• Boris Bachovski
  • 570 Points
  • Member since 2014
  • Force.com Developer


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I have requirement to parse only Month and year from exisiting Date field. I have got formula for month (below) but how to add Year in the formula? Please help

MONTH(FirstRespondedDate ),
  1, "January",
  2, "February",
  3, "March",
  4, "Apr",
  5, "May",
  6, "June",
  7, "July",
  8, "August",
  9, "September",
  10, "October",
  11, "November",

In an opportunity, when the Stage = Conversion, the Alt__c picklist field must be required. 

Any idea on a quick validation rule for this one? 


Hello everyone,

Looking for a validation rule for the following: 

When the picklist "DAO_Step__c" = Max Sort

the following number fields are required in order to save the record and must not be left blank: 


I have a picklist which gives the option to select an object (contact, lead, account, etc).  I have a second and third picklist which allow you to pick a field (depending on the object selected in the previous picklist). 

The object picklist has an action support tag which updates the field picklist when the object picklist is updated, this works great.

 <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="picklist1" />

What i would like is to have 2 field picklists, both of which are updated depending on the object picklist being changed.  Something like...

 <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="picklist1; picklist2" />

Any input would be appreciated.  Thank you :)

CalEvent calEvent = (CalEvent) JSON.deserialize(calEventJson,  Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.class);
        System.debug('OGDEBUG TDU calEventJson '+calEventJson);
        System.debug('OGDEBUG TDU updateTechnicianCalEvent calEvent.startTime '+ calEvent.startTime + ' calEvent.endTime '+calEvent.endTime);
15:13:56.110 (110381617)|USER_DEBUG|[185]|DEBUG|OGDEBUG TDU calEventJson {"id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","title":"WO-00018602 New College of Florida","allDay":false,"startTime":"2015-07-27T00:00:00.000","endTime":"2015-07-27T01:00:00.000","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","description":"Perform PM visit as detailed on supplied spreadsheet. Check service office's documentation for equipment list.  Contact dispatcher at Help Desk with any questions.  For damaged equipment please specify the following:\n\n* Room Name:\n* Manufacturer:\n* Model:\n* Serial No.:\n* Problem: \n\nROOMS TO COVER:\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - Carriage House\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - CHL 214\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - CHL 221"}
15:13:56.110 (110393767)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[185]|System.debug(ANY)
15:13:56.110 (110398648)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[186]
15:13:56.110 (110405457)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:56
15:13:56.110 (110440565)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_startTime()
15:13:56.110 (110524168)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|this|{"allDay":false,"description":"Perform PM visit as  (429 more) ...","endTime":"2015-07-27T05:00:00.000Z","id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","startTime":"2015-07-27T04:00:00.000Z","title":"WO-00018602 New Coll (14 more) ..."}|0x7f615512
15:13:56.110 (110541459)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_startTime()
15:13:56.110 (110580245)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110604337)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:19
15:13:56.110 (110618624)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110625066)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:18
15:13:56.110 (110637197)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_endTime()
15:13:56.110 (110699785)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|this|{"allDay":false,"description":"Perform PM visit as  (429 more) ...","endTime":"2015-07-27T05:00:00.000Z","id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","startTime":"2015-07-27T04:00:00.000Z","title":"WO-00018602 New Coll (14 more) ..."}|0x7f615512
15:13:56.110 (110715668)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_endTime()
15:13:56.110 (110734393)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110745849)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:19
15:13:56.110 (110758709)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110774872)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:112
15:13:56.110 (110785310)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|System.debug(ANY)
15:13:56.110 (110791126)|USER_DEBUG|[186]|DEBUG|OGDEBUG TDU updateTechnicianCalEvent calEvent.startTime 2015-07-27 04:00:00 calEvent.endTime 2015-07-27 05:00:00
15:13:56.110 (110796707)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|System.debug(ANY)

You can see from the above log output that the json being passed in are correct:
However after calling JSON.deserialize time is added onto them (4 hours)
calEvent.startTime 2015-07-27 04:00:00
calEvent.endTime 2015-07-27 05:00:00

Why is this and how can I prevent against this?
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 001o000000YgPyRAAV; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country from the list of valid countries.: Shipping Country: [ShippingCountry]

this is the one that updates contacts mailing address when the account shipping address is changed. 
Hello developers,

I have a text field test__c on an object TestObject__c. This filed has values seperated by commas (a,b,c,d). In my apex class, I would like to pass these values into a list TestList. Can someone please provide me with the correct syntax?

