• Kumar Gaurav 4
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ByMistake I have archieved one product record, how I can restore it . It is not allwoing me to recreate as there is a external Id associated with it.
Failed: Configuration Error/Perm Disabled,
I am using Heroku Axiom to simulate Single Sign on, it works on my development org, but when I am trying same thing in sanbox its giving "Failed: Configuration Error/Perm Disabled" this error.

Any help will be appreciated.
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Day_of_the_Week__c' is not reporting the correct day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)

I created the field on the Contact object  per the requirements and created the formula to return a text field with the day of the for "today". I tested my formula and it works but it does not pass the check challenge. The formula I am using is:
CASE(MOD(Today()- DATE(1900,1,7), 7), 0, 'Sunday', 1, 'Monday',2,'Tuesday',3,'Wednesday',4,'Thursday',5,'Friday',6,'Friday','error')

ByMistake I have archieved one product record, how I can restore it . It is not allwoing me to recreate as there is a external Id associated with it.
Failed: Configuration Error/Perm Disabled,
I am using Heroku Axiom to simulate Single Sign on, it works on my development org, but when I am trying same thing in sanbox its giving "Failed: Configuration Error/Perm Disabled" this error.

Any help will be appreciated.

how to convert the datetime field to salesforce datetime like 'yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'hh:mm:ss\'Z\''. this format i am write code like this.

       DateFormat BSD;

        DateFormat BSD = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'hh:mm:ss\'Z\'');                               



i need  DateTime  yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'hh:mm:ss\'Z\''   this  formate pls help me.........


  • January 07, 2012
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