• udhayakumar thangaraju
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  • Member since 2015

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As per my understanding Opportunity reports show the records based on the Role Hierarchy. It has been working fine until summer 15 release. Now all of sudden all the users seeing other records which they should not see. Has anyone encountered the similar issue? Was there any change in Salesforce platform which could have caused this issue?
I see the following against each Apex class as well VF pages in UAT environment

Edit | Del | Security

However, in Production we are unable to see the Security Link for any of the apex classes or pages. is it something related to enabling some system permission or that is way it is designed? Please note that even the system Administators can't see it. As a result of this, we are forced to go to each profile and make the changes. This is time consuming task as we have more 75 profiles and two orgs as well. Has anyone encountered the same scenario?
I created a static resource called jsquery by uploading Jquery.js and then tried to include the static resource in VF as follows

<apex:page >   
<!--<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.jsquery, 'jquery-1.11.2.min.js')}"/>-->
    <apex:includeScript value="{$Resource.jsquery}"/>
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {           
            alert("Hello My Jquery is working!!!!"); 
    <a href="#">Test</a>

However, while executing the visualforce page, first alert is shown and second is not shown. Browser console says JQuery is not an object or null.

Can some help me to find out what is going wrong?