  • January 21, 2015
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Hi Everyone,

Not sure if I am doing this right. I would like to get your opinion. I am looking to use the batch schedule to go out and look at all my active campaigns that have a end date of today and deactivate them. I have tried to use a workflow for this with no success, so this is what I have.

global class DeactivateCampaignBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{

   //Start Method
   global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ 
       String Query = 'SELECT EndDate FROM Campaign WHERE Campaign.EndDate=Today()';
       return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

   //Execute Logic
   global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
    List<Campaign> acamps;
        acamps = [SELECT Id
                 FROM Campaign 
                 WHERE IsActive = true
                 limit 100];

   for(sObject s : scope){Campaign c = (Campaign)s;
        if(c.IsActive = true){

    update acamps;

   global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

I get an error on line 6 saying incorrect token: '('.

Please Help!!!
I'm trying to avoid getting a "Too many SOQL queries" -error in a trigger I'm writing.  Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can remove the queries from for-loop within the trigger below using maps or something else? Thank you in advance for your help!

Here's my code:

trigger UpdateEventDescription on Event (before insert, before update)
Map<Id, User> usersMap = new Map<Id, User>([SELECT Cost_Center__c FROM User WHERE IsActive = true]);
private String iwEmailAddress;
private String bdcEmailAddress;

    if (trigger.isInsert)
     for (Event e: Trigger.new)
         String descrip = e.Description;
         String ownCC = usersMap.get(e.OwnerId).Cost_Center__c;
         if(e.Email_Description_to_BDC__c || e.Email_Description_to_IW__c)//if either checkbox (Email_Description_to_BDC__c or e.Email_Description_to_IW__c) is are checked, proceed
          if(e.Email_Description_to_BDC__c && ownCC != '' && ownCC != null)
           //Retrieve the BDC-users email address based on the event-owner's cost center
           bdcEmailAddress = [SELECT Cost_Center__c, Email FROM User WHERE Cost_Center__c =:ownCC AND (ProfileId = '1234' OR ProfileId = '1234') LIMIT 1].Email;  //is there a way to removed this from the for loop so that I can avoid the too many queries error?
          if(e.Email_Description_to_IW__c && ownCC != '' && ownCC != null)
           //Retrieve the IW-users email address based on the event-owner's cost center
           iwEmailAddress =  [SELECT Cost_Center__c, Email FROM User WHERE Cost_Center__c =:ownCC AND (ProfileId = '5678' OR ProfileId = '8940') LIMIT 1].Email;
          //Will add code here to update the description
I got this trigger with some help, now I tried to run a test got 0 coverage, please help. When a Pint's field Semi-monthly check box is checked, a new pint is generated.


trigger SemiMonthly on Pint__c (after update) {
    List<Pint__c> pints = new List<Pint__c>();
   for (Pint__c p : Trigger.new) {
           if (p.Semi_Monthly__c == true ) {
               Pint__c newPint = new Pint__c();
               newPint.Account__c = p.Account__c;                
   if(pints.size() > 0) insert pints;


public class TestSemiMonthly {
    static testMethod void insertNewPint() {
       Pint__c PintToCreate = new Pint__c();
PintToCreate.Account__c = 'ABC';
insert PintToCreate;
I have created apex classes and triggers on my developer account.

How can I make these become part of an app that can be deployed to the AppExchange?

That is, how can I share these apex classes/triggers with other salesforce users (accounts)? - besides literally copying the code without any confidentiality.

