• bathy
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Hi gurus,

We have a requirement to make API calls for ABN lookup.
Requirement is we get the "ABN" from our clients and we need to fetch their Business name from the ABN register (this is being done manually at the moment and we are thinking to automate this process). I am not sure where to start. can any one guide me in right way?
  • March 14, 2017
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Hi Gurus,

I developed an APex class to return a list of opportunities in a particular stage and used this list to display in a visualforce page. 
My code:
public with sharing class mycurrentplanningopps {


   public list <Opportunity> Opp {get; set;}
   public String UserId {get; set;}
    public list <Opportunity> getmyincompleteopps()
       UserId = UserInfo.getUserId();
     if(UserId == '00590000001CxIm')
          Opp = [select name,contact_s_Fullname__c,CreatedDate,CloseDate,
               from Opportunity where StageName =:'Signed Financial Plan and Insurance'];
         Opp = [select name,contact_s_Fullname__c,CreatedDate,CloseDate,
               from Opportunity where Ownerid =:UserId and StageName =:'Signed Financial Plan and Insurance'];
        return Opp;




It is working fine for other users which means else block is working. But it is not showing the list for the user I am checking here. I am using the visualforce page in a visualforce page area and placed it on home page layout for the users

Can any one please help me in this?

Thanks in advance.
  • September 26, 2016
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Hi Guys,

We started using salesforce event scheduling to book appointments for the Leads/Contacts. Salesforce standard solution is really good in sending the notification to the Lead/Contact and record their Response(Accpeted/Rejected). But the only disadvantage is it doesn't notify the my salespeople with an email alert. Can any one suggest a way to achieve this?

My requirement in brief is to notify the user when Lead/Contact Accpets/Declines the Event. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • June 02, 2016
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Can any one guide me how to display a visualforce page with all the related child record's detail pages(I dont mind about the size of the page). 
I will explain this clearly.

We have a parent object ob1 (parent object also is displayed using visualforce page) and four child objects c1,c2,c3,c4. What I need is to send all these objects as an attachment to the email sent to internalstaff in a single button click. First I need to know can this be achieved. If it is achievable then can any one guide me in coding?

Thank You.

  • May 11, 2016
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Hi All,

We currently have a requirement to save all the child records of a parent as a pdf attachment to the parent record and send an email to internal employee with all the child attachments and the parent record too.

Parent object: Fact_Find__c
Child objects: Super_checklists__c,Investment_Checklist__c, Cash_Flow_Analysis__c,Insurance_Checklist__c, Life_Style_and_Financial_Goals__c.

Our requirement is to send an email to the internal employess with all these records attached to the email. including the parent record.

I just need to know is there any way to achieve this?

Please guide me in the right way.
Thanks in advance.
  • February 23, 2016
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Hi Gurus,

We have a requirement to send 4 reports with individual opportunities to the users weekly. Since we have 11 active users I will have to create 44 reports and schedule them which is a bit difficult for me. I am thinking to use batch apex to send mass email. Can anyone guide me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
  • February 23, 2016
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Hi Guys,

I have a custom with Javascript as below. I want to add this button to salesforce1 but because salesforce1 doesn't support custom button i am unable to do that. After investigation, I found out we can do this using publisher actions. Can anyone give an idea how to proceed on this? I have posted the code here for your reference.


var crecord = []; 

var l = new sforce.SObject("Lead"); 

var c = new sforce.SObject("sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c"); 

c.id = "{!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.Id}"; 

var cm = new sforce.SObject("CampaignMember"); 

l.lastName = "{!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Author_Real_Name__c}"; 

l.Facebook_Private_Message__c = "{!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Message__c}"; 

l.RecordTypeId = "01290000001An45"; 

l.Database_name__c = "Facebook"; 

l.leadsource = "Facebook"; 

l.Company = "Facebook"; 

l.Assigned_to_caller__c = "Jordan Meates"; 

l.OwnerId = "00590000001B9wH"; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([l]); 

cm.CampaignId = "70190000000reFr"; 

cm.leadid = result[0].id; 

var result2 = sforce.connection.create([cm]); 

var NewlID = result[0].id; 

c.sf4twitter__Lead__c = NewlID; 

c.RecordTypeId = "01290000000ubYI"; 


result3 = sforce.connection.update(crecord); 

window.location = "/" + result[0].id ; 
alert('Could not create record '+result); 

