• Scott Spilker
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  • Member since 2014

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I have embedded a visualflow in my visualforce page, but it looks terrible.  How do I align the width of all input fields and add spacing between the inputs?  Thanks!

User-added image

I am trying to create a case record using a visual workflow that presents the user with only the required fields.  At the end, I'm trying to get the workflow to redirect the user the the created case.  I found this blog post which seems easy enough but it is failing.  Can someone help?


My visualforce page is the following:  
<apex:page Controller="FlowRedirectController">
    <flow:interview name="RedirectFlow" interview="{!redirectTo}" finishLocation="{!finishLocation}" >
        <!-- This Parameter is *required!* -->
        <apex:param name="StartFlow" value="Data_Request_Flow" />
        Any Params you need to pass into your flow.
        <apex:param name="CaseId" value="{!CaseId}"/> 

My Apex Class is the following: 
Public class FlowRedirectController{

   Public Flow.Interview.RedirectFlow redirectTo {get; set;}
   public FlowRedirectController() {
       Map<String, Object> forTestingPurposes = new Map<String, Object>();
       redirectTo = new Flow.Interview.RedirectFlow(forTestingPurposes);

   Public PageReference getFinishLocation(){
       String finishLocation;
       if(redirectTo != null) {
           finishLocation = (string) redirectTo.getVariableValue('vFinishLocation');
       PageReference send = new PageReference('/' + finishLocation);
       return send;

My flow is called "Data_Request_Flow" and is Type=Flow.   

Whenever I navigate to the visualforce page, it errors out saying, "Interview not started 
An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. (Flow)"
It seems that only certain of our URL redirects are working in our KOA template community site.  If we try to redirect from an knowledge article that does not exist to a knowledge article that does exist, we are presented with our "Error - Something went wrong..." page.

What is the criteria for making a URL redirect work properly?  

I have it set up like this:
Redirect from: /s/article/Article-Name
Redirect to: /s/article/CorrectArticle

I'm new to writing test cases but this seems fairly straight forward.  I am starting with the following test case and am getting a "List has no rows for assignment to SObject" error when running this very simple test case.
public class ContactChart_Test {  
    static testMethod void findContact ()
           Id contId = [Select Id From Contact Limit 1 ].Id; 

Are there url parameters I can use to populate the "Company or Website" search box on the Data.com Find Accounts page?
I would like to pre-populate the search box on the Data.com Find Accounts screen.  Is there a URL parameter that I can use to do this?
Our customer portal accounts were created with 1 role in the role hierarchy.  How do I add more roles without actually disabling and re-enabling all accounts/customers users.  
After the Winter '16 upgrade, all of our Koa template modifications have been erased as described in the release notes.  Has anybody tried exporting their production site.com site and importing into a sandbox environment?  
We have set up a community site using the Koa template in Salesforce and are attempting to get Google to index the site. Our robots.txt file looks like this:
User-agent: * # applies to all robots
Allow: / # allow all
Allow: /s
Allow: /s/

We are still getting the error on Google "We were unable to verify your property... We were unable to connect to your server."

Our customers are receiving the following error in the Koa template when trying to post a case comment from the community.  It shows in a little white bar at the top of the community page.

"Uncaught error in actionCallback: this toggleMessages is not a function"
Our Koa template is blocking non-browser-based user agents and Google can't index our site.  The robots.txt file is set to open.  
I have embedded a visualflow in my visualforce page, but it looks terrible.  How do I align the width of all input fields and add spacing between the inputs?  Thanks!

User-added image

It seems that only certain of our URL redirects are working in our KOA template community site.  If we try to redirect from an knowledge article that does not exist to a knowledge article that does exist, we are presented with our "Error - Something went wrong..." page.

What is the criteria for making a URL redirect work properly?  

I have it set up like this:
Redirect from: /s/article/Article-Name
Redirect to: /s/article/CorrectArticle

I'm new to writing test cases but this seems fairly straight forward.  I am starting with the following test case and am getting a "List has no rows for assignment to SObject" error when running this very simple test case.
public class ContactChart_Test {  
    static testMethod void findContact ()
           Id contId = [Select Id From Contact Limit 1 ].Id; 

Are there url parameters I can use to populate the "Company or Website" search box on the Data.com Find Accounts page?
After the Winter '16 upgrade, all of our Koa template modifications have been erased as described in the release notes.  Has anybody tried exporting their production site.com site and importing into a sandbox environment?