Are Salesforce apps made using external IDEs? (e.g. .Net development would be using the DeveloperForce.Force nuget package)

Hi folks,
      Can anyone tell me how to create multiple object dynamically??
like Book__c b1=new Book__c();   (b2,b3 and etc)

Thanks in advance
I have a lead conversion process and I want to change the name of one of my record types. When I change it from my record type list-  it causes the apex class to return errors. How do I change the record type name within my apex class coding. I used the search magnifying glass icon to look up instances of the old name in the apex class and replaced with the new name but this does not seem to be working. 

Can anyone offer any advice here. i am at the beginning stages of learning to code with APEX.



I have a subclass wrapper that I use to populate a pageblocktable on the VF page.  When I take action on the row I am able to pass the row id to the controller and do some work that I need to do. 

The problem is I know want to update the row on the table with data.  I think I need to get the wrapper class row and update it and my action refreshes the pageblocktable so I think it should refresh and show the change.  The problem is I am having trouble figuring out how to use my wrapper class list and get to the specific related row so I can update the field level data in the wrapper class record.  

Since it is a list I am not certain I can do this.  Any idea on this would be helpful.
i want to insert records through apex batch class in an object having auto number field for one column in the object

i am getting the below error message
First error: Insert failed. First exception on row 0 with id a049000000EoeVXAAZ; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, cannot specify Id in an insert call: [Id]

below is my batch apex code:
global class batchapexexample implements Database.Batchable<sObject>
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        String query = 'SELECT  Account__c,templ__c,Amount__c  FROM Balances__c';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<balances__c>scope)
      insert scope;
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)

  • July 14, 2014
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I have a formula for a custom field on a custom object that uses "ISBLANK" to set a field differently based on whether or not the field is set.

However, I also want users to be able to modify the same record at a later time.  At that point, I do not want that exact logic, or at least I want to make sure it bhaves slightly differently.  When I tried to use ISNEW in the original formula, it gave me an error: "Function ISNEW may not be used in this type of formula".

So I am not sure how to accomplish what I want.

If ISNEW would work here, I think the logic is pretty straightforward.

Is there a way to make the formula use an Apex method?

What is the difference between the inputHidden value and outputHidden value


What is the meaning of cache="true" sidebar="false" in VF PAGE



I have requirement to parse only Month and year from exisiting Date field. I have got formula for month (below) but how to add Year in the formula? Please help

MONTH(FirstRespondedDate ),
  1, "January",
  2, "February",
  3, "March",
  4, "Apr",
  5, "May",
  6, "June",
  7, "July",
  8, "August",
  9, "September",
  10, "October",
  11, "November",

In an opportunity, when the Stage = Conversion, the Alt__c picklist field must be required. 

Any idea on a quick validation rule for this one? 


Hello everyone,

Looking for a validation rule for the following: 

When the picklist "DAO_Step__c" = Max Sort

the following number fields are required in order to save the record and must not be left blank: 


I have a search field exposed on our public site.
apex:page > <form action="/search/SmartSearch" method="get"> <input id="phSearchInput" type="text" name="str"/> <input type="submit" value="Search"/> </form> </apex:page>

It's returning results to users logged in, however for public users it results in an error page.

I'm not sure what I need to add to make the results show up for visitors to our public site.

This is for non-authenticated, non-Community access.
I'm trying to figure out how to update a field on a custom object, "Vendor Products", when an opportunity is closed. There is a lookup field on the opportunity that attaches it to the Vendor Product and the opportunities show up on a related list on the Vendor Product object. Is there an effective way to do this?
I've seen a lot of frustration around sending automated emails to various contact roles both in Contracts and Opportunities.  It seems like one of the leading soluions is to create a custom field and populate it via apex with the appropriate contact role.  But what about if you have multiple contact roles that fit the criteria?  For example, I may have multiple "Install Contacts" on a contract that I would want to get the same email.  How can I automate this?  Via a Trigger?

Prior to Winter '16 the lead conversion page would properly display error messages that contain HTML if you called sObject.addError() with the escape parameter set to false, but this was broken with the new release.  This breaks some of the functionality of one of our products and impacts quite a few of our customers.

