decision: myDecision 
Record Update: myRule_1_A1

Has anyone come accross this before? Any pointers as to what is happening/how to find out/how to resolve, would be much apprecaited.

Many thanks in advance.


I'm trying to add all campaign members with status of "SQL" to a parent campaign called, "All SQLs". It looks pretty straightforward, but I don't know if it works. 

Here is what I did: 

1. Object is "Campaign Member" and set to execute when created or edited
2. Only one condition, campaign member status is "SQL"
3. Action type is "Create a Record". Record type is "Campaign Member". Set object variables are "Campaign ID", which is where I want the member to be assigned, and "Status" is "SQL". 

Need I do anything more to scan my system for members of any campaign with status "SQL" and add them to this campaign ID with a status of "SQL"? 

Mabye the better question is how long should I wait to know if it worked or where do I go to see if my flows in PB have found any matches...? 

Thank you,

i need to transfer bulk data into salesforce using c# if anyone knows please help me out............ 
I'm on the last step of the Lightning App Builder trail on the intermediate Admin Trail.  I've download the custom components from the app exchange and confirmed that they are listed in my dev org.  However, when I go to my Lightning app I built, there are no custom components available.  What am I missing?  Thank you for your help.
Hi all, I am trying to write an opportunity validation rule that follows the following logic:
"If "date of 1st demo" field is NOT blank OR if TCV is not equal to $0.00, then Stage is D+ or higher."

I've accomplished writing the part of the rule that requires the stage to be D+ or higher if one of those two criteria are met. However, I am having trouble with the last part of the rule. I'd like to be able to take it back down to a stage below D+ if those criteria are no longer met. 

Here's the rule:

IF ((AND(ISPICKVAL(StageName,"D"), 
AND (( Date_of_1st_Demo__c > NULL ), 
OR ( Total_Contract_Value_LICENSE__c <> NULL), 
OR ( Total_Contract_Value_Subscription__c <> NULL)))), 

OR (ISPICKVAL(StageName,"D+"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"C"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"B"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"A"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"CLOSED WON"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"CLOSED LOST"),ISPICKVAL(StageName,"NO DECISION"),ISPICKVAL(StageName,"Closed by merger"),ISPICKVAL(StageName,"Closed by FDIC")),

OR (ISPICKVAL(StageName,"D"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"E"), ISPICKVAL(StageName,"F")))

Any suggestions?
I was reading up on Lightning and found this in their docs (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/intro_benefits.htm): 
"Components are encapsulated and their internals stay private, while their public shape is visible to consumers of the component. This strong separation gives component authors freedom to change the internal implementation details and insulates component consumers from those changes."
Can someone explain in layman's terms for someone who is a beginner developer? thanks.
I am trying to have a dollar sign image show up on another field called stage_indicator__c whenever "delivered" from the stage picklist is chosen.Whenever other value is chosen from the picklist, I want it to be blank. My current formula isnt working. Any thoughts on where i'm going wrong? Im pretty new to this. 

IF(ISPICKVAL(Stage_Name__c, "Delivered"),"IMAGE("/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=015A0000003mNPL","")
I'm trying to create a workflow rule that sends out an email alert whenever a specifici field (Converted Date) has Todays' date. The chances are nothing will have been edited on the Account.  But I need an email alert to go out when that date is todays' date.  When a recorded is created or subsequently meets criteria. 

in the Rule Criteria:
Account: Converted Date EQUALS TODAY

is this correct; how would I get the email alert to fire?


I'm looking for a solution where the end-user logs into Salesforce and, upon login, another browser tab opens to an external website (example: cnn.com).  If it was just me, I would set my browser to launch specific tabs on startup, but I'm trying to set this up for about 90 people (not many are computer saavy) in my ORG and my superior is wondering if I could automate this when they login to Salesforce. 

Any help, or alternative solutions, would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
How to have this read "if the state contains certain states OR if it contains Canada, then tag it as US - West"?

IF(ISBLANK( State ), "", 
IF(ISBLANK( Country ), "", 
IF(CONTAINS("Alaska:Washington:California:Oregon:Hawaii:Nevada", State ), "US - WEST",  
IF(CONTAINS("Canada", Country ), "US - WEST", ""))))
Hi folks,
         Can anyone tell me how to use external data source ?
I need a simple demo for external data source.

Thanks in advance
In Chapter 7, section Org-Wide Defaults in our Recruiting App it states the following:

We want to allow hiring managers to view all employment website and job posting records without being able to edit them, so the answer to the second question is “No” while the answer to the third question is “Yes;” therefore, the sharing model for the Employment Website and Job Posting objects should be Public Read-Only.

