• Aphinya Phansawang
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  • Member since 2014

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Hi All,

I'm developing webhook integration with Salesfroce using site.com work around.
I redirect webhook requst url to salesforce site and use controller to get POST parameters.

I use command below to get POST parameters.
MAP<string, string> params = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters();
for (string paramname : params.keySet() )
 body += paramname + '=' + params.get(paramname) + '\n';
if (body.endsWith('=\n')) {
 body = body.substring(0,body.length()-2);
The command above working find for normal string value but I have problem when try to get data of pdf file that send as binary data.
I can get only file name and file type, cannot get file content.

Below is results of the code above.

Have any one have a work around to get the raw body of POST request or get the file content that send via POST request.

Thank you,



I try to convert decimal value: 2152412850.50 to integer by using intValue() method but this method return -2142554446.
It happen for some value only. Is there any way to fix this problem or work around to convert decimal value to integer.

Hello, I am new here and I am having some difficulties.
I need to build shop that sells items to the end customers.
My data model is :
1. custom objects: Customers, fields: user name, phone and email.
2. Items, fields:name, count, price and image.
3. Reservation, fields : master-detail to items, master-detail to customers and a date.

As it now, I am able to make a reservation just for 1 item to 1 customer. I need to to make it that customer will be able to buy more than 1 item.
What changes I need to do for that ?

Thank You!

I try to convert decimal value: 2152412850.50 to integer by using intValue() method but this method return -2142554446.
It happen for some value only. Is there any way to fix this problem or work around to convert decimal value to integer.


iam having the following issue in dynamic binding of event for commandLink object and getting the above error.

the google search does not return any result on this, please help!. Thanks.





public Component.Apex.OutputPanel getCreateDynamicLinkButton(){

Component.Apex.OutputPanel dynOutPanel= new Component.Apex.OutputPanel();

Component.Apex.commandLink cmd = new Component.Apex.commandLink();

ApexPages.Action cEvent = new ApexPages.Action('{!clickMe}');
cmd.action = cEvent ;
cmd.value = 'Click Me';

return dynOutPanel;


public void clickMe(){