I don't see this as an existing known issue, could some look into this and create a known issue and possible ETA for a fix?
  • October 15, 2015
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  • 1
We've received the following email for a developer script exception:

"Subject: Undeliverable: Developer script exception from Tripp Lite : Case_Product_Filler : Case_Product_Filler: execution of BeforeUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 5003800000hQp5vAAC; first error: FIELD_CUS...

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
The e-mail address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the recipient's e-mail address and try to resend the message. If the problem continues, please contact your helpdesk."

The email referenced in the error message (nvajor@tripplite.com) is no longer an active user/employee.  We're trying to figure out where this can be changed/removed so that the emails don't persist.

It doesn't seem to be included in the trigger.  Where would we go to modify this information?

Thank you.
  • October 15, 2015
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I have a picklist which gives the option to select an object (contact, lead, account, etc).  I have a second and third picklist which allow you to pick a field (depending on the object selected in the previous picklist). 

The object picklist has an action support tag which updates the field picklist when the object picklist is updated, this works great.

 <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="picklist1" />

What i would like is to have 2 field picklists, both of which are updated depending on the object picklist being changed.  Something like...

 <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="picklist1; picklist2" />

Any input would be appreciated.  Thank you :)

I have this situation is it possible to know when a user is added to a queue, Once the user is added onto queue.
Would like to have field update based on the user adiition to user queue.

Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
<apex:dataTable value="{! Quote.QuoteLineItems }" var="line" rowClasses="odd,even" columnClasses="columnBorders" headerClass="dataTableHeader" cellpadding="5px" cellspacing="0" >
<apex:column styleClass="firstColumn" headerValue="Product" value="{! line.Product2.Name }" />
<apex:column headerValue="Description" value="{! line.Description__c }" />
<apex:column styleClass="rightAlignColumn" headerValue="Quantity" value="{! line.Quantity }" />
<apex:column styleClass="rightAlignColumn" headerValue="Unit Price" value="{! line.UnitPrice }" />
<apex:column styleClass="totalsColumn" headerValue="Total Price" value="{! line.TotalPrice }" />
There is a standard field on QuoteLineItem called SortOrder that I'd like to sort this by.

Any help would be great!
When I click on my name button in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select "Developer Console", I only see the Logs, View State, Progress and Problems tabs.  Does anyone know why this is the case?  I'm marked as an "Admin" within user management, we also have the professional edition of Salesforce.com.  
My requirement was Latest opportunity name should be displayed in account object custom field.

Getting null pointer exception when I delete the opportunity for the Account. How do we handle this error.

Class :

public class OppAccUpdate
  public void oppupdate(List<opportunity> oplist)
    set<id> accid = new set<id>();
   // List<Account> acctoUpdate= new List<Account>();
   Map<id,Account> mapaccounts = new Map<id,Account>();
    for(opportunity opp:oplist)
    List<Account> acc =[select id, oppname__c,(select id, name from opportunities order by createddate) from Account where id in:accid];
    system.debug('****Thesize of account***'+acc.size());
    system.debug('****The oppname***'+acc[0].oppname__c);
    system.debug('****The opportunity***'+acc[0].opportunities);
    for(Account a:acc)
       for(opportunity o:a.Opportunities)
          if(a.oppname__c==null || (a.oppname__c!=o.Name))
          system.debug('***inside for loop***'+ a.oppname__c);
          system.debug('***inside for loop111***'+ o.name);
          a.oppname__c = o.Name;
         // acctoUpdate.add(a);
    update  mapaccounts.values();