Job Posting is defined for Hiring Manager as follows: Read* Create* Edit*
*Only for those records that are associated with a position to which the hiring manager/interviewer has been assigned.

My question is, should the sharing model for Job Posting really be set to PUBLIC READ-ONLY or should it be set to PRIVATE because the there is an instance where the user shouldn't be able to view a record. Again, per the book, Hiring Managers are limited to those records that are associated with a position to which they have been assigned.

Perhaps I'm mis-understanding.

Hi folks,
 Can anyone tell me what is customer community plus and partner community plus?
Advantage and disadvantage of those community type

Thanks in advance

I have created a workflow where if a tick box equals true a date field is populated with a date 18 days from today. What I am trying to achieve is that the 18 days to only reflect business days and not include Sat and Sun.

any suggestions?
  • August 29, 2014
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I am trying to use Vlookup() but keep getting error - Error: Incorrect parameter for function 'VLOOKUP()'.
i am using validation rule:
Expense_Total__c > VLOOKUP($ObjectType.Expense_Limit__c.Fields.Monthly_Expense_Limit__c, $ObjectType.Expense_Limit__c.Fields.Name, Role__c)

Rule is that total Expense must be less than or equal to user role's monthly expense limit.

Expense_Total_c is custom field (from roll up summary SUM)
$ObjectType.Expense_Limit__c.Fields.Monthly_Expense_Limit__c is field under an object (currency)
$ObjectType.Expense_Limit__c.Fields.Name is name field of record name (text 80)
Role__c is custom field (text 80) for user to key in role (i use formula $UserRole.Name also gives error when validate the formula)

I can't figure out where is wrong...anyone can help?
i need to convert this trigger into class methos so i can call from trigger, i have only done this a couple of times so need some help
trigger oppclosedate on Easy_Opportunity__c (before update) {


for (easy_opportunity__c opp : trigger.new)
    if (opp.Stage__c == 'Closed Won' || opp.Stage__c == 'Closed Lost')
          opp.Close_Date__c= system.today();

Synchronize Google Calendar with Salesforce Calendar
is possible ?
I create Analytics Cloud components in an existing app and the customer does not have Analytics Cloud, will it prevent them from installing or upgrading the application
In Lightning Experience, when I'm on a record and select "Activity", I get only "New Task" and "New Event".  How can I get Email and Log Call on there, like they're supposed to be? 
I did not new about how much space they provide on free developer account, now after I have mistakenly upodated all my linkedin contact. It will not let me add any data neither delete it. Any other option. 
Dear Experts,

When I'm working on other Objects ex: case, often I require ID's of other Objects ex: Contact ID or Contact Owner ID etc.,
Is there any way to get the values dynaimically ex: Schema or anyother way, instead of writing query each time?

Your help is highly aprreciated.

I'm keen to use and advise people to use Process Builder where ever possible as I believe it is easier to maintain than a trigger. However I need advice on where a trigger should always be considered as option number one. Any thoughts or advice gratefully received. 
I´m a System Admin, I´m on lightning version and I´m on Accont object but I can´t edit/create new views.
I'm working with a team of my engineers and they're trying to run SOQL queries on the Opportunity object by logging in through our API-only user's account (it's the account we use for all of our integrations). I've created several custom fields to support these queries, but when they try and query on the fields they are getting a field not available error. The fields are on the page layout and FLS is read/write for the API-only user.

I'm at a loss as to why they're not able to query on these fields. They have access to other custom fields, so this seems strange to me. Please let me know if I need to provide any further info in order to help resolve this.

I need a month by month graph of total orders split out by number of first time customers vs. repeat customers,  displayed in a side by side bar graph ...how would you do it?
- Count of opportunities having DBD in current & next month and revenue projections > $250k (with drill-down)
- Probability bucket-wise revenue projection for the Q (90%-100%, 80%-90%, 70%-80%, etc.)
- Count of opportunities with DBD due in <7 days days having no activities in last 7 days and probability is <70% (with drill-down)
- List of sales users with no activity OR no Opp update in last 7 days
- Reason-wise lost opportunities in last one month graph (with drill-down)
- Top 10 active opportunities based on count of DBD movement

I am new to reports n dashboards.....Any help is appreciated.

Up until about June 12, users assigned to tasks received email notificaitons.. Specifically, whenever you got assigned a task, you would receive an email notification alerting you have been assigned to a task. That stopped working for some reason that we still can't figure out. A solution arose when I created a case and a Salesforce technician helped me create the "Send Email" column checkbox. When you check the Send Email checkbox, the user assigned to the task will receive an email notification alerting them they have been assigned a task. That works great and helps us a lot. However, we tend to reassign tasks often and the Send Email checkbox is only applicable to task creation and not task reassigning. When reassigning the task to a different user for them to do follow-up work, the Send Email checkbox is locked as unchecked and cannot be checked again. You can only check that checkbox on task creation. In result, we want to find a way to send email notification on task creation AND reassigning tasks. Can anyone help me?

