• Suryanarayanan Nagarajan 5
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Case Description:
I am trying to execute below query on 'Case' business object.

SELECT Id,CaseNumber,ContactId,Owner.Id,Owner.DeveloperName FROM Case

While executing above query we are getting below error

CaseNumber,ContactId,Owner.Id,Owner.DeveloperName FROM Case
ERROR at Row:1:Column:41
No such column 'DeveloperName' on entity 'Name'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

Note that 'Case' has relationship name as 'Owner' and this relationship has a reference to 'User' and 'Group'. Group object has a built in field 'DeveloperName'. User build does not have 'DeveloperName' field.

I suspect that this might be happing because of multiple references (Group, User) on 'OwnerId' field and Salesforce query engine may not be able to figure out how to derive Owner.DeveloperName value.

Is there way I can successfully execute above query?