  • February 15, 2016
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hi Guys,

I am trying to create a new lead from facebook conversation as the standard one doesn't give much flexibility. I am using javascript in a custom button to create new lead record.
  here is my code . This is not creating any lead. can anyone help?


var newRecords = []; 

var l = new sforce.SObject("Lead"); 

l.first_name = {!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Author_Real_Name__c}; 
l.Facebook_conversation__c = {!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.Id}; 

l.RecordTypeId = "01290000001An45"; 

l.Database_name__c = "Facebook"; 

l.leadsource = "Facebook"; 

l.Company = "Facebook"; 

l.Assigned_to_caller__c = "Jordan Meates"; 

l.Campaign = "70190000000reFr"; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([newRecords]); 

window.location = “/” + result[0].id + “/e?returl=”+ l.Id; 
alert('Could not create record '+result); 

  • February 12, 2016
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hi All,

I have developed a visualforce page with standard controller for detail page and a visulaforce page to edit the record by overriding view and edit of a custom object. The problem is when users edit the record by pressing the edit button and try to save the record.  Only one section of the page is not getting saved it reverts back to the previous value while it was created. Does any one had the same issue previously?

Please help.
  • February 10, 2016
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hi Guys,

I have requirement to create 3 new types of Opportunties(we have 6 record types for opportunities) when a lead is converted to contact. I successfully achieved it by using process builder but the only issue is those opps are not appearing the related list of that contact.  after my investigation i found out that those opps must have a contact role created with that contact. I tried doing this with a process builder (as we cannot create oppcontact role using apex triggers). created a flow to create the contact role and then launched this flow using process as explained in http://judisohn.com/2015/04/06/using-salesforce-process-builder-flow-with-opportunity-contact-roles/ but this not creating any contact roles on the opps.

I am not sure what is wrong with this.

can any one please help
  • June 17, 2015
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hi Guys,

We use two salesforce orgs and we enabled salesforce to salesforce for sharing accounts, contacts and some custom objects. Developer who worked before me made the sharing automatic by using Apex and wrote some triggers in the source org to share accounts and contacts. So far so good. But recenlty we observed some of the contacts are not being updated in the target org when the account lookup field is changed on a contact in the source org.I just found it is beacuse the account Id field from Source org is not  mapped. I tried to map it but there is no account name in the target org to map the fields.
With some investigation I found in this forum that there should be another trigger in the target org https://developer.salesforce.com/forums/ForumsMain?id=906F00000008xu0IAA
I am not sure how to start off with this. Can any one help me in coding this trigger?

Thanks for your help.

  • June 04, 2015
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Hi Guys,

I have a visual force email template and I need to add dynamic images to that template to send to a contact. Can we have the images attached to the records in the Notes and Attachments section and then run a query and insert all the required images in the email template?

Please advise.

  • June 03, 2015
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hi Guys,

I have a formula field to determine day of the date. I am trying to calculate day of the date which is a formula field. I used mod(Date__c- Date(1900,1,7) which is giving a decimal value which is not supposed to happen.
here is my formula, CASE(MOD(  X2_days_past_finance_extension_date2__c  - DATE(1900, 1, 6), 7), 0, "Saturday", 1, "Sunday", 2,"Monday", 3, "Tuesday", 4, "Wednesday", 5, "Thursday", 6,"Friday","Error")

X2_days_past_finance_extension_date2__c  is a formula field.
I dont have any idea why Mod function is giving decimal result. Any help is greatly appreciated guys.
  • May 25, 2015
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Hi Guys,

My requirement is to save a record as a PDF and attach it to the same record. I got this link in previous post( with same requirement) as a response.http://corycowgill.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/generating-pdf-in-apex-trigger.html?showComment=1432515085965#c7833857141499711147. 

