• Pavithra Gajendra
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  • Member since 2014

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I want to forward all the mails recieved to a particular mail to Salesforce , Email to salesforce mail id . How can I get the verification code for setting up email to salesforce in GMAIL?
In Hybrid app I want to query from smartstore based on 2 different conditions dynamically. Tired the below, but didn't work for me
var querySpec = navigator.smartstore.buildSmartQuerySpec(""SELECT * FROM {MONTH_OBJECT} WHERE {MONTH_OBJECT:Month} ='"+ month+"'"+ "AND {MONTH__OBJECT:Date} ='"+date+"'", 1);
navigator.smartstore.runSmartQuery(querySpec, function(cursor) { 

How to write a smart sql query for more than 1 condition? 
When records are created in offline mode of mobile and those records are synced with salesforce by webservices when device is online . On response its creating duplicate records in mobile data . Smartstore is used for data storage and soup methods for all DML operations .
When records are created in offline mode of mobile and those records are synced with salesforce by webservices when device is online . On response its creating duplicate records in mobile data . Smartstore is used for data storage and soup methods for all DML operations .