• KoolAB
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  • TomTom India

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I came across Account Plans object in the video mentioned on URL below.
I would like to know how we can activate Account Plans object in  sales cloud Enteprirse edition. 

  • September 30, 2021
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We have done SAML based Federated SSO set up in salesforce.com in our sandbox org. I Had given request signing and assertion decryption certrifcate in settings. Azure team is not comfortable importing certificates of salesforce in azure for security reasons

I also dont see my SSO settings name under Authentication Service in My Domain.

Please confirm if azure team needs to separately import salesforce certificate or it comes as part of exported metadata file

  • September 23, 2021
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After Upgrade to 20H2 release of windows we are facing issues with Salesforce for outlook. Does salesforce.com support 20H2 release when running salesforce for outlook?
  • April 19, 2021
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I have created a custom lightning component to do mass update of Opportunity Lines. I have added that component as tab against the Opportunity. When i do mass update of Opportunity lines and it is finished successfully. I return to opportunity header detail page in the same session and try to edit the opportunity header fields and save the Opportunity. It throws error that edit is performed in the session please reload the page to update the opportunity header. Since mass update transaction is already complete lock should have been released I also have not locked explicitly inside my apex code. Does anybody know if this is known SFDC issue or how to fix this without refreshing the page
Custom Font Imported as a static resource doesn't show up on Community. We have selected Custom Font under Themes in community builder. When I do preview custom font is not shown.
We have followed all steps in the link mentioned below
The CSS is as follows 
@font-face {
font-family: 'TomTomFonts';
src: url('/enterprise/s/sfsites/c/resource/TomTomFonts/Gotham font/Gotham-Bold.otf') format('otf');

  • April 18, 2019
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I have created a Lightning visual flow with 2 core actions in it. Core actions are based on object specific actions. when i run the flow i am expecting that core actions will open up the pop up page for data entry similar to what i get when i launch the object specific action from a button. But it doesnt happen and flow gets executed successfully without popping up any page for data entry. Please let me know what is behaviour of core actions inside a screen(interactive) flow
  • March 20, 2019
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I have used standard LightningDataTable component inside a custom lightning component. I want to display data in table format for OpportunityLineItem object. I have created lightning quick action and exposed custom lightning component inside the lighting quick action. Lightning quick action is added to Opportunity Page Layout. When I click the button data is loaded in lightning data table and shown successfully. But this behaviour is not consistent. When I refresh the page 4-5 times the lightningdatatable component shows following error.

[Cannot destructure property `rowKeyValue` of 'undefined' or 'null'.]

Has anybody experienced similar issue. Please let me know what needs to be done to resolve this issue
  • February 26, 2018
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I have created a lightning component and a lightning quick action on Account object. When I go to Account details view I can see the new button corresponding to lightning quick action.
When I hit the new button, I can see that there is a Cancel button added by default by Salesforce.com. My Lightning component works fine but I want to do some processing when user hits the Cancel button which is provided by Standard Salesforce.com. How can I achieve this and how can i find out if a Cancel button provided by Standard salesforce is being hit or not
  • March 02, 2017
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I have created 2 tables on one page in lightning app. Data is fetched using apex server side calls. Data is fetched correctly in 2 tables but 
When i Select checkboxes from Table2 checkboxes in Table1 are getting selected This is happening for number of rows that are shown in table1. for example if Table1 has 2 rows then in that case when i check first 2 checkboxes in Table2, Table1 checkboxes are getting selected. HTML for table1 and table2 is mentioned below
<aura:iteration items="{!v.RPP}" var="RPP11" indexVar="ind"> 
<tr class="slds-hint-parent">

  <td role="gridcell" class="slds-text-align--right" style="width:3.25rem;">
    <span class="slds-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" checked="{!v.isChecked}" text="{!RPP11.Id}" name="options" id="{!ind}" 
            onchange="{!c.updateCheckboxes}" aura:id="id1" />
      <label class="slds-checkbox__label" for="{!ind}">
        <span class="slds-checkbox--faux"></span>
        <!--<span class="slds-form-element__label slds-assistive-text">Select item 1</span>-->

  <th scope="row">
    <div class="slds-truncate" >{!RPP11.Category__c}</div>
  <td role="gridcell">
    <div class="slds-truncate" title="Discount A">{!RPP11.Price__c}</div>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.staticRPP}" var="RPPStat1" indexVar="xcnt"> 
<tr class="slds-hint-parent">

  <td role="gridcell" class="slds-text-align--right" style="width:3.25rem;">
    <span class="slds-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" checked="" text="{!RPPStat1.Id}" name="options1" id="{!xcnt}" aura:id="xid" />
      <label class="slds-checkbox__label" for="{!xcnt}">
        <span class="slds-checkbox--faux"></span>
        <!--<span class="slds-form-element__label slds-assistive-text">Select item 1</span>-->

  <th scope="row">
    <div class="slds-truncate" >{!RPPStat1.ProductCategory__c}</div>
  <td role="gridcell">
    <div class="slds-truncate" >{!RPPStat1.Price__c}</div>
  <td role="gridcell">
    <div class="slds-truncate" >{!RPPStat1.Id}</div>

  • February 17, 2017
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I have created a lightning component in Salesforce and trying to test it or debug it using chrome browser. When i do the preview of lightning app error is shown that Synchronous XMLHTTPRequest are deprecated. Same error is shown in IE also
Please let me know if any library or code snippet that needs to be included before lightning component is loaded.