I am sharing my modified apex class and  apex trigger. Can any one suggest a way to change the order of the fields on the pdf file? And also if the field is a check box how can we display Yes/No instead of True/False on the PDF file?
public with sharing class AandcPDFGenerator
    public static final String FORM_HTML_START = '<HTML><BODY>';
    public static final String FORM_HTML_END = '</BODY></HTML>';

    public static void generateandcPDF(Administration_and_Compliance__c andc)
        String pdfContent = '' + FORM_HTML_START;
            pdfContent = '' + FORM_HTML_START;
            pdfContent = pdfContent + '<H2>A and C Information in PDF</H2> <p/>';
             pdfContent = pdfContent + '<H1>Tax Returns</H1>';
            //Dynamically grab all the fields to store in the PDF
            Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sobjectSchemaMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
            Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDescribe = sobjectSchemaMap.get('Administration_and_Compliance__c').getDescribe();
            Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> fieldMap = objDescribe.fields.getMap();
            //Append each Field to the PDF
            for(Schema.SObjectField fieldDef : fieldMap.values())
                Schema.Describefieldresult fieldDescResult = fieldDef.getDescribe();
                String label = fieldDescResult.getLabel();
                String name = fieldDescResult.getName();
              //This if Statement is used to add only few required fields instead adding all the fields to the PDF File. 
               if(name == 'Financial_Year__c' || name == 'Due_Date__c' || name == 'Priority_Fund__c' || name == 'Queries_on_the_portal_completed__c' || name == 'FS_Sent_To_Client__c' || name == 'FS_Received_From_Client__c' || name == 'Return_Paid__c' || name == 'Auditor_Requirements_outstanding__c' || name ==  'Auditor_Requirements_submitted__c')
                pdfContent = pdfContent + '<P>' + label + ': ' + andc.get(name) + '</P>';
            pdfContent = pdfContent + FORM_HTML_END;
        }catch(Exception e)
            pdfContent = '' + FORM_HTML_START;
            pdfContent = pdfContent + '<P>THERE WAS AN ERROR GENERATING PDF: ' + e.getMessage() + '</P>';
            pdfContent = pdfContent + FORM_HTML_END;
    public static void attachPDF(Administration_and_Compliance__c andc, String pdfContent)
            Attachment attachmentPDF = new Attachment();
            attachmentPDF.parentId = andc.Id;
            attachmentPDF.Name = andc.Name + andc.Return_Paid__c + '.pdf';
            attachmentPDF.body = Blob.toPDF(pdfContent); //This creates the PDF content
            insert attachmentPDF;
        }catch(Exception e)


trigger AandcTrigger on Administration_and_Compliance__c (after insert,after update)
  Administration_and_Compliance__c aandc =new Administration_and_Compliance__c();
            if(trigger.new.size() == 1) // Lets only do this if trigger size is 1
              if(aandc.Return_Paid__c !=null)
        }else if(trigger.isUpdate)
            if(trigger.new.size() == 1) // Lets only do this if trigger size is 1
              if(trigger.old[0].Return_Paid__c != trigger.new[0].Return_Paid__c)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

  • May 25, 2015
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Hi Guys,
I am developing a cusotm VF page to display details of a cusotm object record with inline editing. I need to change the value of a field based on the value change of another field. I am shariing my code. Please let me know if this can be done with a detail page.
<apex:OutPutPanel >   
     <apex:OutputLabel style="font-weight:500" value="Are you a smoker?     " />  
     <apex:ActionRegion >
       <apex:InputField value="{!Fact_Find__c.Are_You_a_Smoker__c}" > <apex:ActionSupport event="Onchange" rerender="if1" /> </apex:InputField>
   <apex:outputpanel id="if1">   
     <apex:Outputlabel value="If yes, how many per day?" rendered="{!IF(Fact_Find__c.Are_You_a_Smoker__c ='Yes',true,false )}" />    
      <apex:OutputField value="{!Fact_Find__c.If_Yes_How_many_per_day__c}"  rendered="{!IF(Fact_Find__c.Are_You_a_Smoker__c ='Yes',true,false )}"/>     
Not sure if this is right method to achieve my requirement. Any help is greatly apreciated.