I should specify that we use Skuid interface with Salesforce. I have made 2 separate cases with Salesforce and contacted Skuid technical support and this issue has not been resolved. On my most recent case that was closed this past Friday (July 17th), they told me to contact a Developer which I am trying to do now in this forum. The Skuid technical support suggested using workflow rules to help solve the issue on reassigning tasks, but Salesforce technician said workflow rules do not apply to email notifications. This is what it looks like when we create a task with an arrow pointing to the new addition of Send Email checkbox:  User-added image  https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/servlet/rtaImage?refid=0EMF0000000R6JD

Philip Brignac
I am trying to display the custom field trackingnumber present in opportunity on my Quotes pagelayout.
I understand there is a formula which i need to use to link the fields from opportunity in Quotes,but i cant get it to work.
Can anybody help me with my problem.
Hello... I am trying to write a simple query which uses 2 tables that are related via the WhoID.  Can someone please help me understand why this won't work??

Didn't understand relationship 'Contact' in field path

Select ID, Subject, ActivityDate, Due_Time__c, Description, Contact.Phone from Task

The Contact object has a related field Task using the WhoID

User-added image
Hello All...Are the any free mobile business card reasders that will feed into Salesforce?
i have custom link executed as a javascript for on click to hide a standard button and i have added the custom link as a home page component
now i wanted to hide the home page component but the custom link should be invoked eventhough if it is not visible. Is it possible to do that
Just finished all of the Trails, Modules and Projects that are available up to this point using 3 different Dev Orgs. (2/3/2016)

Keep them coming. More Trails/Modules/Projects on development would be great. (Lightining,Apex,Visual Force, Javascript, Integration and using the Developer Console)

Thanks for providing these valuable resources !
We have five developers working on integrating a Salesforce installation with a custom app we've built. We're using Canvas for a number of things, including a custom quoting tool. Each developer has a Developer Edition account, and our org has one production and one sandbox instance. Prod/Sandbox are being configured by an administrator who is adding custom objects, fields, and relationships that are needed for our org's sales process.

Unable to keep up with the pace of schema (metadata) changes happening on the Production/Sandbox environments, the five developers have had to abandon their Developer Edition accounts and use the Sandbox as a shared development environment. Part of the integration involves keeping data in sync between the database that our custom application uses, and the database our SFDC account uses. The problem we have now is that five developers share an SFDC dataset, but have different local datasets for the custom application data. We need to reference data in SFDC in the database for our custom application, so naturally, we constantly run into issues where the references to SFDC data only exist in the local DB of one developer, causing problems for the other four.

One solution would be to share a database for the custom application's data as well. This would be less than ideal, since as it's a development environment, the data is often erased and regenerated. Any need by one developer to do this would cause issues for four others.

I mentioned we use Canvas for a number of integrations. Currently, to enable development, we configure the canvas app to point at https://localhost. This means the five developers are the only ones who can view or demo the integrations. We could change it to point at our custom application's staging environment, but that would mean the developers would have to deploy every minor change to the custom application to staging in order to test them.

I can't imagine we're the first organization to run into these issues. How do others deal with them?

Thinking of enabling #Communities for your customer? Then be aware of the current #Gotcha that the default Apex Classes that are created when you enable your first Community do not ALL have code coverage >75%.

What this means:
You can enable Communities in Production, however as soon as you attempt to migrate anything from a sandbox into Production that triggers all tests to be run (doesn't have to be just code), your migration will fail as three of the classes only have 33%, 20% and 21%.

Let me repeat that, you might only be migrating a bunch of new custom fields and page layouts and the Change Set (or Eclipse/ANT) will fail.

I hit this problem this week in a go-live deployment so had to update Apex Classes to achieve average total code coverage >75% in order to proceed with our deployment.

The PM of Communities knows about the problem and advises he is looking at a fix, but in the meantime here are the four Apex Classes that need to be updated.



Just a one liner for this test class

 * An apex page controller that takes the user to the right start page based on credentials or lack thereof
@IsTest public with sharing class CommunitiesLandingControllerTest {
  @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) public static void testCommunitiesLandingController() {
    // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page
    CommunitiesLandingController controller = new CommunitiesLandingController();

    // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
    PageReference pageRef = controller.forwardToStartPage();



Just a one liner for this test class

 * An apex page controller that exposes the site login functionality
@IsTest global with sharing class CommunitiesLoginControllerTest {
  global static void testCommunitiesLoginController () {
    CommunitiesLoginController controller = new CommunitiesLoginController ();

    // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
    PageReference pageRef = controller.forwardToAuthPage();



A few controller variables to set prior to calling the controller method for the original test method, followed by a couple of additional test methods for further coverage.

