• phani venkat
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Hi Everyone,

We have a force.com site ,which is enabled for the customer portal .we are using high volume customer portal licenses for the users in this portal. we develop one custom change password page but once we receive a temperory password via email it is redirecting to salesforce url with _URL/security.... ,But we need to redirect to custom changepassword  page .
1)We can able to build visual force charting but we need the visual force charting for responsive like different screen size for different devices with same code.
        type: "GET",
        url: "/apex/mycustompage",
        dataType: "html",
        success: function (data) {
in the above code in url i am providnig custom Vf page name but it is not redirecting.
I need to provide a responsive graph(chart) in visualforce page in below two approches which one is better.
i) visualforce charting.(i think we cannot provide responsive for this charts).
ii)java script canvas in visualforce page.
i need optimised solution as soon as posssible.