  • May 11, 2015
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Hi guys,

I want to develop a VF Page to display details of a record and allow inline editing of the same. My actual requirement is I have developed a 4 page VF Page wizard to create two custom object records(One is parent and the other is child) with a custom controller class. Now I want the detail page also look like a 4 page detail and render the fields only if they have any value in them and also allow inline editing. Is this possible?
Please let me know guys. will be very thankful for any help.
  • May 08, 2015
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Hi Guys,

Stuck with a problem in visual force page. Not able to rerender a panel grid based on the value of a picklist. I have a picklist field with Yes/No options. I want to display the panel grid if the answer to the question is 'Yes' and hide if it is 'No'.

I am giving my code snippet here. Please help
<apex:Outputlabel Value="Cash and Fixed Interest Investments" />
         <apex:ActionRegion >
          <apex:InputField value="{!lf.Cash_and_Fixed_Interest__c}" >  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="thegrid3" /> </apex:InputField>    // This is Yes/No Question. Grid must be displayed if the answer to this question is "Yes"                                                                                                                                                                                                         

//This is my code to display the panel grid b checking the value of the piclist field

     <apex:PanelGrid columns="8" id="thegrid3" width="12.5%" rendered="{!IF(lf.Cash_and_Fixed_Interest__c =='Yes',True,False)}" >
The grid is not displayed even if I select Yes from the picklist. Any ideas why the rerender is not working in the action support. I am pasting the screenshots of the result VF page.

This is when page loads initially:
User-added image

No change if I select 'Yes' in the picklist:
User-added image
Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • May 08, 2015
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Hi Guys,

Any idea of how to pass a value to a loookup field on a visual force page. I tried passing it through URL and then pass it to the page using controller's getObject Method. Here is the code

My Url to Pass the Id of contact

Here is my controller code:
public Fact_Find__c getFf() {

	     if(ff == null) ff = new Fact_Find__c();
     ff.Contact__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid');

	      return ff;

But this is not prefilling  the contact lookup field on the visual force page.

Can anyone let me know what is wrong in my code?
Thanks so much
  • May 06, 2015
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Hi Guys,

Due to some limitations in salesforce reporting our management has decided to go for a separate analytics tool. Ours is a Financial Planning services and Real Estate Business. we do work on SMSF and help clients buy Investment Properties with their Super Funds. we prefer that to integrate with salesforce and it would be very good if it falls in our budget as ours is a Small to medium size Business.

I have contacted some but they are too expensive costing around UDS10000 per year and they work outside of salesforce. Any suggestions are welcome. I will keep doing R and D in appexchange. If any one of you guys using any tool and think that would suit our needs Please let me know. Your help is appreciated.
  • May 01, 2015
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hi Folks,

We have a requirement with a custom object called Location_Report__c. This location report will have multiple projects ranging from 1 to 12.  I want a suggestion from you guys if we should use one to many relationship i.e., creating a project as a child object to location report or using VF page to select number of multiple projects and then dynamically display the input fields based on the number of projects selected.
And the main requirement is all the fields in the child objects must be displayed on the parent object page layout as a different section. And every time the project is edited then the corresponding section in the location report must be reflected. Sometimes these projects will be deleted as well. I am not sure how to implement this. Does any one have any ideas?

  • April 30, 2015
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Hi gurus,

We have a requirement to make API calls for ABN lookup.
Requirement is we get the "ABN" from our clients and we need to fetch their Business name from the ABN register (this is being done manually at the moment and we are thinking to automate this process). I am not sure where to start. can any one guide me in right way?
  • March 14, 2017
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Hi Gurus,

I developed an APex class to return a list of opportunities in a particular stage and used this list to display in a visualforce page. 
My code:
public with sharing class mycurrentplanningopps {


   public list <Opportunity> Opp {get; set;}
   public String UserId {get; set;}
    public list <Opportunity> getmyincompleteopps()
       UserId = UserInfo.getUserId();
     if(UserId == '00590000001CxIm')
          Opp = [select name,contact_s_Fullname__c,CreatedDate,CloseDate,
               from Opportunity where StageName =:'Signed Financial Plan and Insurance'];
         Opp = [select name,contact_s_Fullname__c,CreatedDate,CloseDate,
               from Opportunity where Ownerid =:UserId and StageName =:'Signed Financial Plan and Insurance'];
        return Opp;




It is working fine for other users which means else block is working. But it is not showing the list for the user I am checking here. I am using the visualforce page in a visualforce page area and placed it on home page layout for the users

Can any one please help me in this?

