• Joel Mallo
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Hello Community, 

I currently have contacts within salesforce that I will be calling from an external dialer. When I select a disposition to each call within the dialer, I would like the contact's picklist within salesforce to be updated based on the selected dispostion of the dialer. My picklist options in salesforce basically mirror the dispositions within the dialer, however, I don't know where to get the API informaton for salesforce, to provide to the developers of the dialing solution, so that they can get the dialer to update that inforation within salesforce via the api. I did find the picklist API name, but I dont' know what else I need to do or provide for this function to work propertly. 

I thank you in advance for your time. 
Hi There, 

I have a lead provider who wants to post data to me on leads via HTTP Post, however, I don't know the easiest way of doing this. I'm not a develper myself and don't know the easiest way of doing this.  I do have all the posting variables from the lead provider and have those fields created in my salesforce account, however, I don't know the easiest way of creating the posting url to provide him and test delivery. Any help will be much appreciated. 
Hi There, 

I have a lead provider who wants to post data to me on leads via HTTP Post, however, I don't know the easiest way of doing this. I'm not a develper myself and don't know the easiest way of doing this.  I do have all the posting variables from the lead provider and have those fields created in my salesforce account, however, I don't know the easiest way of creating the posting url to provide him and test delivery. Any help will be much appreciated.