• Kris Greene
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Are these accessible via APEX, Visualforce, or any of the APIs? I've been looking around and it appears the answer is no but i'm hoping someone found a way to get at them.
Are these accessible via APEX, Visualforce, or any of the APIs? I've been looking around and it appears the answer is no but i'm hoping someone found a way to get at them.
I'm working on a visualforce email template. I'm trying to display a textarea only if a certain checkbox is unchecked, but I keep getting the error: "Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 1"    

Here is my code:
<apex:outputText rendered="{!IF(cx.Activity_Completed__c == FALSE)}"><apex:param value="{!cx.Activity__c}" /></apex:outputText>
Are these accessible via APEX, Visualforce, or any of the APIs? I've been looking around and it appears the answer is no but i'm hoping someone found a way to get at them.