• Jerrymol Varghese
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One of the opportunity rollup summary custom field of datatype currency is showing some decimal values like 0.000999... in database(means when we query it) but same rollup summary field is just showing a zero value in UI.
When we checked the formula behind this custom rollup summary field, it summing up all the opportunitylineitem's amount value which is again a custom field of datatype currency. And each product under this opportunity is just showing zero in backend and in UI.
Can you help us in understanding this behaviour of showing decimal values in rollup summary field?
This is impacting our day to day business as we have some logic in class which queries the same custom field and check whether it's value is zero, if it's zero do some action.But in backend since it is having some decimal values, if i look for zero value match it will never return any result.
Any help on this will be much appreciated.
One of the opportunity rollup summary custom field of datatype currency is showing some decimal values like 0.000999... in database(means when we query it) but same rollup summary field is just showing a zero value in UI.
When we checked the formula behind this custom rollup summary field, it summing up all the opportunitylineitem's amount value which is again a custom field of datatype currency. And each product under this opportunity is just showing zero in backend and in UI.
Can you help us in understanding this behaviour of showing decimal values in rollup summary field?
This is impacting our day to day business as we have some logic in class which queries the same custom field and check whether it's value is zero, if it's zero do some action.But in backend since it is having some decimal values, if i look for zero value match it will never return any result.
Any help on this will be much appreciated.