<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickAction,force:appHostable" controller="GetRPPPrice">
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />
<div class="row"> <p class="title">Product Category Selection</p>
<ui:inputSelect class="single" aura:id="productname" change="{!c.onProductChange}">
<ui:inputSelectOption text="Golf"/>
<ui:inputSelectOption text="Fitness" value="true"/>
<ui:inputSelectOption text="Running"/>
<ui:inputSelectOption text="RIDER"/>
<ui:inputSelectOption text="VIO"/> <ui:inputSelectOption text="Golf accessories"/>
<ui:outputText class="result" aura:id="dynamicresult" value="" /> </div> </aura:component>
  • February 01, 2017
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I have one email alert which gets fired when date field on Opportunity is changed. I updated Opportunity record and I was able to see flow in
Flows> Paused Flows. I deleted flow from Paused Flows Pane and After that I changed date on Opportunity multiple times but flow is not seen under Paused flows.
  • September 23, 2015
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I have a business requirement to send email alerts using process builder at a specific time say 7 days after close date of Opportunity @ 9 AM CET
I can send email alerts after 7 days but i dont see any option to send email alert at a specified time of the day. Does any salesforce.com expert exist on this developer board who can answer my query
  • September 21, 2015
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If anybody who thinks that he or she is salesforce.com lightning expert please let me know. I am facing a tricky situation in Lightning and struggling to fix the issue
  • September 16, 2015
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When i try to migrate metadata from one org to another using eclipse. Retrieve of metadata from Source org to my local folder works fine but when I try to deploy to target org validate deployment fails with various errors. Like VF Pages are missing that are referred by custom buttons added on custom objects etc.Please let me know best way to migrate metadata and known issues or errors to be taken care of
  • September 08, 2015
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We want to migrate metadata from One Dev Org to another Dev Org. Please let me know best way to achieve this. I have tried 3 different ways but none has worked out.
ANT Tool
Errors thrown: Because of language settings in Destination Org (It was French earlier, I changed it to English but error is shown when deploying objects related to custom buttons and links on objects)
Error thrown at deployment because VF Pages and Links present of custom object are missing.
I was trying to deploy only objects to target instance. When I deploy all metadata objects together errors are thrown about custom fields that we have created on some standard objects as well as
Some test classes failed to deploy
Errors: NameSpace(WFL) that we have used is shown against some apex classes for example WEBFLEET_SYNC is shown as WFL.WEBFLEET_SYNC. We cant use namespace in unmanaged package
So wherever we have namespace WFL being used in fields as well as classes it throws errors.
  • September 08, 2015
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I am unable to call apex class server side method from Javascript controller code for a lightning component. I have tried various options like changing return type for the apex server side method from Map to String etc but it throws error
I have even tried copying sample code given for sample expense app available on web but still SetCallBack doesnt work and error is thrown when Lightning Component is getting loaded inside Lightning app. Please let me know if anybody has faced this issue. Also let me know if we can use SOQL query to directly query custom object inside Javascript code of lightning. I have placed a button on my Salesforce.com desktop edition Case Page Layout which invokes Salesforce.com Lightning APP.
On Click of the button I want to invoke a method in apex class which makes REST API calls to some external system and updates some custom fields in Salesforce.com. When the REST API call is finished and apex code is also finished updating fields in Salesforce.com I want to receive a response from apex server side and then based on that response I want to issue a SOQL query on Custom Object of Salesforce.com from Client Side Javascript controller code of the lightning component which is used inside the lightning app. Please let me know the best way to achieve this.
Is there any way other that using Action.setCallBack to communicate between client and server

  • August 17, 2015
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We have done SAML based Federated SSO set up in salesforce.com in our sandbox org. I Had given request signing and assertion decryption certrifcate in settings. Azure team is not comfortable importing certificates of salesforce in azure for security reasons

I also dont see my SSO settings name under Authentication Service in My Domain.

Please confirm if azure team needs to separately import salesforce certificate or it comes as part of exported metadata file

  • September 23, 2021
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I have created a custom lightning component to do mass update of Opportunity Lines. I have added that component as tab against the Opportunity. When i do mass update of Opportunity lines and it is finished successfully. I return to opportunity header detail page in the same session and try to edit the opportunity header fields and save the Opportunity. It throws error that edit is performed in the session please reload the page to update the opportunity header. Since mass update transaction is already complete lock should have been released I also have not locked explicitly inside my apex code. Does anybody know if this is known SFDC issue or how to fix this without refreshing the page
Custom Font Imported as a static resource doesn't show up on Community. We have selected Custom Font under Themes in community builder. When I do preview custom font is not shown.
We have followed all steps in the link mentioned below
The CSS is as follows 
@font-face {
font-family: 'TomTomFonts';
src: url('/enterprise/s/sfsites/c/resource/TomTomFonts/Gotham font/Gotham-Bold.otf') format('otf');

  • April 18, 2019
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I am unable to call apex class server side method from Javascript controller code for a lightning component. I have tried various options like changing return type for the apex server side method from Map to String etc but it throws error
I have even tried copying sample code given for sample expense app available on web but still SetCallBack doesnt work and error is thrown when Lightning Component is getting loaded inside Lightning app. Please let me know if anybody has faced this issue. Also let me know if we can use SOQL query to directly query custom object inside Javascript code of lightning. I have placed a button on my Salesforce.com desktop edition Case Page Layout which invokes Salesforce.com Lightning APP.
On Click of the button I want to invoke a method in apex class which makes REST API calls to some external system and updates some custom fields in Salesforce.com. When the REST API call is finished and apex code is also finished updating fields in Salesforce.com I want to receive a response from apex server side and then based on that response I want to issue a SOQL query on Custom Object of Salesforce.com from Client Side Javascript controller code of the lightning component which is used inside the lightning app. Please let me know the best way to achieve this.
Is there any way other that using Action.setCallBack to communicate between client and server

  • August 17, 2015
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Hi all, 
1) Can we add a visualforce page in lightning component?
2) Can we create two apex controllers in one lightning component?

Thanks for help in advance.