 * An apex page controller that supports self registration of users in communities that allow self registration
@IsTest public with sharing class CommunitiesSelfRegControllerTest {
  public static void testCommunitiesSelfRegController() {
    CommunitiesSelfRegController controller = new CommunitiesSelfRegController();

    // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
    controller.firstName = 'Bob';
    controller.lastName = 'Jones';
    controller.email = 'bob@jones.com';
    controller.password = '8yhMsHDN&ituQgO$WO';
    controller.confirmPassword = '8yhMsHDN&ituQgO$WO';
    controller.communityNickname = 'bob-jones-testing';

    PageReference pageRef = controller.registerUser();
  // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
  public static void testInvalidPassword() {
    CommunitiesSelfRegController controller = new CommunitiesSelfRegController();
    controller.firstName = 'Bob';
    controller.lastName = 'Jones';
    controller.email = 'bob@jones.com';
    controller.password = '8yhMsHDN&ituQgO$WO';
    controller.confirmPassword = 'not the same';
    controller.communityNickname = 'bob-jones-testing';

    PageReference pageRef = controller.registerUser();
    System.assert(pageRef == null, 'The returned page reference should be null');
  // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
  public static void testNullPassword() {
    CommunitiesSelfRegController controller = new CommunitiesSelfRegController();
    controller.firstName = 'Bob';
    controller.lastName = 'Jones';
    controller.email = 'bob@jones.com';
    controller.communityNickname = 'bob-jones-testing';

    PageReference pageRef = controller.registerUser();
    System.assert(pageRef == null, 'The returned page reference should be null');



A few additions to this class to set the Profile and Account Ids for portal user creation. Update the ProfileId value based on the "portal" license(s) (e.g., Customer Portal, Customer Community, etc) and set the AccountId to that of the Account you wish to use for self-registration. Note: this needs to be set even if you're not using self-registration so the class can be tested.

Plus some debug statements so I could see what was happening and needed to be tested.

 * An apex page controller that supports self registration of users in communities that allow self registration
public with sharing class CommunitiesSelfRegController {

  public String firstName {get; set;}
  public String lastName {get; set;}
  public String email {get; set;}
  public String password {get; set {password = value == null ? value : value.trim(); } }
  public String confirmPassword {get; set { confirmPassword = value == null ? value : value.trim(); } }
  public String communityNickname {get; set { communityNickname = value == null ? value : value.trim(); } }
  public CommunitiesSelfRegController() {}
  private boolean isValidPassword() {
    return password == confirmPassword;

  public PageReference registerUser() {
    // it's okay if password is null - we'll send the user a random password in that case
    if (!isValidPassword()) {
      System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, '## DEBUG: Password is invalid - returning null');
      ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, Label.site.passwords_dont_match);
      return null;

    // 25-Jun-2013 Manu Erwin - Fixing insufficient code coverage for default Communities Apex Tests
    //String profileId = ''; // To be filled in by customer.
    //String roleEnum = ''; // To be filled in by customer.
    //String accountId = ''; // To be filled in by customer.

    // Set this to your main Communities Profile API Name
    String profileApiName = 'PowerCustomerSuccess';
    String profileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE UserType = :profileApiName LIMIT 1].Id;
    List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1];
    System.assert(!accounts.isEmpty(), 'There must be at least one account in this environment!');
    String accountId = accounts[0].Id;
    String userName = email;

    User u = new User();
    u.Username = userName;
    u.Email = email;
    u.FirstName = firstName;
    u.LastName = lastName;
    u.CommunityNickname = communityNickname;
    u.ProfileId = profileId;
    String userId = Site.createPortalUser(u, accountId, password);
    if (userId != null) { 
      if (password != null && password.length() > 1) {
        System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, '## DEBUG: User creation successful and password ok - returning site.login');
        return Site.login(userName, password, null);
      else {
        System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, '## DEBUG: User creation successful but password not ok - redirecting to self reg confirmation');
        PageReference page = System.Page.CommunitiesSelfRegConfirm;
        return page;
    System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.DEBUG, '## DEBUG: User creation not successful - returning null');
    return null;



As you've probably just seend, we've just rolled out a new feature on the discussion boards called Accepted Solutions (AS).


I've posted all the details on the blog - please take a read - and let me know how it goes!