Thanks in advance.
  • September 26, 2016
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Hi Guys,

We started using salesforce event scheduling to book appointments for the Leads/Contacts. Salesforce standard solution is really good in sending the notification to the Lead/Contact and record their Response(Accpeted/Rejected). But the only disadvantage is it doesn't notify the my salespeople with an email alert. Can any one suggest a way to achieve this?

My requirement in brief is to notify the user when Lead/Contact Accpets/Declines the Event. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • June 02, 2016
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Hi All,

We currently have a requirement to save all the child records of a parent as a pdf attachment to the parent record and send an email to internal employee with all the child attachments and the parent record too.

Parent object: Fact_Find__c
Child objects: Super_checklists__c,Investment_Checklist__c, Cash_Flow_Analysis__c,Insurance_Checklist__c, Life_Style_and_Financial_Goals__c.

Our requirement is to send an email to the internal employess with all these records attached to the email. including the parent record.

I just need to know is there any way to achieve this?

Please guide me in the right way.
Thanks in advance.
  • February 23, 2016
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hi Guys,

I am trying to create a new lead from facebook conversation as the standard one doesn't give much flexibility. I am using javascript in a custom button to create new lead record.
  here is my code . This is not creating any lead. can anyone help?


var newRecords = []; 

var l = new sforce.SObject("Lead"); 

l.first_name = {!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.sf4twitter__Author_Real_Name__c}; 
l.Facebook_conversation__c = {!sf4twitter__Twitter_Conversation__c.Id}; 

l.RecordTypeId = "01290000001An45"; 

l.Database_name__c = "Facebook"; 

l.leadsource = "Facebook"; 

l.Company = "Facebook"; 

l.Assigned_to_caller__c = "Jordan Meates"; 

l.Campaign = "70190000000reFr"; 

var result = sforce.connection.create([newRecords]); 

window.location = “/” + result[0].id + “/e?returl=”+ l.Id; 
alert('Could not create record '+result); 

  • February 12, 2016
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hi All,

I have developed a visualforce page with standard controller for detail page and a visulaforce page to edit the record by overriding view and edit of a custom object. The problem is when users edit the record by pressing the edit button and try to save the record.  Only one section of the page is not getting saved it reverts back to the previous value while it was created. Does any one had the same issue previously?

Please help.
  • February 10, 2016
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Hi Guys,

I have a visual force email template and I need to add dynamic images to that template to send to a contact. Can we have the images attached to the records in the Notes and Attachments section and then run a query and insert all the required images in the email template?

Please advise.

  • June 03, 2015
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Hi guys,

I want to develop a VF Page to display details of a record and allow inline editing of the same. My actual requirement is I have developed a 4 page VF Page wizard to create two custom object records(One is parent and the other is child) with a custom controller class. Now I want the detail page also look like a 4 page detail and render the fields only if they have any value in them and also allow inline editing. Is this possible?
Please let me know guys. will be very thankful for any help.
  • May 08, 2015
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Hi Guys,

Any idea of how to pass a value to a loookup field on a visual force page. I tried passing it through URL and then pass it to the page using controller's getObject Method. Here is the code

My Url to Pass the Id of contact

Here is my controller code:
public Fact_Find__c getFf() {

	     if(ff == null) ff = new Fact_Find__c();
     ff.Contact__c = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid');

	      return ff;

But this is not prefilling  the contact lookup field on the visual force page.

Can anyone let me know what is wrong in my code?
Thanks so much
  • May 06, 2015
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Hi Guys,

I am trying to develop a trigger(not sure if it is possible through Apex Triggers) to save a custom object record as a pdf document and then attach the same document to that record. we have a custom object called Research, what we want to achieve is when a certain date field is entered and saved then the data in that research record must be saved as a PDF document and get attached to the same record. 

I am not sure if this is achievable through triggers only. can anyone give any suggestions for how this can be achieved?

  • April 08, 2015
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