• Rob Waibel Jr
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  • Shasta Industries

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Today, my application (Visual Studios 2012, vb.net, windows Application) started giving me this error:
Element {urn:enterprise.soap.sforce.com}city invalid at this location
I am attempting to update the Account sObject.  My initial query is:
SELECT Account_ID_Full_18_Digits__c,Aged_As_Of__c,Balance_Due__c,CreatedById,Credit_Limit__c,Credit_Message__c,Current_AS400__c,Date_First_Invoice__c,Date_Last_Invoice__c,Id,Invoiced_LYTD__c,Invoiced_LY__c,Invoiced_YTD__c,JDE_Number__c,Last_Paid_Amt__c,X1_30__c,X31_60__c,X61_90__c,X91_120__c,X120__c FROM Account WHERE ID= '{SalesFourceID}'
I am getting a record.  I update the fields as required then run update(New sForce.Account() {Acct}) it always returns the error.

Please Help!
I have the following query:
SELECT AccountId,Account.JDE_Number__c, SUM(Rollover_Points__c) FROM Contact
WHERE No_Longer_w_Account__c = false AND Rollover_Points__c > 0 Group By AccountID,Account.JDE_Number__c
I am using soap to connect to Sales force, I want to fill a QueryResult with teh results of this qury and place it in a .NET datatable.

We updated our enterprise.wsdl file.  I downloaded it from Salesforce and added it to my web application.  However, the resource.vb file did not get created thus I have teh ListViewRecordColumn[][] error.  I know I can fix it in the Resource.vb file but alas I don't have one.

Any Ideas?
I have a greast summary query returning exaclty the information I need:
SELECT AccountId,SUM(Rollover_Points__c) FROM Contact WHERE No_Longer_w_Account__c = false AND Rollover_Points__c > 0 Group By AccountID
I open it  with a QueryResult objext (this works):
Dim qr As sForce.QueryResult = New sForce.QueryResult
            qr = SS.query(sSQL)
I want to review each record (as sObject) and place the values in my own datatable:
If qr.records.Count > 0 Then
                For Each Record In qr.records
                    nRow = DT.NewRow
                    nRow("AccountID") = Record("AccountID")
                    nRow("TotaRollOver") = Record("Unknown_Field__1")
            End If
Record("AccountID") and Record("Unknown_Field__1") are not working.

I have my WSDL loaded and am able to query the Account and Contact tables.  The next step required is Adding new accounts including Billing and Ship to addresses, as well as 1 to 3 contacts to an account.  I have been looking for examples but nothing works so far. 
so far I Create a new account object:
  dim Account as sForce.Account = New sForce.Account
I then populate the Account.
how do I "create" the Account in sales force?
I tried:
     Dim srAccount As sForce.SaveResult
     srAccount = ss.create(New sForce.sObject() {Account})
Any help would be appriciated.
I am using Visual Studios 2012, SF 36, VB.net.
I have added my enterprise wdsl to my local ASP.NET web site and when I attempt to log in, I get the following error:

Cannot convert type 'sForce.ListViewRecordColumn[]' to 'sForce.ListViewRecordColumn' error CS0030

I found a post that says to edit the resource.vb file except I dont have one.
Missing Resource.vb file
Any and all help would be appriciated.
I have the following query:
SELECT AccountId,Account.JDE_Number__c, SUM(Rollover_Points__c) FROM Contact
WHERE No_Longer_w_Account__c = false AND Rollover_Points__c > 0 Group By AccountID,Account.JDE_Number__c
I am using soap to connect to Sales force, I want to fill a QueryResult with teh results of this qury and place it in a .NET datatable.

We updated our enterprise.wsdl file.  I downloaded it from Salesforce and added it to my web application.  However, the resource.vb file did not get created thus I have teh ListViewRecordColumn[][] error.  I know I can fix it in the Resource.vb file but alas I don't have one.

Any Ideas?
I have a greast summary query returning exaclty the information I need:
SELECT AccountId,SUM(Rollover_Points__c) FROM Contact WHERE No_Longer_w_Account__c = false AND Rollover_Points__c > 0 Group By AccountID
I open it  with a QueryResult objext (this works):
Dim qr As sForce.QueryResult = New sForce.QueryResult
            qr = SS.query(sSQL)
I want to review each record (as sObject) and place the values in my own datatable:
If qr.records.Count > 0 Then
                For Each Record In qr.records
                    nRow = DT.NewRow
                    nRow("AccountID") = Record("AccountID")
                    nRow("TotaRollOver") = Record("Unknown_Field__1")
            End If
Record("AccountID") and Record("Unknown_Field__1") are not working.

I have my WSDL loaded and am able to query the Account and Contact tables.  The next step required is Adding new accounts including Billing and Ship to addresses, as well as 1 to 3 contacts to an account.  I have been looking for examples but nothing works so far. 
so far I Create a new account object:
  dim Account as sForce.Account = New sForce.Account
I then populate the Account.
how do I "create" the Account in sales force?
I tried:
     Dim srAccount As sForce.SaveResult
     srAccount = ss.create(New sForce.sObject() {Account})
Any help would be appriciated.
I am using Visual Studios 2012, SF 36, VB.net.
I have added my enterprise wdsl to my local ASP.NET web site and when I attempt to log in, I get the following error:

Cannot convert type 'sForce.ListViewRecordColumn[]' to 'sForce.ListViewRecordColumn' error CS0030

I found a post that says to edit the resource.vb file except I dont have one.
Missing Resource.vb file
Any and all help would be appriciated.
After Winter release we encountered an issue for our .Net integration related to Soap API schema WSDL.
It is a known issue with the XML serialization class from .NET Framework all versions. The XMLSerializer code generation component cannot handle the XSD definitions that have only one element and the occurrence of the element is unbounded.
This is the case with the newly introduced classes ListViewRecord and ListViewRecordColumn from Salesforce API 32.0.
We had to manually modify the schema and altered the constructors for those 2 classes mentioned above by adding an extra dummy attribute.
This way the XMLSerializer code generator will use the proper XmlSerialization attributes for the constructor.

There should be a way to update WSDL from Salesforce to support .Net integration without manually update

Thank you! 



I an new to SalesForce. Is there an instruction for .ASPX pages of how to connect to SalesForce?  and a .aspx test page?






I an new to SalesForce. Is there an instruction for .ASPX pages of how to connect to SalesForce?  and a .aspx test page?