trigger oppaccupdate on Opportunity (after insert, After update, After delete) 
     Opportunity[] opp = trigger.new;
     if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isAfter)
       OppAccUpdate ou = new OppAccUpdate();
      if(trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isAfter)
       OppAccUpdate ou = new OppAccUpdate();
      if(trigger.isDelete || trigger.isAfter)
       Opportunity[] opp1 = trigger.old;
       OppAccUpdate ou = new OppAccUpdate();
CalEvent calEvent = (CalEvent) JSON.deserialize(calEventJson,  Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.class);
        System.debug('OGDEBUG TDU calEventJson '+calEventJson);
        System.debug('OGDEBUG TDU updateTechnicianCalEvent calEvent.startTime '+ calEvent.startTime + ' calEvent.endTime '+calEvent.endTime);
15:13:56.110 (110381617)|USER_DEBUG|[185]|DEBUG|OGDEBUG TDU calEventJson {"id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","title":"WO-00018602 New College of Florida","allDay":false,"startTime":"2015-07-27T00:00:00.000","endTime":"2015-07-27T01:00:00.000","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","description":"Perform PM visit as detailed on supplied spreadsheet. Check service office's documentation for equipment list.  Contact dispatcher at Help Desk with any questions.  For damaged equipment please specify the following:\n\n* Room Name:\n* Manufacturer:\n* Model:\n* Serial No.:\n* Problem: \n\nROOMS TO COVER:\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - Carriage House\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - CHL 214\n\nNew College of Florida - Sarasota Fl - CHL 221"}
15:13:56.110 (110393767)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[185]|System.debug(ANY)
15:13:56.110 (110398648)|STATEMENT_EXECUTE|[186]
15:13:56.110 (110405457)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:56
15:13:56.110 (110440565)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_startTime()
15:13:56.110 (110524168)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|this|{"allDay":false,"description":"Perform PM visit as  (429 more) ...","endTime":"2015-07-27T05:00:00.000Z","id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","startTime":"2015-07-27T04:00:00.000Z","title":"WO-00018602 New Coll (14 more) ..."}|0x7f615512
15:13:56.110 (110541459)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_startTime()
15:13:56.110 (110580245)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110604337)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:19
15:13:56.110 (110618624)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110625066)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:18
15:13:56.110 (110637197)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_endTime()
15:13:56.110 (110699785)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[-1]|this|{"allDay":false,"description":"Perform PM visit as  (429 more) ...","endTime":"2015-07-27T05:00:00.000Z","id":"a2M40000000RQeLEAW","ownerId":"00540000002kHeXAAU","startTime":"2015-07-27T04:00:00.000Z","title":"WO-00018602 New Coll (14 more) ..."}|0x7f615512
15:13:56.110 (110715668)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|Technician_Dispatch_Util.CalEvent.__sfdc_endTime()
15:13:56.110 (110734393)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110745849)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:19
15:13:56.110 (110758709)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|String.valueOf(Object)
15:13:56.110 (110774872)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[186]|Bytes:112
15:13:56.110 (110785310)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[186]|System.debug(ANY)
15:13:56.110 (110791126)|USER_DEBUG|[186]|DEBUG|OGDEBUG TDU updateTechnicianCalEvent calEvent.startTime 2015-07-27 04:00:00 calEvent.endTime 2015-07-27 05:00:00
15:13:56.110 (110796707)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[186]|System.debug(ANY)

You can see from the above log output that the json being passed in are correct:
However after calling JSON.deserialize time is added onto them (4 hours)
calEvent.startTime 2015-07-27 04:00:00
calEvent.endTime 2015-07-27 05:00:00

Why is this and how can I prevent against this?
Dear All,

We have created bunch of APEX REST API's (for data integration like creating Cases, adding attachments etc) in one of my clients org. And now we need to access these API's from external system (Java).

We are planning to use customer portal Url, user details to get access token and access those API's. In order to get access token we need "security token"  of that user but for customer portal users we cannot get "security token". So that now we are unable to access those API's using customer portal user.

Please let us know is it possible to access salesforce Apex REST API's using customer portal user logins.

Thanks in advance!!
Hello Everyone,

I think except for standard and custom objects we can not reuse the salesforce listview component. i have some set of records from a web service call which i have to show in a listview. Since not to miss the salesforce listview with pagination and other features, i have planned to use listview of salesforce with standardsetcontroller. But unfortunately sales force can show only the data of existing standard and custom objects only. What if the data is temporary and just required to be shown  to the user, where he can make his selections and then proceed. To do this do i need to create a listview using all the visualforce coding, handling the pagination. can not i use the salesforce listview to show data with out custom or standard objects?
